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[ News ] Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-04 23:56:49Show this Author Only

With the Sakura's Gift event, many players in the HK and UK regions were able to redeem high value ninjas like 5 Kage Summit Madara, Edo Deidara, and Grudge Kakuzu. Some early bird players in NY were able to make use of the opportunity, while LA missed out on it entirely. Due to the missed opportunity, it would be nice to give out a certain amount of food sacks out to players at the very least, perhaps increasing the amount for LA/NY. As alternative returns, Optional Charm Packs or Cave Key gift packs would likely be appreciated.

Due to Naruto's Birthday Gift:

- Many players were able to 5 star both sailor sakura and sasuke suit and stock up sufficiently for whenever their skill breakthroughs and trials arrive. While it seems to be the case that the Sakura/Sasuke pack will be returning on Wednesday with a lowered redeemable limit, it would be nice to allow more leeway for players to have a similar chance, though perhaps not to the same insane degree. The amount of Seal Scrolls and Kyubi Naruto frags that players were able to obtain out of Frag Refinement might also want to be considered when determining compensation on this matter, however. Giving out ramen would be the most basic solution, but as before, alternatives like Cave Key gift packs or Optional Charms would be nice.

Since it was posted that we shouldn't ask for ninja fragments, ingots, or coupons, which is reasonable, that would be my view on the topic. It truly is hard to tell how much should be given out due to the case that the HK/UK did not uniformly take advantage of the glitch, as did NY/LA not uniformly miss out, but I believe on the scale, it would be worth giving out a good amount of compensation for this overall matter. The pain of losing out is more than that of never having the opportunity for players, and it would be nice to show some sincerity to the community. Thanks for your service.

NY S812

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On 2018-10-04 23:58:42Show this Author Only

Suggest compensation 150-300 ramens and 30-50 foodsacks

HK server S988

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On 2018-10-04 23:59:08Show this Author Only

What would you like to see as compensation for this issue?

-> I would say a good amount of foodsacks will be nice to have. If not just 10 seal scroll is also good since next week is seal scroll rebate.

S-682-NY Shounak- I put in support ticket too.

This post was last edited by Shounak on 2018-10-05 00:10:32.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-05 00:01:15Show this Author Only

I will accept as compensation, when it will put on the game, Naruto six path as was putted in China :D reedemable by using 1500 scroll :D :D :D

Oh, and im not joking, i really want that.

S45 UK :D

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On 2018-10-05 00:05:19Show this Author Only

advance refine runs and some seals scrolls and 10 ability scrolls

region : HK

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On 2018-10-05 00:05:23Show this Author Only

Region - HK

I think better give us 200-400 Sakura's food at least because many people get madara or other ninjas at half price just because they are logged in that time. that means 10k less cost. for them. it will cause power imbalance between players if one people get a ninja in 10k and another have to pay 20k for same thing in same event.

So as reward give 200 - 400 Sakura's foodstack atleast. And 20 charm pack to only those p[eople who spend less than 5k on Sakura's gift.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-05 00:05:46Show this Author Only

create new character and then give free to all player. Ay swimsuit maybe. Just kidding.

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On 2018-10-05 00:07:16Show this Author Only

100-300 foodbacks enough i guess for NY server,because i want to get shisui

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On 2018-10-05 00:07:49Show this Author Only
Note: This post has been filtered by Daiske (Administrator)

tại sao ko mở lại hộp sakura và sasuke trên toàn bộ các sevel và nếu đã cho nhiều nick 5 sao 2 nhân vật đó thì sao ko tiếp tục cho 5 sao 2 nhân vật đó nữa ad

việc bạn cho ninja sẽ thúc đẩy người chơi game hơn việc bạn đền bù mà chưa chắc đã hợp lý

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On 2018-10-05 00:07:58Show this Author Only
  • King Neptune On 2018-10-04 21:36:10
  • Why are we getting compensation for us getting cheap ninja?

Because only some players managed to get said ninja. Players who could log in early this morning could not only recruit but even 5 star 1 useful ninja Sasuke and one very useful ninja- Sakura for dirt cheap compared to the hundreds upon hundreds of dollars oasis usually charge.

Anyone who was not able to log in early enough is now effectively being punished purely because of the companies incompetence no fault on our end

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On 2018-10-05 00:09:24Show this Author Only

It's not the compensation that is the issue.

It's that lot of people managed to get sasuke/sakura and on top of that managed to get ninjas from food bag while it was priced at 10cp... HOW do you want to compensate those who didn't do that? You can't because it can not be compared.

