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On 2018-10-04 20:44:38Show All Posts
  • T_0_M_B_0_L_0_C On 2018-10-04 20:37:20
  • Oasis probably won't give an answer so quickly, they have to talk to the developers side and come to a consensus among themselves.

    Because either way someone is gonna take the fall for the "Intended" gift. Maybe not meant as intended as they have coded into the game.

    Meanwhile.. I have my own answers, but I think it's gonna be hard to check who bought and upgraded the ninjas or even to roll back.

    If they can pull it off, no one will complain of unfairness. Even for compensation, it would be hard to know who deserve the compensation.

    Good luck Oasis, this one a tough one for you.... and you can't really blame the players for their response as well.

    Because those who got it, were also assured that it's not a bug.

They're obviously not scared of that happening, look how proudly they're displaying their ill gotten goods, we demand compensation!!!


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