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[ Lineup ] KIller Bee [Eight-Tails Jinchuriki] Lineups


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-07 04:52:05Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys!

A new ninja has arrived !



Mystery: Definitely a great mystery, something that has a position 1 potential and works in all settings (1v1 , bonds, gnw), also a good way to trigger the 20-30 hit chases.

Standard Attack: A great kind of standard attack but sadly only 3 units unlike Susano Itachi

Chase: self-chasing his mystery and doing immobile can be quite useful (so same like Kurama Naruto)

Passive 1: The improved Roshi passive, definitely amazing

Passive 2: Unlike other jinchurikis he doesn't have the heal but gets 20% ninjutsu buff which can lead to a good damage increase over the course of rounds, even on round 2 he will already get 40% ninjutsu from the passive when you use mystery. And being immune to debuffs is always a plus of course

So generally talking about the ninja, he is a good position 1-2 material to use for a bit of variety and fun

He works with pretty much all main characters and can't really say anything bad about this ninja

1. Lightning Main



Since Killer Bee is a both a lightning and warrior ninja he can be used in various ways with Lightning Main.

Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to also try out the "Warrior Killing Intent" with this team ,you could reset your mystery cooldown on Killer Bee, but generally Anbu Tactics is safest and gives the nice leech to everyone.

The team has good Chakra gain so you c*e the mysteries nicely thru Edo Roshi passive, and also quite tanky while being full immune and having def/resistance buffs.

2. Water Main



A bit more cancer-ish team , with removing enemy buffs and you having the Killer Bee who is self-scaling his ninjutsu/damage.

This team has a lot of damage potential and control potential thru removing super armor + immobile + acunpuncture and chakra drain, of course would be best if you have a faster position 1 than your enemy.

3. Wind Main



A lot of wind main potential with Killer Bee also, full immune team, immobile, chaos,chakra gain, refreshing the mysteries

4. Earth Main



This is more of a damage/buffs oriented team

5. Fire Main



Again a bit of the immobile + chakra drain combo, always can be very nice if you own the position1 initiative over your enemy.

That would be all for now, hope you liked it and feel free to comment with some of your suggestions and thoughts also!

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 822
  • Posts: 939
On 2018-09-09 07:36:22Show All Posts

It's mostly my opinions, don't take them to heart :D

I just personally like this kind of passive rather than Roshi's , it's a different version of a same concept passive skill

Quicky Post

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