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[ Events ] Event cycle - October 4th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-10-04 21:18:46Show All Posts

And we're back to normal mess in events caused by miscommunication. First Cloak Sakura/Suit Sasuke were given as a intented gift very cheap. Then they were taken away as a bug. That started forum wars between PTW, who had payed for them fully earlier, players, who got them cheap and players, who didn't get them before they were gone. And now sakura's gift cost has doubled. I didn't manage to get anything from either, since I had workday today. There's a lot of people, who feel cheated (even me a little). There's going to be someone, who get's blame for this. And playes will get dangos as compensation.

When will you guys learn? You can't keep messing up like this all the time, please.

Hint to you: getting Sakura/Sasuke pack back in limited number might be helpful to cool off some people and show it was intented to be a gift in the first place. That's how you could compensate for first error. Sakura's gift is another and needs compensation of it's own. Giving some people something and then denying same things from others is PR nightmare in the making. This isn't first time something like this has happened, so you should have learned from before...

This post was last edited by TobiragoOda on 2018-10-04 21:31:30.
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