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[ Help ] Less servers, more... everything else


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On 2016-09-06 07:41:22Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hello, I've been observing new servers announcment that go on and on... We have already over 100 servers opened, on most of them the population is between 100 to 200 players (who are active).
We all know, that new servers are possibility for newbies and for veterans to start from the beginning, and have better chance to create a big gap.
But come on, over one hundred servers are not enough? Not to mention you are still opening them like crazy... I understand that in most cases people will play on 2/3 servers simultanously (probably spending money on all of those servers also) but what do they get in return for that?
Many people have already lvled up till 70 what are they supposed to do? Sure... let's just bring on the *self-cultivation phase* But how much time you are expecting them to cultivate? Witch each day their activity will drop, cause there is nothing to do.
I am not going to say give free players opportunity to get higher levels blah blah... They wll get into the same level as players who pay (sure they will have sacrafice more time on it.. but well) I am asking you about UPDATE which doesn't really bring on st*pid events... I mean puzzles... really? We need more plot, or else we will continiously lower our activity (That's not a threat, just a fact..) Also I don't know who is the person that translated all of this, but h*ck you need someone to correct those DU**Y mistakes which you can read in this game... *Increase critical hit and critical damage every day* *Cause immobile to the attacker who launches you a criticial attack and yet, when I am launching crit they are immobilised*

This post was last edited by Ormazd-Sama at 2016-9-6 07:51
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On 2016-09-06 07:43:38Show this Author Only
(Chi*** version obviously got it right) Yeah, I do compare this version to ch***, because those du*b mistakes in translation should not happen. I am not even going to mention the missing spaces in texts while talking to Tsunade and others, h*ck I am not sure if your translator know what a comma is. I did spend some money on this game, and I do play it (Thus I support you, duh) But with those dummy mistakes of yours you are just making it hard to actually believe, you released this version because of players demand.. I feel like you've been tempted with all these money you will get from us. (Don't get me wrong, I don't mind spending some money on this game, as it's great) but you made everything in such a rush, and now you see the consequences.. With each maintance I am hoping, someone will correct those mistakes... Guess what?Nothing has changed, TenTen still increases crit chance and dmg every day like a crazy ninja. Also that neurotoxin translation, oh dear...
To sum up, get your priorities right... Don't release another update if you can't polish your old content, if you do that.. I will consider you sloppy, as I have my own reasons to do that.

To all players who would like to discuss on m thread, please don't use any aggressive vocabulary, I am sure they want to polish this game as much as we want... (At least, some people)
*Asks nicely again to fuse them :/ *
(Had to create double posts, as I was getting error - *Nicely asks some moderator to fuse them for me*

This post was last edited by Ormazd-Sama at 2016-9-6 07:50
This post was last edited by Ormazd-Sama at 2016-9-6 07:50
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-06 07:53:06Show this Author Only
Almost all browser games tend to open more servers more frequently due to the fact that this is the best way for them to make money.
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On 2016-09-06 07:55:10Show this Author Only
I am fully aware of that, but just because they have browser game doesn't mean they need to follow this cliche scheme, right?
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On 2016-09-06 08:13:56Show this Author Only
whats wrong with having more servers? just because u dont need one doesnt mean that other new players dont want them...And about ur complain of lack of updates, we do get some from time to mood, battle armor. Compare to the original CN server, im pretty sure our pace of gettin g these updates are way faster.. the players can complain all they want or even lower their activity like u said, but when new updates or new ninja arrive, these players will just come back and play and spend again
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On 2016-09-06 08:30:01Show this Author Only
It's not exactly a cliche scheme - they need money to run these servers. This post was last edited by Godsu* at 2016-9-6 08:31
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On 2016-09-06 08:38:10Show this Author Only
I think its more about patience really. No point in comparing to the chinese version because eventually those will come out. If you want the chinese version, then go play it. Eventually it'll come :)

I didn't power level (i started on day one on S1 as F2P) so i'm still OK. There is always things to do. Looks like there is an update every week so it's pretty good.
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On 2016-09-06 08:57:32Show this Author Only
They will continue to open new servers and merge them later on thats the way it works.

If you were brand new to this game would you roll on Server 1? You will miss out on so much gameplay ranked pvp, team isntances , sage war etc etc not to mention new server events. NO group would take you, the list goes on.

Dont concern yourself with the number of servers, later on alot of stuff is cross server.
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On 2016-09-06 09:15:32Show this Author Only
It's circular reasoning to say that they need to open more servers to make money, because they need to pay for the newly opened servers.

They are opening too many. I used to play with no lag whatsoever, but now I've felt it. It's clearly a cash-grab attempt.

That being said, I greatly enjoyed the puzzles. The rewards aren't nearly as good as CN's, but yeah. This post was last edited by Akamu at 2016-9-6 09:17
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On 2016-09-06 09:42:03Show this Author Only
The amount of money the company/devs get from people topping up on a newly opened server compared to the amount needed to maintain the server is a huge difference and will make up for its cost.

It is 100% guaranteed that there will be a huge amount of spenders for any newly opened servers which is why they will keep on doing it in the future and will merge servers if necessary.
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On 2016-09-06 15:12:21Show this Author Only
  • Godsuxx On 2016-09-06 09:42:03
  • The amount of money the company/devs get from people topping up on a newly opened server compared to the amount needed to maintain the server is a huge difference and will make up for its cost.

    It is 100% guaranteed that there will be a huge amount of spenders for any newly opened servers which is why they will keep on doing it in the future and will merge servers if necessary.
Yeah, my point was that if this is true, they don't have a need. It's a want.
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