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[ Azure Fang ] Water Main needs improvements


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  • Registered: 2018-09-14
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On 2018-09-17 16:12:18Show this Author Only

Water main is weak..


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On 2018-09-17 18:06:45Show this Author Only
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On 2018-09-17 21:48:48Show this Author Only

waterbomb jutsu needs no improvement, actually, it needs a nerf. The 100 chakra absorb is not needed at all, the mystery is already op enough, you don't need to absorb ALL chakra from your enemy... It gives your opponent no chance to counter you and all he can do is stand there looking at you spamming your mystery every turn without the possibility of fighting back... I used this during bonds yesterday with my friend and so many people just closed the game because they had no chance! they couldn't do anything! The game shouldn't allow this to happen

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On 2018-09-17 21:52:41Show this Author Only
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On 2018-09-18 00:00:02Show this Author Only

I would sure LOVE my GNW Tenten / Edo Hiruzen CC whole enemy camps at once at round one! LOL

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On 2018-09-18 02:13:46Show this Author Only

i can't believe this thread is a thing. water main is the most powerful main there is now. kage summit madara ensures that, water is the only one he doesn't completely counter.

fire's best mystery, shield and immunity which madara removes.

earth has shields all over the place and immunity in his passive, which again madara removes

wind main shields 2 females and makes then immune, which again madara removes

lightning main, root, bye bye.

the best passives and/or mysteries of all the mains were countered by 1 ninja, except for water main who c*e that 1 ninja with no downsides.

in addition to counter your other arguments, if ur hit by ignite u can only cleanse it and u wont gain hp, but u cleanse EVERY debuff and soft cc so not only do u stop the 2-4k worth of ignites u also stop the 8k poisons the paralyze the tag ect. so it still saves you thousands of health each round you use it. and if they dont have ignite, then you heal more base than a fire main will shield by about 50%, the shield c*so be removed by that madara so we c*e it then lose it with little to no benefit while your health regen stays.

absorbing chakra on a high crit myst isnt enough? you force your opponent to run dodge ninjas or u will crit him and stop his myst, and they cant bait out the myst first cause u will steal their chakra so they cant use the myst afterward without a chakra battery so they need 2 ninjas to TRY to counter yours and if 1 of those 2 gets ccd then they fail.

all of your suggestions make it sound like you dont want water to be op, but you want her so strong that you can beat someone with 500k power more power than you just because you run a solo water main. water is currently THE strongest main in the game, she is the only main that can be m1, has full cleanse on up to 2 ninjas each round and a lineup wide cleanse on a 3 rd cd that can be reduced further, she is the only main with dodge which is better than earth mains super armor sonce u can avoid damage entirely, she can let your ninjas stack poison on tai dmg which is amazing if you dont have koh and even if you do have koh its still lets you do 8k dmg r1 which is 20%+ dmg since people at 300k power still only have 40k hp ninjas at best. she is the only main that has hard cc that can be used by a chase.

please try playing another main and then see how hard we have it before you ask for more buffs, water has gotten the most buffs of any main, even when she is too powerful she still gets buffs, while fire mains are barely hanging on and can only be played when we have the power to back them up and we still got talents nerfed.

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On 2018-09-18 06:24:08Show this Author Only

To stay balanced, then with all the extra ability to crit, you would need to change neurotoxin so that it causes poison with every crit instead of chaos. And maybe add a poison damage bonus like shizune. Otherwise, no chaos for all ninja crit, and sharkbomb should only have higher crit rate for targeted ninja not all ninja hit.

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On 2018-09-18 08:52:31Show this Author Only

Bah, your underestimating water main so much. You only complain because of ignite and then have tweak here and there. I face lot of water main bomb team and I say i just watch my ass getting beat up and the hard part is watching my lineup get pushined while not doing anything( every round chaos). If Azure goes healer, most of the lineup will pair her with healers also, its annoying actually(still beatable) and can beat you with survivality ending you first dying. You put lot of critical and alas you also put always critical then how about pairing it with neurotoxin? Its so bad man. Maybe only small parts of her skill to be improved but man, your making azure so much OP that I want to go back being her main again (cause the game gives me lot of wind ninjas so I kinda tilted to wind and change to her main.)

