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If you started over...


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On 2018-09-07 14:22:33Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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If you started over and saved enough coupons to get one ninja from an event to build a team around, who would you pick?

and why?

This post was last edited by Beavis on 2018-09-07 14:22:33.
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On 2018-09-07 14:34:19Show this Author Only


Why? The 7000 spins it would take me to probably get him, I would get a ton of other stuff.

This post was last edited by Pupsiiiii on 2018-09-07 14:35:24.
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On 2018-09-07 16:11:54Show this Author Only

i've started over like 5 times and all 5 times i've chosen jonin minato XD

no solid reason except that i'm 1) most used to building a team around him since he's in my main's main team, and 2) i'm just more used to the play style that involves minato. and bonus reason 3) his bond skill is dope.

i've just been trying to see what sort of ult team i can build with minato throughout the months, different support ninjas in different accounts that i can't afford with my main and such.

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On 2018-09-09 00:03:02Show this Author Only
  • Kuebiko On 2018-09-07 16:11:54
  • i've started over like 5 times and all 5 times i've chosen jonin minato XD

    no solid reason except that i'm 1) most used to building a team around him since he's in my main's main team, and 2) i'm just more used to the play style that involves minato. and bonus reason 3) his bond skill is dope.

    i've just been trying to see what sort of ult team i can build with minato throughout the months, different support ninjas in different accounts that i can't afford with my main and such.

welp ended up grabbing minato because he is reasonably cheap from the current sakura event. Any advice on some early game teams?

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On 2018-09-09 07:43:07Show this Author Only

Definitely Jonin Minato is a great grab this week

I assume you have no other rare ninjas so maybe something like Jonin Minato - Iruka(Gaara) - Kurenai - Wind Main

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On 2018-09-09 09:16:09Show this Author Only
  • ICExx On 2018-09-09 07:43:07
  • Definitely Jonin Minato is a great grab this week

    I assume you have no other rare ninjas so maybe something like Jonin Minato - Iruka(Gaara) - Kurenai - Wind Main

Thanks! Still working on kurenai.

right now running

WM , minato, *X

guy. *X , *X

gaara, *X, *X

probably the best I can do for the time being with what i have summon / ninja wise. still 10 levels away from natural draining though so its not ideal. Just gotta be patient i guess.

Anyone besides kurenai i should be specifically aiming for? Still kind of torn on which seal treasure to go for, from what i've gathered everyone says roshi lol.

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On 2018-09-09 12:44:42Show this Author Only

My super super early team was Minato, Shikaku, Gaara and WM.

Minato po1, Gaara po2, WM po3, and Shikaku po4, katsuyu summon, low to high on WM. 8 combo, and 40 chakra + immobile.

When you have kurenai skillbroken you can replace shikaku with her. I would go straight for the great ninja war treasure.

This post was last edited by Big E on 2018-09-09 12:45:09.
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On 2018-09-09 13:15:53Show this Author Only
  • Big E On 2018-09-09 12:44:42
  • My super super early team was Minato, Shikaku, Gaara and WM.

    Minato po1, Gaara po2, WM po3, and Shikaku po4, katsuyu summon, low to high on WM. 8 combo, and 40 chakra + immobile.

    When you have kurenai skillbroken you can replace shikaku with her. I would go straight for the great ninja war treasure.

cool. ill be able to start working towards shikaku from collection tomarrow. Almost forgot about him

I still haven't finished my 20 draws out of the first seal treasure, might wait to recruit kurenai until i do, in case i get lucky and pull her, yay frags.

I was sort of thinking about just toughing it out and going straight for gnw treasure as well. Gonna take some time for that super rare lol. Not many others to pull that can buff minato anyways.

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On 2018-09-09 22:38:39Show this Author Only

I'd pick up Edo Deidara. He has a few teams you can run him with.

Jigokudo, Sailor Sakura, EM

LM, Jinpachi, Sasori

Shark Deidara, EM Earth Grudge

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On 2018-09-10 05:56:23Show this Author Only
  • Beavis On 2018-09-09 00:03:02
  • welp ended up grabbing minato because he is reasonably cheap from the current sakura event. Any advice on some early game teams?

