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susano kakashi


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-12 13:59:25Show All Posts

Isn't a bit too much 18+k for him? He isn't bad, but he is one of those characters that has little applications outside a few teams.

I would understand 10k, maybe even 12k... but i would never pay that much for a character so limited.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-15 05:48:34Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-10-15 00:32:52
  • Judging it based on how priced are in China since that is the only source you can base it on. You could also make the argument for edo tobirama since a few teams can utilize him to his full potential. Although the difference between the two ninjas is that kakashi is mainly support while edo tobi is mainly secondary damage. It could be minimum 15k but I don't think it will be priced low enough to your suggested price that other ninjas are priced at (shisui, minato, masked, etc.) Also, you should know by now that a ninjas' kit is not always is a primary factor in price. I mean why is hokage tsunade still over 25K? Last time 1st and 2nd hokages were present in treasure of the sages (about 1.5 year ago), they were priced similar and they were way out of meta. You also have the animation which can play a factor.

Well, edo tobirama is probably the strongest barrier ninja in our meta atm, at least for my power (280k). I would pick him 10 times over shisui.

As for tsunade, she is still the strongest group healer in GNW / bonds. In 1v1 she is quite bad, but her kit isn't really tuned for that.

Hashirama is still used in 9tails and his coming soon mutations will make him usable in pvp.

Tobirama has been mistreated since he got his SB, since we have never been able to get his will of fire +1 like for hashi, and he appeared in 1/10th of hashi's events.

I mean, you are totally right about the cool effect and the fact that this game has quite a record of bad pricing, but even if i would really like use kakashi for a few teams... none in 6-10 months will use him.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-15 15:25:06Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-10-15 10:30:16
  • Technically, he does through his bond skill. However, for the discussions, bond skills hasn't affected the prices so it doesn't really matter to bring it up. I mean Oasis could have easily raised the price of jonin minato but they didn't.

But a bond skill is still an important factor. No prices were increased due to the release of bonds. OG got their money putting bells coupons/ingots only on release, if you remember.

Still, as a ninja collector who is missing 8 ninjas, i will totally pass susanoo kakashi until he is put at 10-12k.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-16 00:41:31Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-10-15 18:52:41
  • I am aware of that but the hype behind jonin could have allow Oasis to raise its price but it hasn't. Bond should be a factor in price of the ninja but it hasn't. The prices of upgrading the bond skill is independent from the price of the ninja. It's up to the player to choose to upgrade the bond skill or not.

Increasing the price of jonin minato would have brought an unnecessary backlash on them, since it was a ninja that the community was waiting. They used the hype to sell bells at increased price for the first... 3? weeks.

We are going quite OT, anyway. Back about the original statement, i truly hope they would lower his price. He is a funny ninja with a funny interaction, nothing more. So, don't expect people to buy him at such price.

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