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On 2018-09-19 04:38:18Show this Author Only

LOL. You don't have the slightest clue how to play this game OP. Your post just reeks of someone who just started playing. I suggest you just play the game more, and once you get more of the late game ninjas, you'll see why these changes you propose are so ridiculous. To me, it's pretty clear that you are trying to make water stronger so you can compete with people who already have stronger ninja than you have currently.

I don't even have the time or energy to go through all of the reasons why they are bad but I'll point out some of them.


1. Knife attack (little improvements)


Attack a unit in front of the row. This skill is always a critical hit.

2. Healing jutsu (little improvements)


Heals 2 units (10% of lifepoints of the healed unit) with the lowest health from your lineup and remove all debuff.

3. Water Whip (little improvements)

Water - Nin-Tai

Attack a unit in front of the row with a high chance (70%) of causing 3 combos, acupunture (3 rounds), and knockdown.

4. Monster Strength (medium improvements)


Attack a unit in the front row with a very high chance (90%) of causing high float. This skill will cause double damage to clones and will never misses.

Every single one of these is a terrible, broken change. No main has guaranteed crit for standard. Why would she get it? You want a guaranteed removal of 2 characters for heal and debuff? So essentially you can keep your entire team from getting hurt at all, esp. if you run a 2nd healer? You want a 70% chance of causing acupuncture with a standard attack? You want 90% chance to start chase and have it never miss and do double damage to clones? Every single one of these would make water easily not only the strongest support, but also an incredibly strong attacker.

2. Neurotoxin (little improvements)

All units in your field that cause critical will also cause chaos (for 1 turn)

Seriously? You want her to be able to cause cause with her entire team? You have people like Sus Itachi, EGF Kakuzu and Madara, who have never miss attacks and have high crit rates already. Madara's chase is 100% crit rate if it hits a non-dodge. Your team could literally just chaos the entire field for the entire battle without much effort.

4. Senjutsu Mode (NEW)

Before the first action of each round, recover 40 chakra points for your team, and Azure Fang will recieve Senjutsu status. Becomes immune to all debuff.

Are you serious? You really want her to automatically gain chakra and become immune every round? She already has the ability to clear herself out. Her skill now already tags her as senjustu, letting you take advantage of any skills from other characters like Edo Hashi's healing. Now you want her to pretty much be unstoppable since her heals would always work if she isn't ignited, for example?

3. Healing tips (medium improvements)

Increase the healing effect of all unit in your field by 40% (can be overlapped). Also, all healing effects in your field will *e ignition (it means you can treat ignition just like poision, lifepoints will be recovered although under ignition status)

You want them to remove the way ignition works solely for a single character? Do you realize how dumb and impractical that sounds? It literally breaks a core mechanic of the game. The point of igniting water main is to keep her from already healing herself even more, and prolonging the battle.

Passive 2

1. Water Clone Jutsu (medium improvements)

At the beginning of battle, summons a fire resistant clone based on 100% of Azure Fang lifepoints. This unit is capable of healing jutsu (capable of healing 2 units at a time). If this clones disappear, recover 60 chakra points for your lineup.

There isn't a single main that has a clone with 100% life. I don't even think there is a ninja period, that creates 100% life clone. So why would this be a thing? And why would it be with 60 chakra? Most clones when they die, give 20 chakra per clone max. Her already 60% life and 30 chakra is more than generous, and stronger than every other main's clones.

I'm gonna leave one of my teams up here for you, and you think about the changes you suggested and see how they would affect this team.


This post was last edited by takosabi on 2018-09-19 04:43:56.
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