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On 2018-10-04 20:44:38Show this Author Only
  • T_0_M_B_0_L_0_C On 2018-10-04 20:37:20
  • Oasis probably won't give an answer so quickly, they have to talk to the developers side and come to a consensus among themselves.

    Because either way someone is gonna take the fall for the "Intended" gift. Maybe not meant as intended as they have coded into the game.

    Meanwhile.. I have my own answers, but I think it's gonna be hard to check who bought and upgraded the ninjas or even to roll back.

    If they can pull it off, no one will complain of unfairness. Even for compensation, it would be hard to know who deserve the compensation.

    Good luck Oasis, this one a tough one for you.... and you can't really blame the players for their response as well.

    Because those who got it, were also assured that it's not a bug.

They're obviously not scared of that happening, look how proudly they're displaying their ill gotten goods, we demand compensation!!!


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On 2018-10-04 21:09:26Show this Author Only

Let make some contructive conversation, we should give them time to discuss, but here is my solution for this tragedy

1. Rollback transaction of those ramen point and convert them back to coupon, im pretty sure it wont return as ingot , and of course rollback transaction mean those sakura or sasuke frag have to return to oasis.

2. Give players compensation like have to choose Sakura or Sakukre pack again (80 frag). But since those ninja have bad reputation, I suggest they give us naruto chinese style.

I think this is the fair soulution for both f2p and spenders, hope mod can see this

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On 2018-10-04 21:10:22Show this Author Only

Feels good to be left out when you don't have the time to login as soon as the servers come up. Even a mod said "It's not a bug. Consider it as a birthday treat from Naruto."

Thanks for the treat.

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On 2018-10-04 21:12:57Show this Author Only
  • T_0_M_B_0_L_0_C On 2018-10-04 20:37:20
  • Oasis probably won't give an answer so quickly, they have to talk to the developers side and come to a consensus among themselves.

    Because either way someone is gonna take the fall for the "Intended" gift. Maybe not meant as intended as they have coded into the game.

    Meanwhile.. I have my own answers, but I think it's gonna be hard to check who bought and upgraded the ninjas or even to roll back.

    If they can pull it off, no one will complain of unfairness. Even for compensation, it would be hard to know who deserve the compensation.

    Good luck Oasis, this one a tough one for you.... and you can't really blame the players for their response as well.

    Because those who got it, were also assured that it's not a bug.

How about this "quick": they so quick changing sakura food sack price from 10 copons toa whooping 20 copons! How about that for a "quick" action from them? Deceitful! Shameful! Rotten! Man oh man!

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On 2018-10-04 21:13:08Show this Author Only

Imagine those who read the "intented-ness" of the thing, going like "whatever, I'll buy them later"

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On 2018-10-04 21:14:50Show this Author Only

You also need to address the fact that HK server has 10 coupons cost on Sakura flowers and NY is 20. Ninja plays.

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On 2018-10-04 21:17:00Show this Author Only

my server is 2 weeks old and already peaple running around whit 5 stars*

I work hard every single day , i also did invest quite a big chunk money to be somewhere i wanted to be in the game.

Now that has al been for nothing. i feel robbed of my money and of my time.

This is unfair to the whole playerbase and almost criminal to say the least.

In my eyes there is only one option fair for all players and that is to bring it back how it was introduced.

Even the playfield egain and then there is no harm done to any of the players .everyone would happy whit this awsome reward .

  • Registered: 2018-08-17
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On 2018-10-04 21:17:31Show this Author Only

Forget rollbacks. From a technical point of view: that is never gonna happen. It would not only cause massive down time, but also generate other issues. What about spent mood scrolls? Cultivation runes? What about the people who already fought in space time with those ninjas?

Most likely Scenarios:

- Sitting this out (this will apply anyways, just a question to what degree)

- Rollback whole day (very unlikely, since the day passed in HK already)

- Send out some compensation to get some people happy

- Bring it back in the shop (the fairest one, but not really smart business)

- Bringt it back at a reduced quantity (max redeemable)

Now that they, apparently also have doubled the prices for sakura food sack (accident?) and Sakura Quest cannot be done, I would asume that they sent out some kind of global compensation..

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-04 21:27:40Show this Author Only

all HK servers just received whooping 20 cps foodsacks already ......

my enemy group's major players spent 9k this morning for multiple madara [5KC] & quick 5 stars sakura & sasuke, my group major players are having jobs & only can online late tonight, we are penalize for playing late, allowing an amazing gap of over 30 cps/ingot. (9k for double priced madara + 10 to 15k price for 5 stars 2 ninjas)

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On 2018-10-04 21:27:48Show this Author Only
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On 2018-10-04 21:34:12Show this Author Only

This is sickening. I love this game, but after seeing all the disrespect to the players shown by oasis, I really think I’m finally done. Did u see how happy everyone was with the events this week? It was so nice to see the forums light up with joy for once. And it being Narutos bday made it so much sweeter. Now it’s like Narutos bday cake was made of dog *.

