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[ Player Guide ] Formations for my dear Crimson Fist players. KAGE OVERWIEW HERE!!!!!


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On 2016-09-06 05:09:27Show All PostsDescending Order
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Ohio guys. My nick is Narutlih and I’m earth player on 1st server. In this thread I’ll give some advices(maybe right, maybe wrong… It’s just my experience) about my favorite cl@ss. I. Why Fist?
Many players think, that Fists are weak. Well... I can’t blame them. Because Earth is very late game hero. His last mystery, Super Lightened Boulder Jutsu, give all your ninjas extra attack! And if you have many resistance, your attack-shield can give your team > 3000 “hp” every turn. It’s really good, isn’t it? But with this Crimson Fist haven’t any dmg. So, you need good support, another ninjas. But now, on Eng version, we haven’t them yet. Yes, we have some powerful Pains and Akatsuki, but it’s hard for f2p to get them. And still it’s not what we need. We need Danzo, Raikage, Roshi, “Awoken” Kisame, “Awoken” Kakuzu, “Dead” Deydara… Well, stop dream about impossible. Let’s see, what we can do now.
II. How become stronger? Now I tell you some obvious things, which I didn’t know on start(( And now I regret about this.
1) Keep your seal scrolls. Don’t use it 1 by 1, only 10. In ideal, w8 until good event and get some profit, even you get from treasure 20 Asuma Fragments. Same for pet scrolls. 2) Keep your coupons. As I saw on CN servers, sometimes they get strong ninjas for ~1500 coupons. Or u can buy some pucks with good items/magatamas. 3) Don’t spend your arena/ranked/group points on 2-star ninjas like Lee/Kankuro/Hinata etc., upgrade them in Elite Instance. Later we’ll have Shop Update when all GNW versions will cost 500 points. And THIS fragments you can’t get so easy as normal versions. Also don’t try to buy Karin, Zabuza or Suigetsu – you’ll get them from seal treasure/main plot anyway.4) Try to visit each summon before first pet scroll roll. For first visit u get 25 fragments and 2 runes. And if you get summon from treasure before your first visit, you lost 250 points and these runes. Its… painful.5) Fight on arena. It’ll give you experience for real PvP battles.6) Survival is best friend for Earth f2p player. Just don’t afraid to run away and restart until you’ll get best result. Opponent did combo and you lost ninja? Restart. Opponent did R@SSENGAN or KATUN and your team lost half hp? Restart and think, how interrupt it. Just don’t be lazy, and game will reward you.7) Dont recrut ninjas, that you dont need JUST NOW. Later you can get then from treasures, and if you keep fragments, you can upgradethem to 4 stars immediately. But if you already recruit them, you just get 20 fragments.
Wow-wow, so many advices. Well, let’s talk about main part. Teams.
III. Teams.
Crimson Fist have 2 play styles: offensive and defensive. I prefer def. style, but its guide, so I need to talk about all opportunities. Also, now I’ll talk just about teams, which tested myself. You’ll not see any rare ninjas here. All this ninjas you can get from shops/plot/events or with some luck from treasures. Later I’ll get Tobi and Kisame, and after some tests I'll write about them too. But now let’s start.
Offensive team
On 45(?) lvl all Crimson Fists unlock last mystery, Super Lightened Boulder Jutsu. This mystery let your team additional auto attack. Also you already have Enchantment of Earth Style Ninja talent, which can give 3 your earth ninjas big taijutsu and ninjutsu bonus. And on 55 lvl you’ll get Boulder Jutsu, which gave one random ninja from your team additional attack with crit. So, we’ll build team, which defeat opponent just with auto attacks.

a) Team 1 – Lee, Guy, GNW Kiba.

b) Team 2 – Lee, Guy, normal (more tanky)/GNW Neji (more attack).