And that leaves you only with two options:

1.) Take everything that was earned from those faulty events back and issue return

2.) let the players keep it but then allow rest of the player base to do the same

So my question is. Are you going to do roll-back or are you going to leave players getting unfair advantage that will be "compensated"?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-05 00:10:12Show this Author Only

well gives us 100 sasuke/sakura frags people who got them 5* wont benefit but those who didnt have time to login in morning will

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On 2018-10-05 00:10:30Show this Author Only
  • Izuki Kudo On 2018-10-04 21:40:18
  • 10 seal scrolls, 10 charms, 100 advance refine runes, 100 cave keys.. is this too much?

    - this is my opinion tho

imo it's too much

  • Registered: 2018-03-25
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On 2018-10-05 00:11:33Show this Author Only

sakuras foodsack 50-100 my region is HK

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On 2018-10-05 00:12:40Show this Author Only

I saw a post in fb that sakura cloack and sasuke suit are chrap in ramen event so i rushed into game and opned the shop and bought ramens for 1000 coupuns.i didnt find such pack by the time i went for redeeming ,so if u decrease the ninjas reddemable points rate in the event i dont even have cp to get the ninjas if u decrease the points later:((((((.my suggestion is to give coupuns for players who didnt redeem sakura or sasuke.

  • Registered: 2017-10-29
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On 2018-10-05 00:12:44Show this Author Only


i am from server 782 HK. I just want to tell one thing that please reconsider the pack of Sakura's Foodsacks at 10 coupons/ingots.

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On 2018-10-05 00:15:24Show this Author Only

Compensation wont do anything

If player already take advantages of sakura gift, now you will also give them compensation, how does it even make sense ?

So better let the gift is 10 coupon/ingot , keep the same drop rate but only in this week.

  • Registered: 2018-09-23
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On 2018-10-05 00:16:24Show this Author Only

15 Sai Suit fragments for sure! You continually "frag" your player base and make it harder for them to play the game. You put in an OP character and only those that started on day 1 got him, as if they didn't have enough of an edge already. I mean for gods sake you should aim for players to want to join the game, even later in the game, not frag them over. In exchange I offer you all the Zaku fragments i get this month, so you can give him to someone else for free. If you can find someone that doesn't find that insulting.

Ps, Sakura's gift doesn't work on S1052. She is just giving out an error and we don't have a Charm Rebate active.

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On 2018-10-05 00:20:04Show this Author Only
  • Licras On 2018-10-04 23:56:49
  • With the Sakura's Gift event, many players in the HK and UK regions were able to redeem high value ninjas like 5 Kage Summit Madara, Edo Deidara, and Grudge Kakuzu. Some early bird players in NY were able to make use of the opportunity, while LA missed out on it entirely. Due to the missed opportunity, it would be nice to give out a certain amount of food sacks out to players at the very least, perhaps increasing the amount for LA/NY. As alternative returns, Optional Charm Packs or Cave Key gift packs would likely be appreciated.

    Due to Naruto's Birthday Gift:

    - Many players were able to 5 star both sailor sakura and sasuke suit and stock up sufficiently for whenever their skill breakthroughs and trials arrive. While it seems to be the case that the Sakura/Sasuke pack will be returning on Wednesday with a lowered redeemable limit, it would be nice to allow more leeway for players to have a similar chance, though perhaps not to the same insane degree. The amount of Seal Scrolls and Kyubi Naruto frags that players were able to obtain out of Frag Refinement might also want to be considered when determining compensation on this matter, however. Giving out ramen would be the most basic solution, but as before, alternatives like Cave Key gift packs or Optional Charms would be nice.

    Since it was posted that we shouldn't ask for ninja fragments, ingots, or coupons, which is reasonable, that would be my view on the topic. It truly is hard to tell how much should be given out due to the case that the HK/UK did not uniformly take advantage of the glitch, as did NY/LA not uniformly miss out, but I believe on the scale, it would be worth giving out a good amount of compensation for this overall matter. The pain of losing out is more than that of never having the opportunity for players, and it would be nice to show some sincerity to the community. Thanks for your service.

    NY S812

I am from UK servers, and I didn't got ithe sh1t as well (all the fragments), and I really hate it, I don't even have Sailor Sakura nor Sasuke Suit, and hearing that people are are getting that sort of stuff up to 5 stars, not to mention that sailor sakura has skillbooks, this just makes me really hate OG, and them saying that we should suggest crappy compensations for different bug, since Sailor Sakura and Sasuke were INTENTIONAL !!! I DEMAND EQUAL VALUE COMPENSATION!!
If that is truly out of reasoning for douchebags at OG, then 200 Mood scrolls or 200 seal scrolls (NO SEAL FRAGMENTS). Fed up with this bull* from OG. Similar bug was back in August, something with the Tsuande event, and before that was similar sh1t couple months ago.

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On 2018-10-05 00:20:15Show this Author Only

60-80 foodsacks

Quicky Post

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