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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-04 21:09:26Show All Posts

Let make some contructive conversation, we should give them time to discuss, but here is my solution for this tragedy

1. Rollback transaction of those ramen point and convert them back to coupon, im pretty sure it wont return as ingot , and of course rollback transaction mean those sakura or sasuke frag have to return to oasis.

2. Give players compensation like have to choose Sakura or Sakukre pack again (80 frag). But since those ninja have bad reputation, I suggest they give us naruto chinese style.

I think this is the fair soulution for both f2p and spenders, hope mod can see this

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 3
  • Posts: 28
On 2018-10-04 21:50:38Show All Posts
  • Pupsiiiii On 2018-10-04 21:17:31
  • Forget rollbacks. From a technical point of view: that is never gonna happen. It would not only cause massive down time, but also generate other issues. What about spent mood scrolls? Cultivation runes? What about the people who already fought in space time with those ninjas?

    Most likely Scenarios:

    - Sitting this out (this will apply anyways, just a question to what degree)

    - Rollback whole day (very unlikely, since the day passed in HK already)

    - Send out some compensation to get some people happy

    - Bring it back in the shop (the fairest one, but not really smart business)

    - Bringt it back at a reduced quantity (max redeemable)

    Now that they, apparently also have doubled the prices for sakura food sack (accident?) and Sakura Quest cannot be done, I would asume that they sent out some kind of global compensation..

There some techical issuse, but it not immposible, the mood scrolls and cultivation runes to be honest if they want to rollback it not even difficult, only the issuse you said is space time:

So if they use sakura in space time this mean those who has the access to this event and get sakura frag for cheap is take somekind of advantage on player who cant buy sakura frag. So are you ok with this ? is this even fair ? this is how player should been treat on naruto online ?

Bring back it in the shopis just some kind of weak, show oasis that they cant handle this situation, and how it fair when some one buy it cheap and now other player have to buy it with double price?

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