Talents and Summon: Mystery – Stone Fist basically for Team 1 if you want more interrupt or Super Lightened Boulder Jutsu in other situations. Basic Attack – only Petrifying Jutsu. In this setup Main Hero is just support for others, so @s support we need to keep them alive as much as we can. 1nd p@ssive – 1 Team - Sphere, 2nd - Lotus. 2nd p@ssive – Enhancement. Nice 40% taijutsu bonus. 3nd p@ssive – Boulder Jutsu. Addition crit-turn on Lee is so painful. Summon – Chameleon if you want pure DMG or white snake if you want some combos. Pros: fast battles, tons of interruption, easy kills team without tanks. Cons: HINATA, HINATA EVERYWHERE; if you don’t win in first 4-5 rounds you’ll lose; problems vs “clone-generator” teams.
Defensive team
On this moment Earth Main Hero is the best tank in the game. He generates tons of shields and immune to combos. The main problem – opponents know it too, so they’ll try to kill your other ninjas, not your main. So we need to kill them first. Or… Just interrupt.
Pros: Can beat stronger opponents, cheap stable team. Cons: Long battles, very need refine, DONT USE AUTO!.
Tanks: Hinata > Kimimaro. “What about Jirobo, Neji and Naruto?” – you ask. In my opinion, Neji more damage dealer, then tank. Naruto without clones doesn’t do any dmg and its bad. Also if you take shield instead of auto attack, you can shield clones, and it’s not best action. Jirobo… he’s not so tanky and less useful then Hin and Kimi. In my teams, I use only Hinata. This is for 3 reasons. 1 – her mystery. Taunt and immune to auto attacks are very good. 2 – her p@ssive. The more opponent beat her, the more resistance she has. For tank its very-very good p@ssive. 3 – acupuncture. This game is all about combos. If opponent makes good 10-kombo, you’ll have many problems. So we need to don’t let him do it. That’s why we need interrupt. That’s why we need acupuncture. That’s why I love Hyuga. This post was last edited by Narutlih at 2016-12-1 20:42 This post was last edited by Narutlih at 2016-12-11 16:43
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On 2016-09-06 05:13:41Show All Posts
Healers: Tsunade / Karin > Kurenai > Kabuto. Forget about normal Sakura and Ino – their normal versions too weak (btw GNW Sakura is strong as ****, and if you can buy Sailor version - just do it, she's insane). Well, Tsunade is one of the best healers for f2p player. She can remove debuffs, heal and do dmg. Her mystery is OP in PVE, cuz computer often focuses her, and after combo she can restore all her hp. Also you get her for free on 69 lvl. Another good healer is Karin. She also removes debuffs, but has more dmg and less heal then Tsunade. You can buy her for group points or get from Seal Treasure. Another choice on healer position is Kurenai. She can’t remove debuffs, but her mystery can restore some hp and give shield. Don’t forget, that in instances you c*e it on your mates! But main reason to pick her is mirror p@ssive. It’s really good to reflect poison/ acupuncture/sleep/paralysis back to opponent. And last good healer is Kabuto. He’s really op in survival, but his clones too weak and don’t do any dmg. With no-dmg Main its really bad. Also remember what I said about Naruto’s clones. But while you haven’t other healers from list, you c*e it, why not. Still better then Sakura. Damage Dealers: Kankuro/Saske > Lee/Kakashi > Tayuya. Well, its 2 different DD types: combo-dd and attack-dd. For example, Kankuro and Saske. First – pure attack-dd. Tons of DMG with puppet, guarantee high float and poisoning. Also he ignores Hinata’s mystery. But – 7 combo max. Saske don’t do so much dmg from his hand, but his max combo is 10. They’re best f2p DD for earth. But if you just don’t want to play for them or already have 5 stars Lee/Kakashi, you can play with them too. Lee have nice p@ssive talents and 0 chakra mystery, but hates Hinata and haven’t AOE dmg. Kakashi… I just don’t like him. Earth don’t need so many chakra, so clone is useless. Also he hasn’t so much hp and can die after 1-2 combos. On 57 lvl I tried to play with Tayuya – interesting and unusual lineup, but now many peoples play for fire, and her sleep can reflect on you. It’s painful.
Some lineups with talents. This teams were created in 1.0 version. I cant guarantee that they'll work in 2.0 version.
Kankuro-Tsunade-Hinata (One of the best f2p lineups)
Saske-Karin-Hinata (Best combos with acupuncture)
Kankuro-Karin-Hinata (MORE POISON)
Kankuro-Kurenai-Hinata (Mirrow)
Bonus: Jirobo-team
Kisame-Kabuto-Guy (My main team now)