This post was last edited by Vajra on 2018-10-04 21:34:54.
  • Registered: 2018-02-14
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On 2018-10-04 21:39:44Show this Author Only
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I also bought my sakura for 3k in fact I 4 star it at those prices...

But the event was such a crazy good deal, that I was not even upset that everyone was gonna 5 star it.

It's not a main meta ninja.. except for a few.. mainly water main... and sasuke suit for possibly angel konan meta.

Anyhow, I was more happy to get the free stuff than complain about past expenditures

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On 2018-10-04 21:45:31Show this Author Only

They released a bug statement now. They dont even care to explain why the changes so sudden. Oh well, what can we expect.

This post was last edited by GAME FREECSS on 2018-10-04 21:45:48.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-04 21:46:34Show this Author Only

Exactly, it wasn’t game breaking. It made the player base very happy for once. And now what do they do? They don’t address or offer an apology, they INCREASE the effing price!!! Lol these guys are amazing. I can feel the weight of their karma from here.

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On 2018-10-04 21:50:38Show this Author Only
  • Pupsiiiii On 2018-10-04 21:17:31
  • Forget rollbacks. From a technical point of view: that is never gonna happen. It would not only cause massive down time, but also generate other issues. What about spent mood scrolls? Cultivation runes? What about the people who already fought in space time with those ninjas?

    Most likely Scenarios:

    - Sitting this out (this will apply anyways, just a question to what degree)

    - Rollback whole day (very unlikely, since the day passed in HK already)

    - Send out some compensation to get some people happy

    - Bring it back in the shop (the fairest one, but not really smart business)

    - Bringt it back at a reduced quantity (max redeemable)

    Now that they, apparently also have doubled the prices for sakura food sack (accident?) and Sakura Quest cannot be done, I would asume that they sent out some kind of global compensation..

There some techical issuse, but it not immposible, the mood scrolls and cultivation runes to be honest if they want to rollback it not even difficult, only the issuse you said is space time:

So if they use sakura in space time this mean those who has the access to this event and get sakura frag for cheap is take somekind of advantage on player who cant buy sakura frag. So are you ok with this ? is this even fair ? this is how player should been treat on naruto online ?

Bring back it in the shopis just some kind of weak, show oasis that they cant handle this situation, and how it fair when some one buy it cheap and now other player have to buy it with double price?

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On 2018-10-04 21:53:22Show this Author Only
  • T_0_M_B_0_L_0_C On 2018-10-04 20:37:20
  • Oasis probably won't give an answer so quickly, they have to talk to the developers side and come to a consensus among themselves.

    Because either way someone is gonna take the fall for the "Intended" gift. Maybe not meant as intended as they have coded into the game.

    Meanwhile.. I have my own answers, but I think it's gonna be hard to check who bought and upgraded the ninjas or even to roll back.

    If they can pull it off, no one will complain of unfairness. Even for compensation, it would be hard to know who deserve the compensation.

    Good luck Oasis, this one a tough one for you.... and you can't really blame the players for their response as well.

    Because those who got it, were also assured that it's not a bug.

Agreed cause they cant resolve the issue at hand ,furthermore before actually updating a game u should probably recheck ur programming to reduce the chances of errors

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On 2018-10-04 21:55:14Show this Author Only

I remember spent 3k or 4k on sailor sakura when it was, and honestly this move was a * move imo, just compensate the players with ramen at least so they can buy 2 stars naruto ramen, so 210 ramen should do for naruto ramen 2 stars at least for everyone.

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On 2018-10-04 21:59:05Show this Author Only
  • UchihaShay On 2018-10-04 21:55:14
  • I remember spent 3k or 4k on sailor sakura when it was, and honestly this move was a * move imo, just compensate the players with ramen at least so they can buy 2 stars naruto ramen, so 210 ramen should do for naruto ramen 2 stars at least for everyone.

That is still bad for business im literally thinking of leaving the game cause of this *

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On 2018-10-04 22:02:49Show this Author Only

Now I was fine being quiet and patient. Waiting for Oasis to announce what they plan on doing about this mess until I found out that they're being underhanded and quickly changing prices of stuff during the event?, nah!!!, what is this nonsense!!!. Either remove the event and refund everyone who spent into it or put it back as it was!!!. Don't jst change * mid way and say * everyone who wasn't here early. That's complete bull.

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On 2018-10-04 22:40:15Show this Author Only

Hey , do you guys think that if they remove sakura from the acc that bought her , will they give back coupons food awakning materials mood scrolls etc ?

Edit1. i mean the ones u used to upgrade her.

This post was last edited by Diogo Martins on 2018-10-04 22:40:53.
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