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[ Events ] training ground


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-31 09:44:01Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-10-30 19:36:17
  • This event is meant to be an event to let low powers reach the sun scrolls cap. I honestly do not understand why some whales continue to take part in it.

I mean if you were in their shoes and you already did matsuri and want strange stones and bond scolls, would you take part? Remember, the holders of gold keys for them is people similar to them so they'll go after them as they go up the floors. The event is designed to farm sun coins and it just so happens that players that can't do bonds benefit the most.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-31 18:48:44Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-10-31 17:56:21
  • They are whales, they simply buy the assist scrolls during events and there is nothing in the grocery store that can't be bought with ingots somewhere else.

True but there's no barrier that limits them to participate. It's similar to people who continue to do ranked just so they can get a high score.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-10-31 18:52:02.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-31 22:03:52Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-10-31 20:28:20
  • Yep, sadly is not possible to avoid that some whale may be mean towards other players.

For training grounds, I don't see it that they are doing it to piss off players as more so getting strange stones and bond scrolls. For ranked, they are putting their ego over the need of others getting six paths.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-11-12 01:32:56Show All Posts
  • random1 On 2018-11-12 00:17:52
  • I keep getting strong and high level people so i gave up because if I cant win im not going to be able to get much. Maybe I have the right idea but i was under the impression that you need to be able to win battles to get stuff

All you need to do is beat at least two ninjas to get a key. I'm sure there are a lot of players weaker than you, unless you happen to be like them. Most of them will either have a silver or bronze key. There are some within gold but you have to know which one you recognize as not strong players as they tend to be gold for you. If you are having trouble with silver key holders, * with bronze. If you are having trouble leaving the first level, monsters will spawn so you can beat them. There should be no excuse for someone no to get any sun coins if they don't try. If you are not happy with the amount of sun coins you can get on average, get stronger.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-11-12 01:34:47.
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