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GNW SR Confirmation


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On 2018-10-15 12:05:53Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So when GNW Treasure came out sometime afterwards, people were saying that when you hit 1k, the SRs from the treasure unlocks like normal Rares.

I already pulled 1 SR, so would that mean in say 40 more pulls (Where I will get a rare), it could be Madara or Naruto?

I know how it works in Kage, but from how people described this, it sounded like something very different. I'd like to know if that is how it works or not, cause I'd like to save for Edo Jin Treasures but if I can just get Madara or Naruto as if they was a rare, that'd change what I'd do.

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On 2018-10-15 12:43:50Show this Author Only

No, that's not how it works.

You get an SR roughly every 900-1300 pulls, once you get your first SR I believe you wont pull the same SR the next 1000, you'll instead pull the SR you don't have.

This post was last edited by Isoya on 2018-10-15 12:44:25.
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On 2018-10-15 12:46:55Show this Author Only
  • Isoya On 2018-10-15 12:43:50
  • No, that's not how it works.

    You get an SR roughly every 900-1300 pulls, once you get your first SR I believe you wont pull the same SR the next 1000, you'll instead pull the SR you don't have.

That is what I thought, but seeing posts that say otherwise :l

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On 2018-10-15 21:35:57Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-10-15 12:46:55
  • That is what I thought, but seeing posts that say otherwise :l

yep, works like kage treasure, exactly.

what they meant by saying so is that after you hit 900 every following 'draw by 10' you do may be one of the two super rares.

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On 2018-10-15 21:51:48Show this Author Only

Don't know when you actually get the chance to draw a SR but i got mine at exactly 950 pulls.

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On 2018-10-15 22:30:34Show this Author Only

I went today over 1k, and still no sign of super rare... also, after 1k still no Jinpachi

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On 2018-10-15 22:50:38Show this Author Only
  • ZmajChe On 2018-10-15 22:30:34
  • I went today over 1k, and still no sign of super rare... also, after 1k still no Jinpachi

Woah, so that's how it is. I got him like in 120th pull.

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On 2018-10-16 04:15:43Show this Author Only

After you pull your first super rare in general most players recieve their second gnw pull after another 900-1100 seals

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On 2018-10-16 05:24:12Show this Author Only

Thanks for the confirmation guys :p

I always knew it worked like Kage's, just saw some forum posts awhile back saying it changed or something.

Which had me really confused. Or their wording was just bad and I did mental gymnastics.

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On 2018-10-16 06:58:06Show this Author Only
  • ZmajChe On 2018-10-15 22:30:34
  • I went today over 1k, and still no sign of super rare... also, after 1k still no Jinpachi

Hehe in the same boat as u, no Jinpachi in sight ;-;

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On 2018-10-16 11:01:10Show this Author Only

I got my Madara at exactly 1K seal scrolls and my friend got his Kurama at 1070 seal scrolls. I got lucky with Jinpachi and got him on my 600th scroll rofl. I still don't have Mei though and I already have Ay 4th. QQ.

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On 2018-10-16 13:53:10Show this Author Only

I managed to Pull Bijuu Naruto at 1085 pulls @.@

Managed to get every Rare except for Ameyuri Ringo.

Though I did get Kushimaru as my first rare with Jinpachi as my 2nd with Mangetsu as my 3rd after that I did manage to get Edo Sasori after that :p

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On 2018-10-16 14:01:52Show this Author Only

My first was 1170, 2nd was around 1080 or so. If you get it at 1000 or less, consider yourself lucky. Most people are generally between 1050 and 1200 though.

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On 2018-10-16 20:54:49Show this Author Only
  • ZmajChe On 2018-10-15 22:30:34
  • I went today over 1k, and still no sign of super rare... also, after 1k still no Jinpachi

I'm on 1070 pulls in GNW :( no SR and no Jinpachi. Meanwhile, everyone in my group has Jinpachi but me Dx

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On 2018-10-17 11:52:10Show this Author Only

What it seems like to me is that before ~900-1200 pulls you chance for SR is 1 in 100,000, maybe less. Then I suspect after you "trigger" the SR unlock, your chance becomes the same as any other rare, until you get a SR.

This is how I think the mechanics works. For every 10 you pull, there is 1 guaranteed "good" pull which will reward a ninja from your current "pool" on 10-50 this ninja is from the non-rare pool. on pull 60 it is from the "rare" pool. Which of the ninjas from the pool you get is completely random. Once you have >900 pulls, then the SR is added to that rare pool. Those SR have an equal chance of being chosen as any other rare, but it seems like each time you "miss" the SR it gets added to your pool again. So, there are 10 Rare ninjas in GNW and 2 SR. So you chances at first are 2 in 12, then you r next 60 pull your chance is 4 in 14, 6 in 16, 8 in 18, once you get to ~1200, your chances are better than 50/50, but still not guaranteed. Once you get your first SR, then those ninja drop out of your rare pool again until you reach 1800 pulls. But, on every pull your other 9 cards have that super low chance of giving you a SR or the hashirama frags (which seem to be a lot higher chance than the SR).

Of course this is all just my theory, I could be completely wrong on the mechanics of it, but this seems like the most logical to me.

This post was last edited by Picklejuicy on 2018-10-17 11:52:40.
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