You can try and use Kuebiko's Jonin Minato lineup that always rekts me in SWB every he hunts me down.

X JMinato X

Ay 3rd Shark Kisame X

X Fire main clone

Talents are 43121

Summon KoH

Summon Mystery is Shiba

This post was last edited by icebuken on 2018-09-10 05:56:46.
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On 2018-09-10 17:31:14Show this Author Only
  • icebuken On 2018-09-10 05:56:23
  • You can try and use Kuebiko's Jonin Minato lineup that always rekts me in SWB every he hunts me down.

    X JMinato X

    Ay 3rd Shark Kisame X

    X Fire main clone

    Talents are 43121

    Summon KoH

    Summon Mystery is Shiba

He's cleary asking for very early teams and didn't even got his 20 free pulls done. And you recommend Shark, Ay and king of hell?

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On 2018-09-10 20:05:38Show this Author Only

Jonin minato , gaara , iruka and wind main

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On 2018-09-10 21:16:28Show this Author Only

After experimenting, and on my numerous accounts ive always started with Minato, except before he was released, i am currently running on a new server:( will use Kurenai when she is ready and when i have the summon)

Karin Jonin Minato

WM Guren(4*).

Summon is Lightning tiger.

Talents are:

3, 2 or 4, 1, 3, 1

The beauty i found in thie formation, in early game is that both Minato and Guren are able to stop the enemy mystery, and both are able to dodge once per round. Secondly, After Jonin Minato (pos 1) interrupts, and Combo steals all chakra, Guren immobilises 3 ninja with her mystery. Karin's poison works well too (chaos from Kurenai will be better), and main Dance of Impetus resets mysteries and cleanses. When used with the 2nd talent (standard of Main), you are guaranteed stealing 40 chakra each round from the low float caused from clones.

The negative i found is high intiative is a must to be successful. If you have low intiative, it won't work as well as it can. This will be my formation until i get 5 kage Madara and Kurenai skill broken, and Edo Tobirama.

This post was last edited by Sumire Hyuga on 2018-09-10 21:31:50.
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On 2018-09-11 00:22:09Show this Author Only
  • Big E On 2018-09-10 17:31:14
  • He's cleary asking for very early teams and didn't even got his 20 free pulls done. And you recommend Shark, Ay and king of hell?

Oops! Didn't read the early game team. You can scratch that lineup then.

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On 2018-09-11 08:30:29Show this Author Only
  • Sumire Hyuga On 2018-09-10 21:16:28
  • After experimenting, and on my numerous accounts ive always started with Minato, except before he was released, i am currently running on a new server:( will use Kurenai when she is ready and when i have the summon)

    Karin Jonin Minato

    WM Guren(4*).

    Summon is Lightning tiger.

    Talents are:

    3, 2 or 4, 1, 3, 1

    The beauty i found in thie formation, in early game is that both Minato and Guren are able to stop the enemy mystery, and both are able to dodge once per round. Secondly, After Jonin Minato (pos 1) interrupts, and Combo steals all chakra, Guren immobilises 3 ninja with her mystery. Karin's poison works well too (chaos from Kurenai will be better), and main Dance of Impetus resets mysteries and cleanses. When used with the 2nd talent (standard of Main), you are guaranteed stealing 40 chakra each round from the low float caused from clones.

    The negative i found is high intiative is a must to be successful. If you have low intiative, it won't work as well as it can. This will be my formation until i get 5 kage Madara and Kurenai skill broken, and Edo Tobirama.

Is it working well without the bond mystery? Do you have enough damage to fight people with same power/more power then you?

I've been told that, Jonin Minato without his bond mystery doesn't have enough damage to be useful, tho. Even then I was thinking about getting him to use with Gaara 4 stars and Iruka/Hinata + Wind Main. Is it a good idea?

Would be something like:
WM Jonin Minato X

Iruka Gaara X


Talents 3213 (lv 60 still)

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On 2018-09-11 08:33:47Show this Author Only
  • Sumire Hyuga On 2018-09-10 21:16:28
  • After experimenting, and on my numerous accounts ive always started with Minato, except before he was released, i am currently running on a new server:( will use Kurenai when she is ready and when i have the summon)

    Karin Jonin Minato

    WM Guren(4*).

