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[ Events ] Event Cycle - September 6th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-05 21:46:05Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Dear Ninjas,

we would like to thank you all for your support! Below you can check this week's coming updates, which will be coming on 09/06/18! Please, have a look below to check the new events!

~~ New Ninja ~~

Killer Bee [Eight-Tails Jinchuriki]


Masked Man

Sasuke [Susano’o]

Minato Namikaze [Jonin]

Hidan [Death Possession Blood]

New Function added: ZENITH Arena


1. Starts on the Last 5 days of each Arena’s Season from 18:00 to 21:00

dd*Only Players whose servers are older than 60 days can participate.

2. Players who achieved Sage of the Six Paths rank on the first day of ZENITH will automatically obtain the Qualification Status to take part in it.

dd* Player who do not meet these requirements but wish to take part in it can buy the Qualification Status for it 90 minutes before the first day of ZENITH starts.

3. On the first 4 days of ZENITH, players can battle two opponents a day, each Victory will award players with 1 Point, losing a battle will not cast the player’s any Point.

dd* First 4 Days, 8 Points(Full Victory) - will advance to the Finals of ZENITH.

4. If the matching period for a fight exceeds 20 minutes(from 18:00 to 21:00), players will automatically get 1 Point.

1. "Crazy Slot Machine" added. Recharge Ingots to have a chance at spinning the Slot Machine! Super rare ninja and other rewards are awaiting for you!

Period: September 6th - September 12th

How To:

a) During the event, for each time you recharge 100 Ingots in the game, you will get a spin for a chance to get a neat prize! There is no limit to how many times it can be spun daily. "Spins" obtained for this week's events need to be used in time, once the events end, the "Spins" you didn't use will be reset to 0.

b) Every time you spin it, there is a guaranteed prize! Outstanding ninjas and other fantastic prizes can be obtained! The prizes awarded will be in accordance to your matches in the Slot Machine!


1st Prize: Naruto [Nine-Tails Chakra]’s fragments *50

2nd Prize:Sasuke [Susano’o]’s fragments’ *20

3rd Prize: Crazy Slot 3rd Prize Pack (Charm Materials Fragment*20, Cave Key*50, Rainbow Magatama Lv.5, Attack Magatama Lv.5, Ninjutsu Magatama Lv.5.)

4th Prize: Seal Scroll*1, Level 4 Rainbow Magatama*1, Summoning Scroll*1

5th Prize: Level 3 Magatama Pack, Medium Ninja Tools Pack*1, Basic Refine Rune*3, Medium Refine Rune*2, Advanced Refine Rune*1

6th Prize: Coins*20.000, Unbound Runes Packets*2, Common Ninja Tools Pack*1, Purification Rune*1, Treasured Tools Common *1

Prize Update: Naruto [Nine-Tails Chakra]’s fragments *50; Ninja Tools Pack; Common Ninja Tools Pack; Level 4 Rainbow Magatama*1

2. "Daily Spending Rebate" added. Do you have Ingots to use? Use the required amount of Ingots to get all sorts of valuable rewards!

Period: September 6th - September 12th

How To:

a) During the event, players can get different rewards by using given amounts of Ingots.

b) Rewards and daily consumed Ingots will reset at 5:00 AM every day.

3. "Colorful Balloons" added. The skill of using Shuriken is one of the most basic skills of ninja. Use your Shuriken to pop up balloons and get points! Rewards are waiting for you!

Period: September 6th - September 12th

Requirements: Players must reach Level 30 in order to participate.

How To:

a) During the event, players can get points by popping up the balloons with Shuriken. Complete Daily Missions to have a chance to obtain up to 3 Shuriken. You can obtain a maximum of 11 free Shuriken daily. Each time you spend 10 Ingots in the game, you will also get 1 Shuriken.

b) You can get 4 to 10 points randomly by popping the balloons with your Shuriken. Some balloons are hiding fireworks inside them, pop a balloon which has fireworks inside to obtain even more points.

c) There will be a maximum of 10 balloons displayed waiting to be popped up. After popping up every balloon available, new balloons will appear. Consume Shuriken*10 to use the "Boundless Shuriken" skill, it will pop up all the balloons displayed in the interface!

