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[ News ] Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th


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On 2018-10-04 23:42:44Show All Posts

Due to Sakura Foodsack:

-5 kage madara, shisui, and Explosive Heart gift packs were cheaper than they were in past events you could even say half the price. shortly afterwards the price of foodsacks goes up 10 coupons. So for example 5kage which cost 9k coupons, shot up to 18k coupons so some players got a good ninja for HALF OFF.

Due to Naruto's Birthday Gift:

-Players were able to 5 star both sailor sakura and sasuke suit and even go beyond that and get hundreds of extra frags and then of course that was taken out after realizing it was redeemable for 100 times so those who werent able to get on they wont be able to get that.

For Compensation: A ton of players are asking for foodsacks but honestly depending on the amount of foodsacks it could make up for ninjas and other stuff bought through the foodsacks being 10 coupons. for the naruto's birthday gift some ramen for the event, mood scrolls, charms would be appropriate compensation. Region is NY.

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