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[ Help ] Gaining power when level freeze


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  • Registered: 2018-08-02
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On 2018-09-06 01:54:59Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So, how does people get power increase when level freezing? And is it steady increase? I mean comparable when not level freeze?

What I did so far is refining, strengthen, runes, magatamas, and group skills which is really slow. Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance..

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-06 02:46:34Show this Author Only

Its supposed to be slow lol

If you level freeze, then anyone who's decently knowledgeable and not level-freezing will surpass you in power. The only exception is if the level freezer is a spender, but then again, compared to a normally playing spender the level freezer will also fall behind.

The only real benefit (though it is a big benefit) to level-freezing is that you get easy advanced refines in Sage Battlefield, and possibly matsuri.

Also depends on if you're a f2p or not ofc. If you're a f2p~medium spender, level freezing will help a lot since you won't be able to match the power of heavy spenders anyways. So might as well get the adv refines, you need them.

A heavy spender though has little point in level freezing, since they can play just as well in 'normal' sage matches, and by not level-freezing they can dominate in Kyuubi Capture and GNW

This post was last edited by Nightowlgamer on 2018-09-06 02:49:50.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-06 10:53:05Show this Author Only

People like me level freezing increases power cause we save materials before using it on rebate not to mention we get top1 every swb. And upper hand of freezing lvl can plunder lower level than you so you're just like a normal player getting exp and does plunder everyday but the difference is you will fall behind in your server but on events you are dominating.

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On 2018-09-06 12:16:05Show this Author Only

myboku, battle armour.. but these are less important. 8 gates is a luxury lol, donations are expensive.

im sure even non-level freezers try to make the best use of rebates regardless

yea the power increase is relatively steady, much like everyone else's if they dont drop a huge recharge somewhere. it's just that power gain as a level freezer is a lot slower than those who don't level freeze, since you lose out on a lot of resources (except advanced refines). even in plunder, those lowbies are going to start asking support from the people gaining power faster than you are, and you're gna run out of prey

Quicky Post

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