4. "Naruto's Froggy" added. Get an immediate rebate in Coupons after making a deposit! Claim other rewards every day for 6 days! A total of 7 days of fortune!

Period: September 6th - September 12th


a) During September 6th - September 12th, use ingots to make a deposit can get coupons rebate immediately and after the first day player can claim Item Packs during 7 days!

b) Players can make deposits into different Froggies! The higher ingots you deposit the higher rewards you can obtain.

c) If players don’t claim the rewards in time, they will expire!

Prize Update: Ninja Tools Pack; Common Ninja Tools Pack

5. "Sakura's Gift" added. Do you like Sakura? If you do, show how much you like her by helping out when she is most in trouble! Get Sakura to like you and she will offer you rewards!

Period: September 6th - September 12th

Requirements: Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Players can find NPC Sakura in West Konoha or click on “Sakura” in the event’s interface to find her;

b) Sakura will give one task to players per day. Complete the given task and return to Sakura to obtain rewards from her – “Sakura’s Foodsack”;

c) Open “Sakura’s Foodsack” to get a random in backpack will random get Rice Onigiri, Salmon Onigiri or Panda Onigiri as gifts. Players also can buy Sakura’s Foodsack in Purchase-Limit Shop;

d) Send gifts (Onigiri) to Sakura in the event interface to increase your Friendliness. (Rice Onigiri: 1 Point; Salmon Onigiri: 3 Points; Panda Onigiri: 5 Points) Players can *exchange Friendliness for items/ninja in the event;

e) This event will reset at 5:00 AM. Complete your old task first in order to receive a new task from Sakura;

f) Reach Friendliness over 1.000 to enter the Ranking. The TOP 20 players will get extra awesome rewards! Rewards will be sent to the mailbox once the event is over.

6. "Lucky S natch" added. Want stronger ninja? Use Ingots or Coupons to draw them in the Lucky !

Period: September 6th - September 12th

Requirements: Players must reach Level 65 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Use Ingots or Coupons to Draw and have a try!

b) Every Draw is rewarded with a prize!

Besides having a chance at drawing amazing rewards from this event, fixed rewards will also be awarded to players who draw a given amount of times, check below:

Draw 50: Rainbow Magatama Lv. 5*1

Draw 100: Cave Key Gift Pack*1

Draw 200: Ay [Fourth Raikage]’s Fragment*5

Draw 300: Ay [Fourth Raikage]’s Fragment *15

Draw 500: Ay [Fourth Raikage]’s Fragment *30

7. "Konoha Outlets" added. On Seal, Discount items in Konoha! Come and Participate in Konoha Outlets, gather Scratch Cards and redeem Ninja or Powerful Items!

Period: September 6th - September 12th

Requirements: Players must reach Level 40 in order to participate.

Details: “Konoha Outlets” event is divided into three tabs:


a) Each Store will be opening at the specific time. The detailed time will show up in the Discount Store Interface.

b) Every Store has the fixed closed time, once closing time reached, the specific Store will be closed that players cannot buy anything in this Store.

c) All Stores are on seal!


a) Consume the required amount of Coupons or Ingots in Konoha Outlets event to get Scratch Card.

b) Moving your mouse to scratch the card to get different Word Plates. The Word Plate you obtained can be used in Reward Center to redeem rewards.

c) Remark: If you don’t obtain the Word Card after scratching, please cle*l shadow region.


a) Different combinations of Word Plates will have different rewards.

b) Players can send Word Plate to your friends for 3 times per day. Remember that you can only send Word Plate to players who have been your friends for more than 3 days.

8. "Time Limited Charm Rebate" added. Want to be more powerful? Upgrade your Charms and get Points! Use those Points to exchange for rewards to fasten your Power enhancement!

Period: September 6th - September 12th

Requirements: Players must reach Level 60 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Obtain 1 Point for each time you use Charms materials.

b) Reach a given amount of Points to get the corresponding rewards during the event’s period.

