Ohio guys. My nick is Narutlih and I’m earth player on 1st server. In this thread I’ll give some advices(maybe right, maybe wrong… It’s just my experience) about my favorite cl@ss. I. Why Fist?
Many players think, that Fists are weak. Well... I can’t blame them. Because Earth is very late game hero. His last mystery, Super Lightened Boulder Jutsu, give all your ninjas extra attack! And if you have many resistance, your attack-shield can give your team > 3000 “hp” every turn. It’s really good, isn’t it? But with this Crimson Fist haven’t any dmg. So, you need good support, another ninjas. But now, on Eng version, we haven’t them yet. Yes, we have some powerful Pains and Akatsuki, but it’s hard for f2p to get them. And still it’s not what we need. We need Danzo, Raikage, Roshi, “Awoken” Kisame, “Awoken” Kakuzu, “Dead” Deydara… Well, stop dream about impossible. Let’s see, what we can do now.
II. How become stronger? Now I tell you some obvious things, which I didn’t know on start(( And now I regret about this.
1) Keep your seal scrolls. Don’t use it 1 by 1, only 10. In ideal, w8 until good event and get some profit, even you get from treasure 20 Asuma Fragments. Same for pet scrolls. 2) Keep your coupons. As I saw on CN servers, sometimes they get strong ninjas for ~1500 coupons. Or u can buy some pucks with good items/magatamas. 3) Don’t spend your arena/ranked/group points on 2-star ninjas like Lee/Kankuro/Hinata etc., upgrade them in Elite Instance. Later we’ll have Shop Update when all GNW versions will cost 500 points. And THIS fragments you can’t get so easy as normal versions. Also don’t try to buy Karin, Zabuza or Suigetsu – you’ll get them from seal treasure/main plot anyway.4) Try to visit each summon before first pet scroll roll. For first visit u get 25 fragments and 2 runes. And if you get summon from treasure before your first visit, you lost 250 points and these runes. Its… painful.5) Fight on arena. It’ll give you experience for real PvP battles.6) Survival is best friend for Earth f2p player. Just don’t afraid to run away and restart until you’ll get best result. Opponent did combo and you lost ninja? Restart. Opponent did R@SSENGAN or KATUN and your team lost half hp? Restart and think, how interrupt it. Just don’t be lazy, and game will reward you.7) Dont recrut ninjas, that you dont need JUST NOW. Later you can get then from treasures, and if you keep fragments, you can upgradethem to 4 stars immediately. But if you already recruit them, you just get 20 fragments.
Wow-wow, so many advices. Well, let’s talk about main part. Teams.
III. Teams.
Crimson Fist have 2 play styles: offensive and defensive. I prefer def. style, but its guide, so I need to talk about all opportunities. Also, now I’ll talk just about teams, which tested myself. You’ll not see any rare ninjas here. All this ninjas you can get from shops/plot/events or with some luck from treasures. Later I’ll get Tobi and Kisame, and after some tests I'll write about them too. But now let’s start.
Offensive team
On 45(?) lvl all Crimson Fists unlock last mystery, Super Lightened Boulder Jutsu. This mystery let your team additional auto attack. Also you already have Enchantment of Earth Style Ninja talent, which can give 3 your earth ninjas big taijutsu and ninjutsu bonus. And on 55 lvl you’ll get Boulder Jutsu, which gave one random ninja from your team additional attack with crit. So, we’ll build team, which defeat opponent just with auto attacks.
a) Team 1 – Lee, Guy, GNW Kiba.

b) Team 2 – Lee, Guy, normal (more tanky)/GNW Neji (more attack).

Talents and Summon: Mystery – Stone Fist basically for Team 1 if you want more interrupt or Super Lightened Boulder Jutsu in other situations. Basic Attack – only Petrifying Jutsu. In this setup Main Hero is just support for others, so @s support we need to keep them alive as much as we can. 1nd p@ssive – 1 Team - Sphere, 2nd - Lotus. 2nd p@ssive – Enhancement. Nice 40% taijutsu bonus. 3nd p@ssive – Boulder Jutsu. Addition crit-turn on Lee is so painful. Summon – Chameleon if you want pure DMG or white snake if you want some combos. Pros: fast battles, tons of interruption, easy kills team without tanks. Cons: HINATA, HINATA EVERYWHERE; if you don’t win in first 4-5 rounds you’ll lose; problems vs “clone-generator” teams.
Defensive team
On this moment Earth Main Hero is the best tank in the game. He generates tons of shields and immune to combos. The main problem – opponents know it too, so they’ll try to kill your other ninjas, not your main. So we need to kill them first. Or… Just interrupt.
Pros: Can beat stronger opponents, cheap stable team. Cons: Long battles, very need refine, DONT USE AUTO!.
Tanks: Hinata > Kimimaro. “What about Jirobo, Neji and Naruto?” – you ask. In my opinion, Neji more damage dealer, then tank. Naruto without clones doesn’t do any dmg and its bad. Also if you take shield instead of auto attack, you can shield clones, and it’s not best action. Jirobo… he’s not so tanky and less useful then Hin and Kimi. In my teams, I use only Hinata. This is for 3 reasons. 1 – her mystery. Taunt and immune to auto attacks are very good. 2 – her p@ssive. The more opponent beat her, the more resistance she has. For tank its very-very good p@ssive. 3 – acupuncture. This game is all about combos. If opponent makes good 10-kombo, you’ll have many problems. So we need to don’t let him do it. That’s why we need interrupt. That’s why we need acupuncture. That’s why I love Hyuga. This post was last edited by Narutlih at 2016-12-1 20:42 This post was last edited by Narutlih at 2016-12-11 16:43