Kisame-Tsunade-Guy(More contol and dmg, less tanky)

Kisame-Saske-Hinata (Control + Tanky + Combos + Dmg, but no healer) - need to test in PvP

Tobi-Kabuto-Hinata (Combos+Nice heal+Clones)

Tobi-Tsunade-Hinata (Less Combos, but more debuff clearing and chaos sometimes. Harder to kill.)

Ao-Tsunade-Tobi (Accupunture, just 6-combo, not so tanky, but funny) - you can replace Gamaken with normal frog.

Gakido-Shikamaru-Tobi(No heal, but nice CC and dmg, just 1 tank)

Ao-SS-Tobi(expensive lineup)

PB Saske - Chyo over9000 pupets - Sailor Sakura ("Shut up and take my money" lineup)

GNW TenTen - Chyo over9000 pupets - Sailor Sakura ("Kill them all on 2nd turn" lineup, v.2.0)

Well, that’s all what I can say to you now. Later I'll add my opinion about other ninjas... maybe ;-) Pls subscribe on my channel... Khm, press Favorite Bиtton and let’s discuss about another Earth Teams.

This post was last edited by Narutlih at 2016-11-11 01:47 This post was last edited by Narutlih at 2017-1-10 23:07
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On 2016-09-06 05:14:01Show All Posts

This post was last edited by Narutlih at 2016-12-4 02:50
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On 2016-09-06 05:14:24Show All Posts

Gaara-Gakido-GNW Kankuro(My main formation now)

Gaara-Jugikido-GNW Kankuro(My surv team now) - if you have Serpent, use Lotus instead of Fist Fall

2.0 formations
Kabuto-S Sakura - Kimimaro.

Sage Naruto- WB Asuma - Iruka.

This post was last edited by Narutlih at 2017-1-21 18:06
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On 2016-09-07 04:39:12Show All Posts
  • On 2016-09-06 07:28:05

  • . I dont play for long time but i play with fist and i dont know much . But i really need some advices and lineup talent summon everything. Hope you can help me

You have not bad lineup. If you dont know which summon you need to farm/which skills you need - use this http://* site.
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On 2016-09-08 22:49:53Show All Posts
Added 3 teams with Kisame. Look at 2nd post. Discuss. This post was last edited by Narutlih at 2016-9-8 17:51
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On 2016-09-09 01:07:16Show All Posts
  • Klyda On 2016-09-09 01:02:58
  • any line ups for strong approach easy mode to begin with? for the earth? (non payer player)
    This post was last edited by Klyda at 2016-9-9 01:04
We did easy mode with Kabuto-GNW Kiba and Lee. Its really easy.
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On 2016-09-09 02:52:11Show All Posts
  • UqHolder On 2016-09-09 01:29:20
  • really a nice guide, i save them :D

    I see a lot of Iruka, naruto nine ecc....

    You have lineup with Iruka or Naruto nine? Is better then current Lineup you sharing or not??

    I know is a F2p Guide but i want you point of view if is possible. Thx
Ye, i havnt Nine Tails Naruto and Iruka, so can just tell what i think about them.

Naruto - we cant upgrade him to 3 stars and its make him useless after 50+ lvl(maybe earlier). But, if someday we'll be able to upgrade him t0 3 or more stars - after that he can become a solid pick as good tank.

