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[ News ] Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th


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On 2018-10-05 00:21:29Show this Author Only

10 Shisui frags

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On 2018-10-05 00:21:51Show this Author Only

edit : why are the rewards given out on 10/10 on the last day of this weeks event? could we not recieve them sooner ~ so others may know how many foodsacks/type of rewards we would be recieving so we could save up coupons etc

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On 2018-10-05 00:22:45Show this Author Only
  • Fukuuesugi On 2018-10-05 00:12:40
  • I saw a post in fb that sakura cloack and sasuke suit are chrap in ramen event so i rushed into game and opned the shop and bought ramens for 1000 coupuns.i didnt find such pack by the time i went for redeeming ,so if u decrease the ninjas reddemable points rate in the event i dont even have cp to get the ninjas if u decrease the points later:((((((.my suggestion is to give coupuns for players who didnt redeem sakura or sasuke.

Yea, I agree to coupon alternative option as well, compensate to those who logged after changes were made, and send them around 500-800 coupons. Sounds very reasonable considering the changes that will take place, and the * intentional crap that went down.

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On 2018-10-05 00:23:07Show this Author Only

I'm from the NY SERVER AND unlike players in HK AND UK servers, we didn't even have a chance to see those events. So I need 300 food sacks for compensation as I'm in a NY server.

S19 - Bravo Pendragon

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On 2018-10-05 00:23:20Show this Author Only

bring back lucky ninja packs for atleast 1 day of these events same price as it was in hong kong servers

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On 2018-10-05 00:28:13Show this Author Only

As compensation for putting your loyal customers through this crazy madness you chose to inflict on us, I feel a reduction in prices across the board should happen for everything along with increase fragment drop rates in all Treasure Seals. As a business, continue to offer what you initially promised us. As a for-profit company, you are making money hand over fist 51 weeks out of the year for what you are charging for ninjas on different servers at different times. Just honor what you said you were going to give us as a sale for the event, for any event. To go back and change your minds, after the event has been launched, because you feel you are losing out on monetary gain over your customers happiness is poor management and planning on your part. And your customer service to this is worse, because the ones who have to deal with this, who is paid by you TO deal with this, is not handling it very well. Switched

Switched event 1

Switched event 2

S4 Kakashi

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On 2018-10-05 00:30:13Show this Author Only

give everyone naruto ramen frags 30

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On 2018-10-05 00:30:14Show this Author Only

this is BS! Dx how u can compensate this?! how u can compensate that others got madara 5ks and others ninjas to 4* that easy -_-

a special ninja pack could be good also cps and charm packs, Dx

This post was last edited by Shadowjoke on 2018-10-05 00:32:21.
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On 2018-10-05 00:30:54Show this Author Only

Few Onigiri packs will be fine ~ HK server

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On 2018-10-05 00:37:08Show this Author Only

200 foodsack HK server

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On 2018-10-05 00:42:53Show this Author Only

sakuras foodsack 50-100 my region is UK

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On 2018-10-05 00:44:21Show this Author Only

What about 5k coupons to those who log in after OG change events.

UK S-740

This post was last edited by Nouur on 2018-10-05 00:44:44.
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On 2018-10-05 00:45:46Show this Author Only

Sakura's Foodsacks- NY

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On 2018-10-05 00:46:10Show this Author Only

Honestly you can't possibly compensate for this, just revert the changes to the events, the ninjas people got for half the price are ninjas that are legit game changers/game breakers, and that's not to mention the downpour of 5 star cloak sakuras and suit sasukes + the extra fragments to skill break them that those who logged at reset managed to get, just revert the changes or roll back one day, because there really is nothing you can give us that will make up for the unbalance this has already caused.

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On 2018-10-05 00:46:15Show this Author Only

Give us 10coupons sakura food packs back till the end of this week. All people who got madara/shisui/deidara this week already spend their money, they will not rob u anymore. So let us get the same stuff they got. Thats fair.

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On 2018-10-05 00:48:11Show this Author Only

We are waiting for 5* sakuras and sasukes for EVERYONE. There is no question!!

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On 2018-10-05 00:49:31Show this Author Only

Once you saw the bug happen you should've just let it ride out and cut your losses for this week, especially when seeing that some servers/players got to take advantage of it. Leaving the rest of us to basically nothing. Saying we're going to get compensated but it can't be ninja frags/coupons/ingots you're already restricting what we can get. So it sounds like it isn't going to compare to what we missed out on that other players got.

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On 2018-10-05 00:50:42Show this Author Only

First of all, your team "OASIS" screwed up real hard this time! What's done is done and you shouldn't change anything in the middle of your mess!!

Your compensation will not help to fix your "BLACKHOLE". Think about it! For those who took the advantage to buy those ninja with such a cheap price and at the same time they received your compensation which means that THOSE PLAYER ARE GETTING ADDITIONAL REWARDS FROM THIS INCIDENT!!! It's unfair for those player who missed the chance to get the same value of in-game item like others do!

It is best for you to revert back as it is and "LEARN TO ACCEPT YOUR MISTAKE AND DO IT BETTER NEXT TIME!!".


This post was last edited by JCz on 2018-10-05 00:54:09.
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On 2018-10-05 00:56:16Show this Author Only

Well, there are many things that have to be accounted for in this compensation. These are the 3 things that I feel people should be compensated on.

1. Sometimes Sakura will give a mission that is not completable.

2. Pricing for Sakura's gift packs was half of what it should be for some servers.

3. Removal of Sakura [Cloak] and Sasuke [Suit] from Naruto's Birthday party.

Compensation for the first item should be 20 food stacks. In past, you have given 3 food stacks when it was not working properly. So, assuming that it does not work for some people for the entire week, 7x3=21, round it down to 20 for a decent compensation from what has been in the past.

Compensation for the second item is going to be most tricky. As this is the "intended bug" where some people could pick up a very powerful ninja for half the cost as what it is now. For instance, someone on my server bought 5 Kage Madara for 9k coupons when everyone else has had to pay over twice that (17-18k) in Lucky Stars to receive him. And now with the current pricing of 20 per food snack, he is back up to that pricing. uzume

I would think that a good compensation for this would be to bring it back down to this price or make it 15 coupons/ingots per Foodsnack. In my opinion, no amount of foodsnack would be justifiable or realistic compensation for the pricing that some people were able to get a very expensive ninja for. If you want a number of foodsnacks, then 280 food snacks so that way people will get 300 on 10/10/18.

As regards the third item, if you plan to bring it back on the 10th, then that is fine. If not, then the item should be at the price of 60 coupons per 80 frags of either Sakura [Cloak] or Sasuke [Suit]. This was not an intended bug, Tobias confirmed that.

Server is NY

This post was last edited by HolotheWiseWolf on 2018-10-05 01:01:02.
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On 2018-10-05 00:56:35Show this Author Only

People are just asking for the wrong thing instead of asking for compensation. Ask for the Return of foodsacks at 10

The ninja pouch will return on 10/10 so there is still hope

Quicky Post

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