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To the community: stop being self-centered


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  • Registered: 2018-02-14
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On 2018-10-05 21:02:17Show All Posts

Haha, I don't know about others, but I actually celebrate when someone gets a ninja on rng! even more if it's price is at 20k

It just goes to show, that this game is one where you can get crazy luck with.

Of course, when someone tell me he is going to rng and spend a ton and got nothing l laugh and say.

well it's crazy luck what you expect?

But that's totally different from drastic price fluctuations.

This is not crazy luck, is more like seeing hard work not paying off, and it pains people i'd think

Well, I already got my ninjas, this event didn't really benefited me.

But I really don't mind coz my teammates are dying for some event like this.

I can imagine a lot of people celebrating the event and then also a lot of people cursing it on the other side

But the way I personally see it... everything got mesh up into a mass of unidentified ball of uncertainty.

  • Registered: 2018-02-14
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On 2018-10-06 10:07:51Show All Posts

I think I'm gonna pit some thoughts here for what seems right. Maybe we can come to terms with something after all.

Feel free to debate, this is what the forum should be used for, communications.

One, the people who complained first, did so because they have spend earlier

and cannot spend in this supposedly "awesome cheap" event. True?

Two, might be "that Oasis change things midway because they themselves agree

the valuation is not right? Or unbalance" True?

Three, the people who miss the opportunity were raging,

because a ton of them would even recharge now just for this "awesome cheap" event. True?

Some might be getting their first rare, some might recharge for the first time,

others like Kaizer said he would get everything again...

Because the valuation is good, to four or five star as much of those hot ninjas. True?

So what is the real issue here of the complains in the first place anyways???

What is Oasis primary concern right now?

Flooding of ninjas? The most you can get is 100 frags of those ninjas. Imo not an issue for any f2p, p2w etc.

I'm not sure if the majority player base realize too, but Oasis will also still be spewing new ninjas.

As much as valuation goes, sell expensive and sell little vs sell cheap and sell a lot..

Well Imo Oasis can still turn this around by making Naruto Online great again XD, make it fair for all 10cp for Sakura Event.

And hopefully neat stuff will continue to spew since we are still a good way from cn version.

Please don't make this a fiasco of oh luck, instead turn this around and sell your game for goodness sake.

Just my 2 cents about the big world out there, take it or leave it.

This post was last edited by T_0_M_B_0_L_0_C on 2018-10-06 10:12:44.
  • Registered: 2018-02-14
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On 2018-10-06 11:54:00Show All Posts

Another post to clarify things, before people on other sides start raging too. I'm trying to size up the situation Oasis is in.

First, except for the first time, Madara 5 entered the game,

which might be 20k but I obviously didn't spend then and didn't cared..

Madara 5 has always been valued at 16k flat for the next 3 to 4 times it appeared.

If you paid for 20k it's because you bought it in a package with other things.

In 10cp Sakura Event, Madara 5 is 10k not exactly half price (so stop making the situation worst)

No veteran would be offended by flooding because if that ninja is that good, everyone will get it eventually.

It's just that the time span just got shorten due to you know what.

However Oasis now have a seriously big issue. (The flip flop on valuation after released)

After 20cp adjustment to Sakura Event, Madara 5 is 20k flat, v expensive for the first time.

And I really pity the rich people in US server (or any other server) who still go for it at 20k flat.

But if Oasis suddenly return the Sakura Pack to 10cp again... those people might be raging again. (bummper)

Then again, I have no idea why those people are not already raging in the first place!! *gasps*

(For lack of understanding, maybe they didn't bother or cared in the first place)

Maybe because they are so innocent, or rich, or they don't know what is happening in the first place. (who is to blame?)

Conclusion, (Just IMO) Oasis you are in the cross hairs, no matter what you do at this stage,

It's not gonna be nice for "all players", I don't even care about people raging at this point... as mostly it sounds petty.

What I want to see is what is Oasis stance on this issue and if they learned anything from this round of mess.

In fact, a good official explanation/reasoning latest by the 10/10/2018 on their decisions, and an apology and recognition of their mistake.

(To assure us Oasis learned, still/actually cared of what?, and could take a stance/game plan and promote it effectively/consistently)

And whatever compensation they finally decided is fitting, hopefully will elevate the entire mess (if any by a little)

Well, as Oppai would probably agree as well "Good Luck!"

Quicky Post

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