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[ News ] Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-04 22:50:10Show All Posts

I think that an interesting take on the compensation could be offering players discounts on ninjas, since the main compensation issue seems to be cheaper Madara.

Of course said ninja, or ninjas would need to be carefully picked so that it's an interesting purchase and a good deal, a poll for the choice or choices could be nice (Although if we were given a choice I would absolutely use my discounts at Guren, Chinese Naruto, Konohamaru, Santa Karin etc.)

The problem with this approach however is people who are not willing to buy any ninjas. Sakura foodsacks and moon coins seem like a reasonable compensation in this case.

IGN : TakafumiNaito
region : UK
server : 312

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-04 23:00:45Show All Posts
  • Shyuko On 2018-10-04 22:53:06
  • No, no NO!! You will NOT be let off the * for this colossal eff up! If players benefited from this, and you aren't going to reverse what they did, you need to change it back. No amount of compensation is going to compare to those that took advantage of the prices/packs. This is BEYOND GREEDY on your part. Now, instead of doing right by the people, you want to give us BS compensation? Phuc that! Change it back to the way it was.....that people were able to utilize. THAT is the only option you have. PERIOD.

    I was going to recharge for that frog. Not anymore. You people don't just screw up on accident, it looks like you do it on purpose. NY servers ALWAYS get screwed because of crap like this, and crap you pull. I would bet the farm that someone decided to change it at the last minute because of greed.

    CHANGE IT BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS, NO LIMITS. This is what should be done. No compensation!

It is actually an opposite of greedy on their part. Every single player that bought these packs is a player that DIDN'T spend money on a pricey ninja.

And they are giving everyone else a chance to get them, same price, as a compensation + additional bonus.

It'll take months before anyone will ever buy sailor sakura or playboy sasuke again, even if most of these purchases were theoretical income, as players wouldn't waste their money on them otherwise, it's still thousands of ~40$ packs given away for free.

Quicky Post

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