9. "Activity Lucky Bag" added. Complete missions to receive rewards, awesome new items are awaiting!

Period: September 6th - September 12th

Requirements: Players must reach Level 6 in order to participate.

How To:

a) Click “View Details” in the right bottom of the interface to check the missions.

b) Complete the required missions to get activity points. Lucky bags can be opened with accu mulative amounts of the points. You can open 25 bags per day in total, which will randomly drop these items: Coins, Refine Rune, Cultivation Rune, Magatama, Seal Scroll, Stamina potion etc.

Prize Update: Common Ninja Tools Pack

10. New packs are available in the "Purchase Limit" shop interface! Have a look at the new packs, don't miss this chance.

11. Last, but not least, "Sakura's Foodsack” obtained for this week's events need to be spent this week, once the events end, the "Sakura's Foodsack" you didn't use will be reset to 0. Remember to use them in time!

Remark: The deadline of the New Server Events and Weekly Events are set according to the players' local time (computer's time), not the server time. Daily Missions and Daily Recharge event (event in which you can get a 4-Stars Gaara if recharging for 5 days) are all refreshed at 5:00 (server time). Don't miss out!

All information present in the game is the final and correct information.

Thank you for all your support to us,

Naruto Online Operation Team

This post was last edited by Daiske on 2018-09-05 21:46:05.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-05 21:45:39Show this Author Only

holy mama

This post was last edited by Raizel Di Cadiz on 2018-09-05 21:48:31.
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On 2018-09-05 21:46:08Show this Author Only


  • Registered: 2018-02-15
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On 2018-09-05 21:47:11Show this Author Only

Killer B good

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On 2018-09-05 21:47:26Show this Author Only

Sweet the new ninja!

This post was last edited by jenci on 2018-09-05 21:47:38.
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On 2018-09-05 21:47:29Show this Author Only


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On 2018-09-05 21:48:35Show this Author Only

Wow no active events, nice one /s

  • Registered: 2018-07-26
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On 2018-09-05 21:49:16Show this Author Only

Where is Edo Deidara?????

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On 2018-09-05 21:49:36Show this Author Only

When will the Lightning tiger contracting scroll will be up?

Been waiting for it for a while now T-T

  • Registered: 2018-07-03
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On 2018-09-05 21:50:01Show this Author Only
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On 2018-09-05 21:50:22Show this Author Only

Why....just why?...why a new ninja...?

This post was last edited by IndraOtsutsuki( on 2018-09-05 21:50:36.
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On 2018-09-05 21:51:06Show this Author Only

just as i predict . talk bout it with my mate and boom beeboy

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On 2018-09-05 21:51:52Show this Author Only

I don't like these events at all. Sakura's gift is good even though I don't really do it all the time when it comes. I was hoping to see that Beach Party outfit or even Hot Blooded Sports Games outfit because those are the only ones which I am missing from outfits because I have all the rest but I think those two are only seasonal outfits and are coming back just in next year. For example I am wondering when Nine Tails Attacks event comes back. I know that the Great Tree event just were a little time go but when we have had Nine Tails Attacks event last time?

This post was last edited by Matilda83 on 2018-09-05 21:54:45.
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On 2018-09-05 21:52:07Show this Author Only

Naruto 9tails chakra fragments *50

Yeah, i guess chance on 1st place like 1 in 700 billion.

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On 2018-09-05 21:52:31Show this Author Only

hohoy, hoping for the sport blooded cloth almost it almost 4-5weeks didn't show up

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On 2018-09-05 21:52:52Show this Author Only


  • Registered: 2017-10-09
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On 2018-09-05 21:54:35Show this Author Only

Wow, Killer bee! Nice one luv it.

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On 2018-09-05 21:55:09Show this Author Only

Super p2w week. Lamest 7 days I remember.

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On 2018-09-05 21:55:40Show this Author Only

weak events sadly.

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On 2018-09-05 21:55:42Show this Author Only
  • AngeLica™ On 2018-09-05 21:52:31
  • hohoy, hoping for the sport blooded cloth almost it almost 4-5weeks didn't show up

I don't think it comes. Maybe in next year again.

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