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[ News ] Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th


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On 2018-10-08 07:38:30Show this Author Only

80 foodsacks and 50-70 mood scrolls it's enough

This post was last edited by EdoMinato on 2018-10-08 08:43:33.
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On 2018-10-08 08:02:35Show this Author Only

Issue solved

This post was last edited by sasuke9115@hotm on 2018-10-08 18:55:48.
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On 2018-10-08 09:32:41Show this Author Only
  • sasuke9115@hotm On 2018-10-08 08:02:35
  • Issue solved

Issue solved

This post was last edited by sasuke9115@hotm on 2018-10-08 18:55:36.
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On 2018-10-08 10:01:25Show this Author Only
  • OutlierPT On 2018-10-04 21:38:18
  • 11 frags of kakashi shonen pls that would be a good compensation

Thats garbo

This post was last edited by imahmedashraf20 on 2018-10-08 10:01:36.
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On 2018-10-08 11:24:59Show this Author Only
  • Çat On 2018-10-05 00:59:06
  • Revert everything back. Make everything fair. You're making us pay for system mistakes.

    The players that got to take advantage of this mistake will most likely ALSO get the compensation.

    LA server

Think about the people that spenr ingots on the lucky machine shyt or whatever

Think about the people that actually payed for the ninjas

Think about the people that got rare ninjas 60-70 kage,GNW TREASURE RNG

Think about it.

many more

The show thats alrdy been started is going to be worser..

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On 2018-10-08 11:43:24Show this Author Only
  • POKIIIII On 2018-10-08 11:24:59
  • Think about the people that spenr ingots on the lucky machine shyt or whatever

    Think about the people that actually payed for the ninjas

    Think about the people that got rare ninjas 60-70 kage,GNW TREASURE RNG

    Think about it.

    many more

    The show thats alrdy been started is going to be worser..

If oasis can have a track record of all recharges. And roll back the week's update is possible.

You won't lose anything except time. Or what oasis called downtime on the game to do everything.

The week event's can be make fair to all and redo the next week instead when things got online again.

There is nothing to lose as, everyone's progress gets reset 1 week back, fairly to all.

The ninja people bought this week are consider not fair in the first place, so why are you arguing about roll back not being fair.

Only ingots recharged this week need to be patch into the roll back that all.

The only question here is if that is possible, how much downtime.

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On 2018-10-08 11:45:32Show this Author Only

@Daiske @Exvious @Jib @Tobei

the price of that food sack has always been 10 coupons per sack since May last year. I think what you need to update is the ninja points and not the sack. In my opinion this is disgusting and you need to return the original price tag for the sack and stop blaming it as a bug when you see it convenient. You need to take action asap because I need to max out that advance refine runes. Thank you.

Screenshot taken from post of the members.


This post was last edited by Liez07 on 2018-10-08 11:45:51.
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On 2018-10-08 11:54:12Show this Author Only
  • Daiske On 2018-10-04 22:16:23
  • After talking with our manager, I have one more information for you. Compensation may vary for each region. What it means is - LA and NY might receive bigger compensation and also a different item. But of course, all of this depends on your feedback and suggestions. So please make sure to include region in your forum post.

    LA and NY did not have this chance because of time zone difference. So we want to establish a bit of fairness in upcoming compensation. But of course it does not mean LA and NY will get something else. It all depends on your decision and choice.

sir.. just make it fair to all sir.. in any regions.. make it fair.. just get back sakura foodsacks at 10cp for just 1day.. and then after that.. you can do 20cp after nxt sakura gift event.... no more compensation will happen.. just bring it back what HK and UK gets to be fair...

  • Registered: 2017-12-28
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On 2018-10-08 12:43:00Show this Author Only

prcs are very good at ruining everything, including their life and games. They keep so much money in tencent reserve for what ? Instead of taking out and make a better technician team for the game. The ten cps was from the last event. How can you still make this mistake? Manager from both sides never vet? Team made up of student? Or just graduated? They go for short term gain and think they are smart. Now they lose trade war make economy hard. Which commoners have more money to spend?

100 billion keep in bank for war? Money to make life better or for war?

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On 2018-10-08 12:47:11Show this Author Only

From the time you want to milk the game until now , make game so unappealing, now screw up again. Why cant you just follow the western model and be fair to people?

Either you roll back or 10 cp

This post was last edited by selyl on 2018-10-08 13:05:21.
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On 2018-10-08 14:20:48Show this Author Only

Either reduce the price back to 10 coupons or give us 400 food sacks.

From HK

This post was last edited by Viol3 on 2018-10-08 14:21:59.
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On 2018-10-08 15:33:17Show this Author Only

i dont realy get it.. why poeple say that madara/shishui or deidara is cheap in sakura gift event?? come to think about this.. last event for 5 kage madara.. you need to spin in lucky star around 17 to 20k.. then you will get it.. and a chance to win tsunadi fragment and alot of scrolls.. + a free jonin minato and some power boost.. now do some math.. witch is cheaper?? the madara in sakura gift that cost 9 to 10k only madara ..? or last event in luckystar in 20k you will get madara + minato jonin +power boost + seal scroll,summon scroll and a chance to get fragments of tsunadi ??? now come and see.. how much minato in naruto bday and you add madara 5 kage.. how much is it? with out SS and power boost..

