If I had to guess, Min 18k Max 25K (max is if in RNG events). Either way you should be fine with the amount you have.
Isn't a bit too much 18+k for him? He isn't bad, but he is one of those characters that has little applications outside a few teams.
I would understand 10k, maybe even 12k... but i would never pay that much for a character so limited.
Judging it ba
Last time I checked Edo Tobirama didn't have a barrier :P
Technically, he does through his bond skill. However, for the discussions, bond skills hasn't affected the prices so it doesn't really matter to bring it up. I mean Oasis could have easily raised the price of jonin minato but they didn't.
But a bond skill is still an important factor. No prices were increased due to the release of bonds. OG got their money putting bells coupons/ingots only on release, if you remember.
Still, as a ninja collector who is missing 8 ninjas, i will totally pass susanoo kakashi until he is put at 10-12k.
I am aware of that but the hype behind jonin could have allow Oasis to raise its price but it hasn't. Bond should be a factor in price of the ninja but it hasn't. The prices of upgrading the bond skill is independent from the price of the ninja. It's up to the player to choose to upgrade the bond skill or not.
Increasing the price of jonin minato would have brought an unnecessary backlash on them, since it was a ninja that the community was waiting. They used the hype to sell bells at increased price for the first... 3? weeks.
We are going quite OT, anyway. Back about the original statement, i truly hope they would lower his price. He is a funny ninja with a funny interaction, nothing more. So, don't expect people to buy him at such price.
Of course backlash would happen but stating that high demand can lead to a higher price and Oasis found another way through bells. The hype of his bond skill hasn't died in the lower leveled players. You can tell which players heavily rely on him as the other two ninjas don't work that great with him.
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