2-star Iruka also *s. But if you have 3-star Iruka, you c*low to do some x10 rolls from Sage Treasure and get Sage Naruto. Both of them in 1 team are insane. But if you havnt Naruto yet, its still good pick for any Konoha's team.

Before last update Earth on our server havnt too much donaters, so i fought just with 1 top Earth-team with Iruka. It wasnt so much painful and strong, just normal team with normal ninjas. He plays with Iruka-Saske-Hinata formation .
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On 2016-09-09 22:53:09Show All Posts
  • UqHolder On 2016-09-09 16:05:13
  • Ty.

    You any advice for Ranked battle? UP MIDDLE AND DOWN Lane .P
Im not a pro in ranked, just uses my strongest ninjas. Main advice - give them max lvl, cultivate, awakings and bring def main team, not offencive.

Also dont afraid to try to contr opponent. If you see, that he uses Hinata in Top team - dont use Lee in your Top team. And alwayse put your main agains opponent's main.

Anyway, im just 83 in rankeds((
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On 2016-09-09 22:59:08Show All Posts
  • UqHolder On 2016-09-09 22:11:16
  • the mood? i think is the mood is really important but i dont see nothing for Crimson Mood and the other Ninja like HInata ecc...

    Can you explain the best Mood for first and the other most played ninja like hinata?
Best mood for Fist + Res - Ninj.
Hinata have nice passive and need MORE MORE HP. So + Hp - Attack.
Kankuro need Ninj and dont need defense.

Summ - tanks need hp/res/def - depends of which passives they have.
Atackers need attack or ninj, depends of which type of dmg do more dmg. (Saske need ninj, Lee and Guy - attack).
Healers need ninj and some resist.
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On 2016-09-09 23:04:26Show All Posts
  • Klyda On 2016-09-09 21:46:33
  • question which team gave 8 combos for earth?
Easy answer - nearly all teams with Saske. Without him you'll have 7 combos max. With him + right Summon - 8-9-10.
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On 2016-09-09 23:15:34Show All Posts
  • On 2016-09-09 18:43:38
  • Question: Which line up do you think is better and why? Kakashi/Hinata/Karin vs Kankuro/hinata/Karin Like I know you don't like kakashi but I'm sure there is a bigger reason that I have not seen yet. (earth main)
Well, Kankuro have more hp then Kakashi and his mystery is one of the best AOE f2p mysteries. Also Kankuro is easy upgradable to 4/5 stars and have guarantee high float -> combo-acipunture trigger on 1st round. And his puppet ignores Hinata/Niji's shields. On the other hand, Kakash can paralyse, ignite and clone which can tank some dmg and give you 20 chacra. And dont forget, that poison dont stacks, so Karin and Kankuro isnt best pair. Also (maybe) his mystery is faster, then Kankuro's. But im not sure.
Summ: both lines have pros and cons, but i prefer Kankuro's team. Just cuz i have 4-star Kankuro and he deals really monstrous dmg.
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On 2016-09-12 16:50:18Show All Posts
If you have Kakashi - use him+saske++kabuto. If you havnt - saske+hinata+kabuto - solid team with nice kombos too.
But as i said, Crimson more late game ninja, so without good ninjas and Steel Body Talent he cant do so much against another classes((
This post was last edited by Narutlih at 2016-9-12 11:51
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On 2016-09-15 16:51:53Show All Posts
  • On 2016-09-14 18:04:18
  • there is that indeed, but for me the worst is still a main lighning with a sasuke and kakashi or thing like that... i mean the damage taken when the main using is skill for 3 auto hit...
there is that indeed, but for me the worst is still a main lighning with a sasuke and kakashi or thing like that... i mean the damage taken when the main using is skill for 3 auto hit...
earth in front is all fun until you face a fire main who keeps sleeping your main and you cant even shield at all lolThats 1 more reason to play with Hinata. She can dodge this attacks(thats why she stayes 1st - fire mains mostly set themselfs in first column) and on 2nd turn we can do combo without any sleeps in team.

