Hi guys i just want to have some feedback on my Team ;)
Here’s my team:
Main Eath (obviously XD)
Kiba GNW (hee’s just the best) (2 star)
Rock lee (4star)
Karin (almost 4 star)
And my talent:
I like this because I think like it has a good balance, let me explain why:
Ok so I have my main who’s my first tank and Kiba GNW who’s my second tank and Damage dealer,
I took kiba because he’s tanky and can deal a great deal of damage (in my opinion) he has a good combo hit witch never fail; it’s always a full combo. He as a 10 combo chase and he’s ninjustu is just insane.
Rock lee, well it’s rock lee ! Good damage on one target! And with my main ninjustu it’s like chrismas for rock lee who can it a lot.
Karin who’s my healer, but also like you said some good damage too, and a 10 combo chase too and poison.
My 2 second round in a fight is the one where I’m going to make the most damage,
When my main use Super Lightened Boulder Jutsu combine with Enchantment of Earth Style on my team it’s all start at this moment.
So kiba is going to attack Twice, and it’s going to be a full combo twice, in the end of the first one who’s going to end up with knockdown Karin follow and then my main, and when kiba attack again I hit the 10 combo and Kiba,Karin and My Main (With the beast chameleon) are all doing there thing and then rock lee and Karin.
I think I have a good balance between solo target with kiba and rock lee (who’s giving me the ability to kill someone really fast) but also good aoe damage with kiba and Karin + the poison and ignite.
Ok so I’m level 65 and since I hit level 60 I’m in a pinch, let me explain.
Up until level 60 I had a good life with my team, we were happy rampaging people on our path (pretty easily I might say) but now… well let’s just said that I’m the one getting the rampage.
The reason is because I loose Akamaru to fast in the early round and so kiba become kind of useless. He’s only 2 stars and I do not have the fragment for upgrading him for now.
If there was one thing that I wanted to change it was Karin (for a tsunade or shizune or jiroubo for more earth damage boost) and rock lee if I could get the rock lee 8 inner gate, who I think would have been great (but same problem than with kiba anyway).
So now I feel like I need to change kiba (but on don’t really want too ;( )
So I just wanted some opinions regarding my team and maybe some change.
Sorry for the long post and i hope it's clear and helpfull.