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[ Bugs ] Sakura's gift event have a error


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  • Registered: 2017-12-10
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On 2018-10-07 05:18:53Show All Posts

Same bug here on S648 Demon Fox. Just sent message to CS. Had hoped it would clear up in a day or so, but just checked again. And nope. Still the same bloody mission from Sakura that's bugged, not even letting me get a different one. ~_~ And since they upped the price of her food sacks, as if that alone weren't bad enough, anyone like me with the bug is getting screwed even more. ~_~

Edit: Just to add, after seeing the above reply, I've done this on my server and that didn't happen for me. I just got the same error message, nothing else.

This post was last edited by ⚙ Lexa on 2018-10-07 05:21:10.
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