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[ News ] Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-04 23:56:49Show All Posts

With the Sakura's Gift event, many players in the HK and UK regions were able to redeem high value ninjas like 5 Kage Summit Madara, Edo Deidara, and Grudge Kakuzu. Some early bird players in NY were able to make use of the opportunity, while LA missed out on it entirely. Due to the missed opportunity, it would be nice to give out a certain amount of food sacks out to players at the very least, perhaps increasing the amount for LA/NY. As alternative returns, Optional Charm Packs or Cave Key gift packs would likely be appreciated.

Due to Naruto's Birthday Gift:

- Many players were able to 5 star both sailor sakura and sasuke suit and stock up sufficiently for whenever their skill breakthroughs and trials arrive. While it seems to be the case that the Sakura/Sasuke pack will be returning on Wednesday with a lowered redeemable limit, it would be nice to allow more leeway for players to have a similar chance, though perhaps not to the same insane degree. The amount of Seal Scrolls and Kyubi Naruto frags that players were able to obtain out of Frag Refinement might also want to be considered when determining compensation on this matter, however. Giving out ramen would be the most basic solution, but as before, alternatives like Cave Key gift packs or Optional Charms would be nice.

Since it was posted that we shouldn't ask for ninja fragments, ingots, or coupons, which is reasonable, that would be my view on the topic. It truly is hard to tell how much should be given out due to the case that the HK/UK did not uniformly take advantage of the glitch, as did NY/LA not uniformly miss out, but I believe on the scale, it would be worth giving out a good amount of compensation for this overall matter. The pain of losing out is more than that of never having the opportunity for players, and it would be nice to show some sincerity to the community. Thanks for your service.

NY S812

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