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[ Events ] New Event Cycle - October 11th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-10 22:04:15Show All Posts

New clothing? Again ? We got a new cloth (this is youth) 2 weeks ago . You just don't get it and you never will . So...let me be clear

WE ARE NOT PREPARED FOR THIS . Couldn't care less for the new ninjas . Couldn't care less for being top 10 in my server .

But i do care when you mess up my planning . The last 5 clothings have appeared in events just twice . The fear of missing out is BIG

Cause of this im never gonna hit the 20k for Fuku deals as a f2p . Cause of this when a meta ninja that i have 40/80 frags appears again , i won't be able to recruit them

Anything more than a new cloth per 2 months is an abomination .

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-11 04:39:48Show All Posts
  • DarthVader55 On 2018-10-10 22:36:34
  • Have to disagree with this, as a f2p myself and also on the top10 of my server i have to add a few things here:

    1. to get to the fuku deals for 20k is literally a nono for any f2p out there, the 4k coupons that can be saved a month have to go to power in that months best event you can find, if you wait more you will be prob go down being competitive.

    2. Being f2p in this game doesn't mean follow tier formations, you will never be able to have a top tier team as a f2p unless u are lucky with the wheels, focus in an stable formation is the way to go for a f2p that can stand against future tiers and actual ones.

    3. Clothes for a f2p? like hell, those should only be bought when really need it, as the initiative ones are, the rest just try to get some frags around and in months they will be completed, but never get em when they come out. what is +150 nin gonna change your team in any particular case, yes more power! like dam that´s nothing in the long run.

    4. There are more things to disagree just from what you have said, but im out of time, new updates is always cool, new ninjas always cool, new stuff is always a good thing because the game improves & to finish this, if you are a real f2p with experience you will know the stuff above, i'm 105k power btw so i do know my stuff.

Nope friend , you got it all wrong . I "know my stuff" aswell as f2p and always ALWAYS prioritized power over ninjas. This is why i have only 4 "event only" ninjas (Kushina red hot- Jonin Minato - Sailor Sakura for solo play purposes and Edo Deidara for GNW and SWB) and i'm sitting at 135k BP . But , is it a crime to want to recruit Shisui , especilly after i got Madara (Founder) as an SR ? (God knows i was praying to get Kurama for a f2p friendly lineup) . As for cloths , yeah , it is a bad resource management , i'll give you that , but i can't help it , clothing hunter here . All i'm saying is that before the release of Speed of Light cloth , the release schedule was like 1 cloth per 2 months which was perfect for me . As for top 10 , try to do that in my server (17) , where the top 10 average is 190k (top 6 are all whales over 200k) .

Apologies for my bad English


This post was last edited by ForTheShinobiAl on 2018-10-11 04:40:19.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 21
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On 2018-10-11 16:41:34Show All Posts

The new outfit in Lucky stars wheel is a joke . How many times are we gonna tell you that the only acceptable events for a new cloth to be are Missions,Lucky board,Great tree?No matter how cool this outfit looks , this is a saving week

Same goes for the time-limited-key-nonsense event

Quicky Post

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