    Summon is Lightning tiger.

    Talents are:

    3, 2 or 4, 1, 3, 1

    The beauty i found in thie formation, in early game is that both Minato and Guren are able to stop the enemy mystery, and both are able to dodge once per round. Secondly, After Jonin Minato (pos 1) interrupts, and Combo steals all chakra, Guren immobilises 3 ninja with her mystery. Karin's poison works well too (chaos from Kurenai will be better), and main Dance of Impetus resets mysteries and cleanses. When used with the 2nd talent (standard of Main), you are guaranteed stealing 40 chakra each round from the low float caused from clones.

    The negative i found is high intiative is a must to be successful. If you have low intiative, it won't work as well as it can. This will be my formation until i get 5 kage Madara and Kurenai skill broken, and Edo Tobirama.

Interesting, idk if i will be able to get guren to 3* in these events, but maybe.

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On 2018-09-11 15:43:39Show this Author Only

Always wanted to try Hokage Minato with Pakura. Doesn't seem to be a very common pairing, but should be strong nevertheless.

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On 2018-09-11 23:10:31Show this Author Only
  • icebuken On 2018-09-10 05:56:23
  • You can try and use Kuebiko's Jonin Minato lineup that always rekts me in SWB every he hunts me down.

    X JMinato X

    Ay 3rd Shark Kisame X

    X Fire main clone

    Talents are 43121

    Summon KoH

    Summon Mystery is Shiba


don't expose me like this HAHAHAHAHA

it's just a pretty team i borrowed from the cn meta about half a year ago. i prefer to use katsuyu summon tbh, but shiba is the recommended.

WAIT who are u in sage ;-; im sorry i keep hunting u down hahahahahaha no hard feelings on my part, sorry ;-; i also don't remember most of the names of ppl i fight once i'm out of sage...sorrrryyyyy hehe :3

This post was last edited by Kuebiko on 2018-09-11 23:20:00.
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On 2018-09-11 23:13:01Show this Author Only
  • Sumire Hyuga On 2018-09-10 21:16:28
  • After experimenting, and on my numerous accounts ive always started with Minato, except before he was released, i am currently running on a new server:( will use Kurenai when she is ready and when i have the summon)

    Karin Jonin Minato

    WM Guren(4*).

    Summon is Lightning tiger.

    Talents are:

    3, 2 or 4, 1, 3, 1

    The beauty i found in thie formation, in early game is that both Minato and Guren are able to stop the enemy mystery, and both are able to dodge once per round. Secondly, After Jonin Minato (pos 1) interrupts, and Combo steals all chakra, Guren immobilises 3 ninja with her mystery. Karin's poison works well too (chaos from Kurenai will be better), and main Dance of Impetus resets mysteries and cleanses. When used with the 2nd talent (standard of Main), you are guaranteed stealing 40 chakra each round from the low float caused from clones.

    The negative i found is high intiative is a must to be successful. If you have low intiative, it won't work as well as it can. This will be my formation until i get 5 kage Madara and Kurenai skill broken, and Edo Tobirama.

this sounds like a great team. it's basically the early game version of jm-kisame/madara team!! and it's really interesting and innovative. i love it.

your eventual main team is legit dope all the best in getting it!

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On 2018-09-12 03:22:27Show this Author Only
  • Locke [Griss] On 2018-09-11 08:30:29
  • Is it working well without the bond mystery? Do you have enough damage to fight people with same power/more power then you?

    I've been told that, Jonin Minato without his bond mystery doesn't have enough damage to be useful, tho. Even then I was thinking about getting him to use with Gaara 4 stars and Iruka/Hinata + Wind Main. Is it a good idea?

    Would be something like:
    WM Jonin Minato X

    Iruka Gaara X

    X X X

    Talents 3213 (lv 60 still)

So far, he seems pretty strong even without bond mystery, but my server is only like 20 days old still so of course he would be. interrupt every round except the first one is nice ( i dont have iruka )

That said, hopefully ill fulfill the requirements for the bond mystery by the time i get young kakashi from merge because i can see how huge it will be.

Still debating guren, might just hold my coups and save for someone else.

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