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On 2018-10-08 18:02:44Show this Author Only

It's funny how when a bug that benefits the players gets fixed in a few hours and then you have broken daily events that have been broken for months like questions in ninja test and cat quiz with no fix when they have been brought to the attention of the developers. Just goes to show how much Oasis, Tencent or whoever it is that just really thinks of money and don't care for the player's experience. Lets be honest, you don't care about the community, thats fine apparently, but the least you can do is fixing your game and stop trying to over profit every chance you get. I know its not fair to have players be able to get 5 kage madara and other strong ninjas for half the price due to a bug, but if you can fix this matter in hours do the same for all the problems that have been in the bug report forum for months with no apparent fix and that keep messing with the players gameplay experience.

Server: S556: Roshi, the Four-Tails

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On 2018-10-08 18:30:04Show this Author Only

HK server is badly affected. Some people get bonus, some does not.

HK server should get more compensation to even out the imbalance.

It's not as if we compete HK vs LA/NY

In fact, I prefer to be playing in LA/NY server, so it's fair within server. No one benefitted, no one start to stomp is with their cheaper 5kM, etc.

We HK players now facing lots of 5kM etc. And that hurts when we don't have chance to have a fair ground.

Same with Sakura cloak. Now the whole place is flooded with 5 star Sakura's, and some players don't even have her.

HK player who didn't benefit from the bug & keep fighting 5kM all around.

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On 2018-10-08 18:43:34Show this Author Only
  • AncientDragon10 On 2018-10-07 05:43:24
  • Do the devs really realize how crazy this is? people basically getting 5*+ Sakura cloak and Sasuke Suit with a handful of coupons? Saving up enough frags not only for 5* but also for skillbreak/breakthrough?

    Literally the only fair thing to do is rollback the lucky pouch. Sakura food price issue is nothing compared to getting good ninja for free and maxing those ninjas. Game will be so unbalanced for people who got them.

i agree with this

now the ppl on my server using sasuku 5* with low power can beat all the highest power. its so unfair

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On 2018-10-08 18:52:32Show this Author Only

Okay, as the Compensation day is coming, i wanna revise what i've said on my first reply in this thread ..

Instead of giving Sakura's Foodsack for compensation, just give 80 to 120 Panda Onigiri (5pointer) straight to our mails, to at the very least, cover this massive incident regarding that event ..

But once again, as i've said before, whatever kind of items you'll give to us as compensation will be greatly appreciated and i'll be thankful for that ..

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On 2018-10-08 19:09:00Show this Author Only

Reveres event back to 10 coupons, give double sakura's foodstock to people who payed 20 coupons. Same goes for sakura cloak and sasuke suit everything else is cheat from your side. I m sure people who were working or went to school are fed up looking at that sakura cloak, sasuke suit and madara 5k. Also fire person or fire all your brain dead people(caring only about money) who set event first on 10 coupons saw mistake and than did even bigger mistake and made whole event one big cheat. I m recharging decent amount every month but after you cheat every month with prices you will get nothing from me anymore(know you don t care but whatever...).

This post was last edited by 666Pyro666 on 2018-10-08 19:09:46.
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On 2018-10-08 21:20:41Show this Author Only
  • 666Pyro666 On 2018-10-08 19:09:00
  • Reveres event back to 10 coupons, give double sakura's foodstock to people who payed 20 coupons. Same goes for sakura cloak and sasuke suit everything else is cheat from your side. I m sure people who were working or went to school are fed up looking at that sakura cloak, sasuke suit and madara 5k. Also fire person or fire all your brain dead people(caring only about money) who set event first on 10 coupons saw mistake and than did even bigger mistake and made whole event one big cheat. I m recharging decent amount every month but after you cheat every month with prices you will get nothing from me anymore(know you don t care but whatever...).

Well, they do care if you stop recharging plus you are not the only player who will stop recharging.

Btw guys, stop asking food sack, mood scrolls or any other items. This is garbage compared to what the people who came early gained. When I saw the event of this week and the price last Wednesday, I was really excited and I was expecting Thursday afternoon to play the game. All that to see in the forum they changed the event and I was disgusted. Like it wasn't enough some people benefited from the event before they changed it. Any other compensation than rolling back the event is mockery ( and I am remaining polite).

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On 2018-10-08 21:32:35Show this Author Only

60 X Seal scroll

50x Frag yes Master

This post was last edited by Spooh2 on 2018-10-08 22:03:29.
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On 2018-10-08 22:42:29Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2018-10-08 18:52:32
  • Okay, as the Compensation day is coming, i wanna revise what i've said on my first reply in this thread ..

    Instead of giving Sakura's Foodsack for compensation, just give 80 to 120 Panda Onigiri (5pointer) straight to our mails, to at the very least, cover this massive incident regarding that event ..

    But once again, as i've said before, whatever kind of items you'll give to us as compensation will be greatly appreciated and i'll be thankful for that ..

i think it's better if they make the sakura's food sack pack price back to 10 pcs/cp again, with no change to item price list like madara five kage summit frags

same goes with sakura cloak and sasuke playboy, make it just like the first day of the "bug", instead of give away a compensation to everyone, even the one that exploit the "bug". . .

This post was last edited by I❤U , Rinrin on 2018-10-08 22:43:39.
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