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Wind Zenith never ceases to piss me off


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On 2018-10-30 08:26:14Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I don't know why I'm posting this thread. I guess I just want to see if other players notice how cancerous she is. I'm sure some people are going to tell me that if she's so cancerous, why don't I run her. I would if I actually had a wind main edo tobirama and kcm naruto team, but unfortunately the wind main has no synergy with those two ninjas

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On 2018-10-30 08:45:20Show this Author Only

Yeah well if it can make you feel better I got destroyed by Water main chaos cancer.

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On 2018-10-30 15:16:23Show this Author Only

Why does it matter what Ninjas you (don't) own? We are talking about Zenith.

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On 2018-10-30 18:37:46Show this Author Only

In zenith, objectively speaking, the strongest main by far is water main because has the upper hand in any low points ninja lineup you may use.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-10-30 18:39:26.
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On 2018-10-30 18:50:08Show this Author Only
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-10-30 18:37:46
  • In zenith, objectively speaking, the strongest main by far is water main because has the upper hand in any low points ninja lineup you may use.

If you know how to set up your teams, you can get 3/5 turns with you having the initative if running shark teams, which is useful for that team. I still see noobs using shark when I have initative.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-10-30 18:50:41.
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On 2018-10-30 19:41:33Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-10-30 18:50:08
  • If you know how to set up your teams, you can get 3/5 turns with you having the initative if running shark teams, which is useful for that team. I still see noobs using shark when I have initative.

Yep, but there are other options that work even better, depending on the enemy main.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-10-30 19:42:45.
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On 2018-10-30 20:16:42Show this Author Only
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On 2018-10-31 00:59:19Show this Author Only

Put in practice, if a water main has more initiative than you, it's over, unless you either have shark kisame or madara 5k, and lucky enough to get a chase to trigger the chakra swallow. Other than that, run root warrior lightning and hope for the best, i never done(and not interested) zenith.

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On 2018-10-31 07:53:02Show this Author Only

I want to do Zenith but it does not fit my work schedule. Unless they extend the schedule from 18:00-23:00 in order to give more time because it overlaps other events, then others might be able to participate in it as well.

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On 2018-10-31 09:49:30Show this Author Only
  • UchihaShay On 2018-10-31 00:59:19
  • Put in practice, if a water main has more initiative than you, it's over, unless you either have shark kisame or madara 5k, and lucky enough to get a chase to trigger the chakra swallow. Other than that, run root warrior lightning and hope for the best, i never done(and not interested) zenith.

If you are smart enough, you can counter that team so water main can't use shark on turn 2 but if you have the correct ninjas .

May I ask you a question? So far, the majority of people I asked who stopped/avoided zenith are whales, which is sad if they aren't confident in their own skills (based on their tone and opinions about the event). Keep in mind, this is not to insult them as there were whales I spoke that will plan to continue if they have time to. Also, this is not an invitation for f2ps to act smug that they can do something that whales aren't willing to do.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-10-31 09:53:21.
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On 2018-11-01 08:56:44Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-10-31 09:49:30
  • If you are smart enough, you can counter that team so water main can't use shark on turn 2 but if you have the correct ninjas .

    May I ask you a question? So far, the majority of people I asked who stopped/avoided zenith are whales, which is sad if they aren't confident in their own skills (based on their tone and opinions about the event). Keep in mind, this is not to insult them as there were whales I spoke that will plan to continue if they have time to. Also, this is not an invitation for f2ps to act smug that they can do something that whales aren't willing to do.

I'm a "whale", did Zenith last month but skipped it this month. Not because of the event itself (I find it pretty interesting, just like the draft mode on clash royale), but because of the time frame. I'm not going to skip Sage, GNW, or a ton of Sun Coins from 9 Tails to do Zenith, there are just so many other events at the same time, and the reward is generally not really worth it. (Plus I'm usually still working when it starts. But that a personal problem.) 3K coupons if you win all 8, but that is already hard enough to do while trying to squeeze it in between all the other events. In reality, the majority of people aren't getting that many wins. Plus having to make sure I have at least a 30+ minute window clear for each match is a lot to ask. If it ran the same time period as Bonds, I would probably do it every month. Otherwise unless I have a lot of free time, (i.e. get off work early) I'm skipping it. It's just an added stress that I don't really need for a potentially mediocre reward. In the same time I spend doing it, I could just work and then do the $100 recharge which has a higher guaranteed return.

This post was last edited by takosabi on 2018-11-01 08:58:28.
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On 2018-11-01 09:16:57Show this Author Only
  • takosabi On 2018-11-01 08:56:44
  • I'm a "whale", did Zenith last month but skipped it this month. Not because of the event itself (I find it pretty interesting, just like the draft mode on clash royale), but because of the time frame. I'm not going to skip Sage, GNW, or a ton of Sun Coins from 9 Tails to do Zenith, there are just so many other events at the same time, and the reward is generally not really worth it. (Plus I'm usually still working when it starts. But that a personal problem.) 3K coupons if you win all 8, but that is already hard enough to do while trying to squeeze it in between all the other events. In reality, the majority of people aren't getting that many wins. Plus having to make sure I have at least a 30+ minute window clear for each match is a lot to ask. If it ran the same time period as Bonds, I would probably do it every month. Otherwise unless I have a lot of free time, (i.e. get off work early) I'm skipping it. It's just an added stress that I don't really need for a potentially mediocre reward. In the same time I spend doing it, I could just work and then do the $100 recharge which has a higher guaranteed return.

Yeah time was an answer I got from people as well. I plan on skipping next month since I need a weekend due to the weekday events. The amount of people being able to get wins can increase if the amount of people get six paths can increase but that's another issue of the game.

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On 2018-11-01 10:45:59Show this Author Only
  • takosabi On 2018-11-01 08:56:44
  • I'm a "whale", did Zenith last month but skipped it this month. Not because of the event itself (I find it pretty interesting, just like the draft mode on clash royale), but because of the time frame. I'm not going to skip Sage, GNW, or a ton of Sun Coins from 9 Tails to do Zenith, there are just so many other events at the same time, and the reward is generally not really worth it. (Plus I'm usually still working when it starts. But that a personal problem.) 3K coupons if you win all 8, but that is already hard enough to do while trying to squeeze it in between all the other events. In reality, the majority of people aren't getting that many wins. Plus having to make sure I have at least a 30+ minute window clear for each match is a lot to ask. If it ran the same time period as Bonds, I would probably do it every month. Otherwise unless I have a lot of free time, (i.e. get off work early) I'm skipping it. It's just an added stress that I don't really need for a potentially mediocre reward. In the same time I spend doing it, I could just work and then do the $100 recharge which has a higher guaranteed return.


by being leader of my group in a not dead server the 1st day that came on saturday was a serious problem.

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