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[ Events ] Great (BAD) Plates


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  • Registered: 2018-04-14
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On 2018-10-19 18:11:07Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hello @Naruto Online Team.

I am certain that I speak for the vast majority of the player base when I will be discussing about this event in today's thread. Although in the past you did not pay attention to the forum complaints, or simply ignored them, I can't not talk about this, which used to be one of the best events, "Great Plates" , when you turned it into a really bad one. It almost benefits only the F2P player base, which is not bad, but for people that do want to spend into this, you turned it into a really bad event.

Not only did you nerf this event to the ground, but you also lowered the chance of landing on something useful at all.

Let's start with the beginnings:
- This event comes out, you give out 10 (kakashi anbu) / 5 (guy frags) / 4 (kushina frags) fragments for ninjas

- Protection Purification runes (which are very important and hard to come by, unless you get them from Groceries store)

- Stamina pots (again, hard to come by unless you get them from Lucky Board)

- Advanced refines



Then, several months down the line, we come to the monstrosity that we have at the moment, the only good thing in there being Advanced Threads.

Sooo, being hopeful, I decide to spend some coupons on it, to "try my luck".

This is the result:

bad plates

I paid 1k (I know it's not much, but just as a test) coupons, to get spammed with coins.

Not only did you lower the rate of landing on actual good things, you nerfed this event to the ground by removing 10/5/4 frags, for 1 frag. I know Shisui / Masked Man / Shark Kisame are expensive ninjas, but 1 fragment only, and really low chance to land on them? That's a slap in the face.

I'm not raging, and I won't be like other players "Uhhh this game *s, Oasis *s, bad events, I quit". No, I am not like that. However, I do feel like I have the right to critique your decision making when it comes to events, or their rewards, considering I've been playing this game since day 1 and I've gone through the ups and downs of this game before.

This post was last edited by LucianX on 2018-10-19 18:11:07.
  • Registered: 2018-04-14
  • Topics: 5
  • Posts: 17
On 2018-10-19 18:11:57Show All Posts

I've been completing those surveys for a couple of months now, I see no chance in the events.

Quicky Post

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