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Views: 77436 | Replies: 134
[ Events ] Event Cycle - September 20h


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  • Registered: 2018-05-19
  • Topics: 2
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On 2018-09-22 06:03:34Show All Posts

hello oasis i want to tell u didnt explain enough about the event like myoboku trial in wheel offering there is minato hokage and u said that the weekly ninjas are only kakshi susano and shisui sai suit and minato jonin and masked man u didnt mention the hokage one and p.s i know this is event section and maybe some of your members on oasis gone delete my post but i want to say it your response to contact are weak and there is no report section to give with cuz in my server there is alot of salty person who can insult anyone and nobody can stop them and bugs and alot of trouble that i face there so if u see my post before u delete it plz send gm in server who can conect to us if there is trouble between the game and players of servers .

  • Registered: 2018-05-19
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On 2018-09-24 05:06:11Show All Posts
  • Numbers On 2018-09-22 23:43:38
  • Kinda dont understand why is everyone crying about ninjas releases being rushed its not like Bee or Kakashi are super important to the meta that you cant live without them. Ninjas you have in team dont mean shiet if you dont ahve the power and initiative to make them work. The only meta breaking ninja was Madara and the ppl that knew that saved and got him. Kakshi and Bee are just filler chars and youre getting them because you wanna feel a pokemon master. Not jonin menato with bond and not the Cansur Galore water main wont get any good if youre slower than the enemy so stop crying about it. If youve followed CN you know what is and what isnt meta and none of the 2 last releases were big there. Youre all just worried because you cant keep up with your pokemon addiction and when the Breakthrus of the big ninjas come you wont be able to afford them so either plan better or spend more as simple as that.

are u talking to me babe cuz the reply is not include pokemon man btw i just want them to be clear about anything of this news and babe if u dont like my reply dont answer it then cuz this is being different and i watch CN servers u think ididnt know about them but in uk servers is full contain of bugs and salty people some * who being so childish like u my reply is the announcement is not full explanation of it so either u gets it or not bother your self of reply cuz in another game they have better system than this and CN servers is much better than uk servers so there is no compare it at all so there is some update we get it i get it but the system is not changing at all so thats why i post that.

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