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To the community: stop being self-centered


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 21
  • Posts: 136
On 2018-10-05 05:03:55Show All Posts

What Oasis doesn't understand

1) Foodsack price costed 10cp till the dawn of time , changing it to 20 is an abomination .

2)Some people did not even care about 5KM . People (mostly f2p) have been asking for Shishui to be a redeemable for more than 2 months .

3)In other words , Oasis , doubling the price of 5KM , just cause you think it was a mistake , makes (just a lil bit of) sense . Doubling the price of every single item in this event makes no sense at all . In last Sakura's event , Jonin Minato costed like 5k cp , Shishui has been out for many many months , so i see no reason for him to cost more than 7k (now he costs around 14k , clap clap) . So they should have raised the price of 5KM to ..let's say 65-70 points , not double the cost of the foodsacks! But i can live without Shishui for now . and i know that i will piece him next time he is in events but...the thing that angers me the most is the people's mindset and attitude

What the players don't understand

1)This was , is and will be capitalism . Prices will rise , prices will drop . I was not online when this whole thing happened but...what exactly happened?Some guys that already had 5KM , cried on discord that some others got him cheaper ?Why???Just Why???Some of you are gonna tell me "wait , some people recharged to get him so we are talking about real money here" . I am also talking about real money!!!

Example 1:If i buy a car now , but it's price drops next year , and then 10 people buy the same car , am i gonna blame em that they "cheated"? Or am i gonna blame the company for their policy?Of course not , cause i had the privilege to be the first to buy the car .

Example 2 : Let's say in 2 years 50%+ of the current active players quit the game , and Oasis in an attempt to bring em back doules the amount of ingots you get for the same money(never gonna happen but i already see your reactions) , what are the p2w's that will remain active gonna do?Set the world ablaze? Answer : They don't have the right to do and say ANYTHING . Like , at all . Cause the ones that have been absent have missed out a lot . And most of all , because you become a hard P2W by choice and you also stop playing by choice , again . It's all about the choices we make .

Long story short , well done Naruto Online community . You failed . Again

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