Views: 1922 | Replies: 5
[ Events ] Best event to recruit Edo Deidara


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 22
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On 2018-09-19 02:25:29Show All PostsDescending Order
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I'm a f2p. I've been collecting coupons in order to recruit Edo nagato but later I changed my mind and now I want edo deidara. What is the best event to recruit him? Many people recommend lucky board. I'm 100% FOCUSING ON NINJA NOT ON OTHER REWARDS. So I'm looking for the easiest way to get him (costing low coupons) . I've seen a guy getting him from gambling , spending 6.5 k coupons(oh st. Patrick!) I don't remember the event, lucky * or sakura's gift or something like that. Well I have collected 6.8 k so far. I don't want to waste them getting nothing. Moreover I have issues with my fortune, my luck *s. So what is the best way guys? LB? Mission general? Ninja recruitment? Shuriken thing? Pls tell me the easiest way to get EDO TENSEI DEIDARA :')

(My level's 79,BP is 60 k and I've collected 6.8k coupons so far)

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 22
  • Posts: 65
On 2018-09-19 03:47:23Show All Posts
  • R1nn On 2018-09-19 02:41:02
  • I dont think deidara costs that less. He should be around 15k to 18k, i suggest you to save 20k coupons and wait for Fuku rebate, maybe you will get him in that event for free. In anycase i suggest you to wait until u get 20k coupons and wait for coupons rebate, you can easy get 2 ninjas or even 3 worth 15-20k each :)

Can you tell me about that more specifically?

Quicky Post

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