Lightning main its not so much problem too, if we have Kankuro and Hina if he have attack to man with lower life on 1st turn he attacks Hina, and on 2-3 - Kankuro's Pupet. Easy.
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On 2016-09-15 17:00:45Show All Posts
  • Minene_Rem On 2016-09-14 20:58:52
  • any good line-up with 4* Gaara? xD
    i considered to change into earth main and wanna try this line-up
    x x x
    Kakuzu main x
    Tsunade Gaara x
Gaara needs as much Wind as you can. I tryed some lineups with Gaara on arena, and discover 2 interesting teams: Gaara/Kankuro/Baki (Budget), Gaara/Kankuro/Orochimaru(70+) and theoretically Gaara/Kankuro/WB Asuma will be good too(just coz WB Asuma is insane).
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On 2016-09-15 17:58:46Show All Posts
  • On 2016-09-15 16:16:43
  • u have line up for world boss earth main ?
Addad in starpost.

Also i added 2 teams with Tobi. He hasnt aoe, but its very hard to kill him. Also his ignition Op. And in my opinion, he have one of the fastest mysteries in the game. So play with him until Oasis nerf him.
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On 2016-09-19 16:10:13Show All Posts
  • Magicians On 2016-09-19 10:41:44
  • How does the extra auto attack mystery work? If you are earth main and use it before, lets say, the enemy fire main use the fireball, do all your ninjas attack one time before the fire main using fireball? So in other words;
    Earth Main has higher initiative, use the extra auto attack mystery ->
    Fire Main queue's up his mystery skill ->
    Does Earth Main and his team all use an auto attack before the fire main's fireball will shoot?
No, its just let you ninjas attack 1 more time after their standart attack.

How it works (if Earth Main have more initiative):
1) He uses Skill and do 2 times his action.
2) Other mysteries.
3) Your 2nd ninja does 2 auto attacks
4) Opponent 2nd ninja does 1 auto, etc.
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On 2016-10-02 00:49:19Show All Posts
Sorry, was busy, but now i created another interesting formation.

Kakuzu+GNW Neji+Karin (lineup under construction).

Im not sure in this disposition, maybe better put Neji in second line. Need more tests. But anyway it's good formations with accupunture, poison, nice combos, and tons of dmg from Kisame.
P.S. I can give good advices about teams with Pains, cuz havnt them. Sorry(
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On 2016-10-03 16:37:51Show All Posts
  • bikvic On 2016-10-03 10:40:06
  • this is a very good guide for noob earth players like me. thanks a lot! more combos please? :)
As i know, f2p player can do max 10 combos, with Pain/gold summon its increase. But i havnt Pains and from Summon got just useless for earth main Gamaken. So here i cant help you(
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On 2016-10-04 23:34:45Show All Posts
  • On 2016-10-03 20:20:25
  • Got today Kisame and trying with him as much as I can and im loosing with disgrace. I think that i need more initiative so he could attack quite fast, as for now he isnt, or maybe Im doing something wrong. If you would have any tips write pls. (dont have tsunade)
About Kidame - i tried him, but... My lineups just dont need him. He absorb chakra, but my lineps dont need it. Also he recovers 10% hp when team recovers chakra, but its a bit useless when only he can recover it(maybe with Sage Naruto/Jiraya or Kurenai he suits good). He's not a tank and as debuffs can just Accupunture from AA(and as we know, now all uses clones).

Reallym he's not bad, but earth have ninjas which are better.

About GNW Kankuro - he's insane and i'll replace my usual Kankuro... But only when i'll get 3-star GNW-version. 2-star havnt enough hp/resist and will not survive after 1-2 high-lvl combos.

To Magotz - sorry, but i still havnt any Pain, so i'll post formations with them just after 80 lvl. This post was last edited by Narutlih at 2016-10-4 18:47 This post was last edited by Narutlih at 2016-10-4 18:47
Quicky Post

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