First you get us exited of having edo Minato in Konoha's Great Tree too. Then we see his sigle frag only in lv 6 tree. Good job Oasis. Good. Job. Indeed.
We never said he will be there as redeem-able reward. We do not share such information before events go online. We simple wanted everyone to know that we are updating Konoha Tree drop rewards.
Sorry for the confusion.
Good afternoon.
The free events are awsome like always, like plate event, cave event and even wishing lanterns.
The recharge event....a fighter its worth 600 US dollars? I think everyone lost the grasp from reality, even if i recharged 100 dollars (wich is some serious recharge for just a game) i would get nothing worth 100 dollars.
I've use all the surveys complaining for the latest tendency on using fukumaro 20k ingots/coupons to get full rewards and this recharge event of 30k ingots to get full rewards, its crazy, there are rents cheapier than this.
I've recharged every month a good amount of money but i see now that my surveys are useless, you just don't care about about this kind os complaints.
From now on, i am a free player, i will keep enjoying those free events but i won't even recharge jonin medal.
Good luck to those who can spend 600 dollars on this events...
Good afternoon.
The free events are awsome like always, like plate event, cave event and even wishing lanterns.
The recharge event....a fighter its worth 600 US dollars? I think everyone lost the grasp from reality, even if i recharged 100 dollars (wich is some serious recharge for just a game) i would get nothing worth 100 dollars.
I've use all the surveys complaining for the latest tendency on using fukumaro 20k ingots/coupons to get full rewards and this recharge event of 30k ingots to get full rewards, its crazy, there are rents cheapier than this.
I've recharged every month a good amount of money but i see now that my surveys are useless, you just don't care about about this kind os complaints.
From now on, i am a free player, i will keep enjoying those free events but i won't even recharge jonin medal.
Good luck to those who can spend 600 dollars on this events...
Well if anyone is willing to spend $600 on a single item most likely has a different sense of value in compared to someone who can spend $100.
Is there any way to increase max weekly sun scroll amount? Many players seem to easily hit max even before we got Training grounds.
Or at least increase amount of strange stones we get from sun(/moon) scrolls. Nowdays amount we keep getting seems small compared on amounts of scrolls used on them. Maybe then we'd have enough to use our strange stones. Thanks.
Is there any way to increase max weekly sun scroll amount? Many players seem to easily hit max even before we got Training grounds.
Or at least increase amount of strange stones we get from sun(/moon) scrolls. Nowdays amount we keep getting seems small compared on amounts of scrolls used on them. Maybe then we'd have enough to use our strange stones. Thanks.
Currently there are no plans for changes or updates to Sun and Moon Scrolls cap.
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