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[ News ] Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th


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On 2018-10-05 02:15:07Show this Author Only

This is pretty simple, u made the mistake u pay the consequences in order to at least keep justice for all the players that couldnt log in to benefit from it. But nah, u guys are just way too greedy to do it right? U cant control it u need to milk even if its just 5 dollars.

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On 2018-10-05 02:15:12Show this Author Only

Anything besides bringing back the cost of sakura's foodsacks to 10 just for this week is laughable. That's the only way to be as fair as possible to all players who exploited the "reduced" cost and those who didn't.

A common compensation like 30 foodsacks would be enough if you just do that simple change.

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On 2018-10-05 02:17:17Show this Author Only

we who did not get the sasuke suit or sakura cloak to 5 stars we sould get them too. uk server

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On 2018-10-05 02:19:29Show this Author Only

I need more eventS with kushina Red hod blooded habanero

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On 2018-10-05 02:23:00Show this Author Only

So as u can see its pretty simple. Just give us back them 60 coupons frags packs and 10 coupons food packs till the end of this week. And everything will be fine.

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On 2018-10-05 02:27:52Show this Author Only

Why Sakura Event Prices Should Stay As Is: HK

1. People exploited the prices and gained advantage over other players. Giving random rewards would only feed the imbalance. By keeping the same prices the balance returns as the supposed advantage becomes available to all.

2. If you roll servers back, it would upset the people that got lucky(Ninja pull, Mines, Etc) as they can't repeat RNG. Thus making the prices as is your only real choice as it upsets no one.

This post was last edited by hueheuehuehue on 2018-10-05 02:58:52.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-05 02:30:27Show this Author Only

Most of ppl put sasuke and sakura 5*, so dont come with "5 redeem pack" in event ...Not fair

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On 2018-10-05 02:37:04Show this Author Only

Only logical response to this is to rollback the servers to before the event.

After spending a small fortune to be able to obtain Five Kage Madara last event cycle, to find out that he was gotten for as little as 7k is disheartening. The only compensation that would be remotely acceptable for this is to fully reimburse the 13k to the players who spent the full price. No amount of foodsacks/frags or whatever else you think would compensate it, just isn't gonna cut it.

I know this sounds like i'm whining (and I suppose I am a bit) but for me to pay an extra 13k for something that I thought was a good deal at the time only to find out that a week or two later he was able to be got for less than 50% of that price is annoying.

This post was last edited by Rynon on 2018-10-05 02:38:22.
  • Registered: 2018-03-18
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On 2018-10-05 02:40:39Show this Author Only

this image summarizes everything very well

Image result for milking money image

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On 2018-10-05 02:51:10Show this Author Only

No compensation will be "fair", since it goes to everyone including those who got the advantage. But, here is my stab at compensation.

Spring Lucky Pouch x2

Sun Scrolls x500

Moon Scrolls x1000

Purple Ninja Tools Pack x5

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On 2018-10-05 02:56:38Show this Author Only

The best compensation you can give us is to actually put the Sakura event back to the way it was; food sacks for 10 coupons. That event has been like that for a long time now. It's not just Madara, EVERYTHING is now doubled the price. If you want to truly leave food sacks at 20 coupons then make it like lucky board and mission mobilization, spending 20 coupons for dices and mission boxes gives you something in return along with the points, but food sacks gives nothing and for the same price? Not fair and not a good bargain if you ask me. Either make it 10 coupons again or remove the event entirely. Again, FALSE ADVERTI*T on OG part.

PS. You'd better bring back the special ninja pouch on Wednesday like you're promising or a lot of players will quit this game for good.

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On 2018-10-05 02:57:31Show this Author Only

28 frags for shisui,please...

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On 2018-10-05 03:06:07Show this Author Only
  • HolotheWiseWolf On 2018-10-05 00:56:16
  • Well, there are many things that have to be accounted for in this compensation. These are the 3 things that I feel people should be compensated on.

    1. Sometimes Sakura will give a mission that is not completable.

    2. Pricing for Sakura's gift packs was half of what it should be for some servers.

    3. Removal of Sakura [Cloak] and Sasuke [Suit] from Naruto's Birthday party.

    Compensation for the first item should be 20 food stacks. In past, you have given 3 food stacks when it was not working properly. So, assuming that it does not work for some people for the entire week, 7x3=21, round it down to 20 for a decent compensation from what has been in the past.

    Compensation for the second item is going to be most tricky. As this is the "intended bug" where some people could pick up a very powerful ninja for half the cost as what it is now. For instance, someone on my server bought 5 Kage Madara for 9k coupons when everyone else has had to pay over twice that (17-18k) in Lucky Stars to receive him. And now with the current pricing of 20 per food snack, he is back up to that pricing. uzume

    I would think that a good compensation for this would be to bring it back down to this price or make it 15 coupons/ingots per Foodsnack. In my opinion, no amount of foodsnack would be justifiable or realistic compensation for the pricing that some people were able to get a very expensive ninja for. If you want a number of foodsnacks, then 280 food snacks so that way people will get 300 on 10/10/18.

