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[ Bugs ] Treasured Tool equip bug


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  • Registered: 2018-06-14
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On 2018-10-01 18:22:12Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Hi, so as of today I seem to have come over a bug, or I hope it is one at least. I have 2 x S Ropes , one is 56 and one is 50. The 56 one seems to be "linked" to a lower, B-type one I randomly crafted the other day.This goes by the following :
-in Treasured Tools-> Equip interface, whenever I try to equip the S Rope, I get the B-type one instead (this happens and any treasured (wether it's ranked, arena, or ninja)

- in Treasured Tools -> Recycle interface, if I try to lock the S Rope, it locks the B one instead, as seen below.

Photo 2

Further, with the B one locked, if I try to lock the S one again, it gets replaced by a B type one, identical to the one that I already have (Same level). You can see in the pic below that I only am left with 1 S rope that is lvl 50 (my other one) and 2 x B type. For this to go away, I have to relog. It does not tough solve the bug.

Photo 3

- in Treasured Tools -> Level up interface, my S rope's level up cost is 1 iron ore (keep in mind that it is level 56), which also resembles the B type one. I tried upgrading it, but instead it levels up the B type one (that's how I got it to be lvl 5)

Photo 4

-in Treasured Tools -> Recylce interface, the recycle materials I would get from recycling the S rope would be equal to those of the B rope. You can see that I get no Essences back, although that s the one I put most of them into (you can compare the stats of my 2 S Ropes)

Photo 5

Also, the tools seem to be "equipped" despite the fact that I have removed them from Ranked, Arena, Ninja interface. But i might have missed something so it could be just me.

I have not tried to recylce the B one because I'm afraid it'll delete the S one too. I have tried relogging, changing browers (tired both chrome and firefox) altought I usually use the miniclient. I'm sorry for the long post and hope you understand my problem and I'd really be glad if someone has an idea with what I should do. Cheers !

  • Registered: 2018-02-14
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On 2018-10-01 23:44:03Show this Author Only

For sure it is still equip somewhere, maybe in survival trial?

Not sure about the rest of your problem.

  • Registered: 2018-06-14
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On 2018-10-03 00:41:02Show this Author Only

Took it out in survival and mines too, dont thiink it really matters tho. Will be waiting 1 more day maybe someone has an idea or smth and if not I ll just recylcle the B one and hope for the best xD

  • Registered: 2018-06-14
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On 2018-10-03 13:12:54Show this Author Only

Yea so I actually said yolo and recycled the B one and everything got solved :D

Quicky Post

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