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[ Events ] Event Cycle - September 27th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-26 22:03:49Show All Posts
  • vr00z On 2018-09-26 21:17:57
  • New Breakthrough Ninja : Ay[Fourth Raikage]?

    RIP F2P

what do you mean RIP? this is a game where money spent is literally the only thing that matters. A terrible player with a fat wallet will beat a great f2p player every single time.

I collect what characters I can and constantly switch up my team, that's where I get enjoyment from this game, ive been in various servers from almost day 1 and f2p has never been a viable option if you want to stand any chance in any pvp event

This post was last edited by Galaxias on 2018-09-26 22:07:06.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-26 22:19:39Show All Posts
  • darkness000 On 2018-09-26 22:13:36
  • Not really, some of high power player is actually f2p, and some f2p player actually can compete with p2w player (except for the top 10 player), you clearly clueless about it... Just because you cant compete doesnt me*l f2p player cant.

hmm, a game where initiative is the single most important stat, where atleast 95% of players use meta teams and where even minor spenders ( monthly card pass only) can easily improve ini significantly quicker than f2p. Yes clearly im clueless, you are free to think as you wish, just sharing my personal experience as someone here from as near as makes no difference the beginning

This post was last edited by Galaxias on 2018-09-26 22:24:25.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-27 03:42:29Show All Posts
  • MasahiroTakai On 2018-09-27 01:52:12
  • Don’t know why people complain about p2w getting new things as if it affects them. Nothing changes for them. They still lose to whales, and they still won’t be able to compete with them.

My point exactly, been playing for a long time. I don't get hung up on my bad win/loss ratio in pvp. I collect characters at my own pace and take enjoyment from that

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On 2018-09-27 03:47:18Show All Posts
  • kesshokage On 2018-09-27 01:35:38
  • if you think init is the end game stat, you need to do more research, coz its not always. theres counter teams who are slower than others and they can actually win against faster players. its using your brain to know how to counter a fight is the true end game stats. having higher init helps but doesnt give you a guaranteed win

ok, how would you counter an edo hizuen team, with him in slot 1 and significantly higher ini and power? you cant stop hiruzen and he can easily wipe out 90% of your entire teams health before you even move


a dodge based team - shisui, minato with higher ini? you'd have to pop the dodge and then use immobile,acupuncture or chaos on said dodger after their standard attack of the round, but even then that would only work if the opponent didnt have any healers/debuff removers


root team? even if you have say han to remove root, if the opponent has a barrier and lightning armour you can kiss goodbye to atleast one of your characters first round

I've no doubt there are cases of f2p beating higher powered p2w, but as a general rule for this game, money is undoubtedly power

This post was last edited by Galaxias on 2018-09-27 03:49:33.
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