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[ Events ] Event Cycle - September 20h


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-20 00:05:40Show All Posts

This rate of release for ninja is getting ridiculous, I'm glad that I can't hope to keep up with the rate of release to buy these ninja because whats the point in buying any of them if in 2 weeks the next one is coming in.

Too worried about a constant stream of new ninja being released, not worried enough about Red runes in 8 gates, shop discount for Jonin Medal holders, *insert other delayed long overdue features we should have had already*

The events look promising but I'll reserve judgement until I see them in practice.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-20 04:23:12Show All Posts
  • SSirus On 2018-09-20 03:32:15
  • Lol great events for both F2P and spenders, don't know why people are complaining about the new ninjas, gives more options for people to save for and makes more variety. Also free Sai [Suit] is great. Also I want to point out that most skill breaks aren't always that useful, like Deidara for example, sure they're cool and all but they don't really add much to the game.

What if you wanted Susanoo Kakashi more but you just bought Bee two weeks ago and now here's Kakashi? This rate of release caters to whale spenders only, low/mid spenders cannot afford to keep shelling out another 10-15k every two weeks because Oasis/Tencent value releasing new ninja above all else.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-20 06:41:46Show All Posts
  • SSirus On 2018-09-20 04:32:19
  • Not really Oasis' fault if you spent your coupons on Bee, you should keep in mind that you can only equip 3 ninjas in battle anyways (Excluding Ranked), there really is no point in having the latest ninjas, unless you just want to feel cool. Its not like the ninjas going to disappear forever just because you didn't get them the week they came out

So you see no problem releasing two ninja that have effects on the meta 5 weeks apart from each other? Five Kage Summit Madara was released for the first time 4-5 weeks ago and now already we have another ninja coming in that affects it as well.

How are players supposed to plan what to do with their resources if there are releases like this so close together? There is no consistency, just like Bee, S Kakashi is coming too early.

Quicky Post

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