Absolutely agree 100%, Tobei gets it, but unfortunately Oppai seems to be trying to play it off as our fault somehow by saying we talked about it too much......like really bro? I thought we were supposed to point out potential problems....but then we were TOLD that it was ok and as intended.
We were lied to out face by them.
But, its our fault for pointing it out (and doing the right thing) then our fault for not taking advantage of it? So Oppai, a MOD on their official discord, said it was our fault for not taking advantage of the bug when it was available? Like, literally, WTF?
He should be fired and replaced, ASAP. Advocating players to exploit a BUG before it gets patched, and blaming them for not doing so/point out a potential wrong. I have no words at all.
Also, protip: THIS WAS NOT A BUG!
Sorry, this is just another slice of BS pie. No compensation in the world will fix what players took advantage of. Period. Revert it back.
Just gonna reply this so people can see it.
So, moral of the story, if we found a bug, DON'T report it.
Cheap prices=complain
Xpensive prices=still complain
A bug that can benefit all of us= report it
A bug that can't benefit everyone= still report it
Oasis : Actually,what do u want?
Fairness. I won't bother explaining why these changes are unfair, since people have been talking about this.
U don't understand my point
Note: I make this comment out of context, just trying to understand the situation and his point.
Let's see if I get this right. Devs get information from mods, players report stuff through mods. Players > Mods > Devs. So, if mods didn't inform the devs quickly, they won't change stuff quickly too. So, they held the power to send/hold the information, and it's the players fault that information went to the devs too quickly?
Again, it is out of context, I'm just trying to understand the situation and his point.
Personally, I would prefer if instead of a direct compensation to players, Oasis made the fukurokumaru event next week something really good.
An AGK-event next week with a fukurokumaru rebate that had fusion kisame or kakuzu in it would be nice.
The reason I suggest this is that this way, ppl who spent 20k-30k on the discounted sakura event for 5kmadara and shisui and kakuzu/deidara will probably not have enough cash left over to get the full rebate on fukurokumaru, while those people who were unable to capitalize on the sakura event will undoubtedly have enough coupons for it.
Basically, logic is that ppl who lost out this week on the sakura event will be 'compensated' with a good fukurokumaru event, which at the same time will probably exclude those who spent this week on sakura (since they have no cpns left).
I hope oasis does this instead of giving us dango as 'compensation'.
And what about players who are still saving cps? For example players who still only have 9k, 10k, 15k, etc, and didn't get the chance in this event, they will be left out again?
Your idea will only benefit to spenders since they most likely have a lot of cps from froggy. No offense but your idea is terrible.
Idk about the sakura's gift, but if we talk about fairness in terms of sakura/sasuke packs which will come back at 10, the redeemable limit should stay the same. But, for the player who already redeemed it on day 1, their redeemable count will be decreased accordingly to the amount they got on day 1. This sounds good to me.
Some players who has a lot of cps might buy all of the packs for fragments refine or breakthrough preparation, and they will be at advantage. But, hasn't it always been this way with this game? Players who has resources, either by spending money or by saving cps and wait for the best time to spend it, they will always have the advantages. I see this as the game mechanic itself. The point is, the game offers stuff equally(the amount) to all players, and the rest depends on the player itself.
You're assuming the game engine and tech are sophisticated enough to block out certain people ba
I mean, there should be a log file. The game could record our redeem counts individually (if player redeem 1, the redeemable will minus 1). And I think it's not about the engine or the game, it's about the databa
It will be tricky, need a lot of work for the data and idk if I explained myself clearly (I'm bad at this), but I think it's possible. If it's not, then.......too bad .
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