    As regards the third item, if you plan to bring it back on the 10th, then that is fine. If not, then the item should be at the price of 60 coupons per 80 frags of either Sakura [Cloak] or Sasuke [Suit]. This was not an intended bug, Tobias confirmed that.

    Server is NY

I like this idea. Very well thought out. This is what i want.

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On 2018-10-05 03:14:47Show this Author Only

Some food packs are the more appropriate thing to give as compensation, but honestly the price should just go back to being 10 coupons, since players who abused it will also get to profit from the compensation, making it kind of pointless..

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On 2018-10-05 03:21:52Show this Author Only

Revert back server if can - HK

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On 2018-10-05 03:33:59Show this Author Only
  • zahirudean1@gma On 2018-10-05 03:21:52
  • Revert back server if can - HK

some players already spent coupons in lucky * event and got nice items, some of them got jackpot maybe like in lucky * or in crazy slot machine. SOme of them may got orange attribute on their initiative att in their ninja tools, some of them got upraded in their charm. Some of them already draw scrolls or spend coupons etc. some of them already done missions which give rewards like swb, convoy , space time, cat quiz etc.

It will be imposible. Then again its oasis fault, not them. So oasis should put the event back like before where players can get cheaper ninja and sasuke/sakura with 80 fragment

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On 2018-10-05 03:34:41Show this Author Only

We don't want compensation we want you to put the packs back in their original form. Those ninja are nowhere near worth the price that come out as in Treasure of the Sage, you aren't going to make money off them. A small compensation isn't going to make it right.

And let me get this straight about Sakura's Gift, *ready "mediocre at best" event just got TWICE as expensive, literally doubled in price? How do you justify that?

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On 2018-10-05 03:41:06Show this Author Only
  • Rynon On 2018-10-05 02:37:04
  • Only logical response to this is to rollback the servers to before the event.

    After spending a small fortune to be able to obtain Five Kage Madara last event cycle, to find out that he was gotten for as little as 7k is disheartening. The only compensation that would be remotely acceptable for this is to fully reimburse the 13k to the players who spent the full price. No amount of foodsacks/frags or whatever else you think would compensate it, just isn't gonna cut it.

    I know this sounds like i'm whining (and I suppose I am a bit) but for me to pay an extra 13k for something that I thought was a good deal at the time only to find out that a week or two later he was able to be got for less than 50% of that price is annoying.

As far as I'm concerned nobody complaining about the cheaper Madara has a leg to stand on, ninja prices come down over time. You wanted him earlier you paid the asking price and it is what it is.

I got the majority of the frags needed when he was more expensive and you don't see me complaining about it. If you wanted him cheaper you should have waited until the price came down, not ruin it for the rest of the players who could benefit from the deal.

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On 2018-10-05 03:50:20Show this Author Only

NY Server

Dear Naruto Online,

What are my suggestions towards compensation for the events this morning? I hope that what everyone say will be taken in consideration but let’s be honest a lot of the reply’s so for or trolling. For those who caught the deal this morning and took advantage of the events congrats. Five Kage Summit Madara was redeemable for about 920 foodstacks which was 9200 coupons or ingots. I’m not going to go into how much I paid weeks ago because you all know how much he was. The problem with this is that you took it down before many of the other players could go in and redeem his frags also. Yes, it was a mistake, but the problem only occurred when you changed the foodstacks from 10 to 20. For as long as I can remember the foodstacks has always been 10. We all know that some of the players who are complaining about this event are just doing it to stir up trouble but for the ones who would have redeemed frags of him or any other item inside it is just plain disheartening. Putting the foodstack back at 10 per will satisfy the players who already had him or the ones who was close to getting him. At least we can get in on the deal even if we paid double for him prior. This would be compensation for this event. There is no need for compensating someone who already taken advantage of the deal to begin with. Daiske has already announced the update for the Naruto Birthday Pack Event and my thoughts are that the packs need to be at least 10 to 15 redeemable. I’m not going to lie 100 is a little CRAZY.

We all know that compensating never satisfies everyone.

RoverAngleOfGodToday at 2:40 PM

Ya sounds reasonable. I too am happy for the players that are able to take advantage of the 50% off

but .... that deal should be made accessible to everyone

because people have jobs and classes to go to

I am not mad at the players who got the cheap price. I am only mad that I, as a whale, I needed to work to be a whale, and I got screwed over

So give me the same access and I am good

s for Cloak Sakura and Suit Sasuke, I only want to collect them. I have a lot of OP ninjas I just have but don't even use

SoloToday at 2:49 PM

hahaha i personally dont have anything to add but thats a fair point

make it re-accessible for everyone who didnt get a chance

Quicky Post

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