New clothing? Again ? We got a new cloth (this is youth) 2 weeks ago . You just don't get it and you never will . So...let me be clear
WE ARE NOT PREPARED FOR THIS . Couldn't care less for the new ninjas . Couldn't care less for being top 10 in my server .
But i do care when you mess up my planning . The last 5 clothings have appeared in events just twice . The fear of missing out is BIG
Cause of this im never gonna hit the 20k for Fuku deals as a f2p . Cause of this when a me
Anything more than a new cloth per 2 months is an abomination .
Exactly, I am a cloth collector and I'm always broke, it used to be one every other month, now a couple a month, it's nuts I still dont have the sports one and the rock lee outfit bollox
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