FINALLY! It took me a very long time to get him! I honestly don't know if I am the first F2P here to get him but if not then I am glad to be one of the very few F2P to have him I sacrificed so many things to get him and it's totally worth it! I have lots of people telling me that I won't get him just because I am F2P but I proved them wrong! So for y'all who is F2P and want to get him in the future, you can get him just like I did!
Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do this and that! Go proved them wrong like I did this! Now I am finally starting to focus on GWN Treasure from now on! Have a lovely day to everyone!
how long have you been playing man ? LOL
I am from s12 and I have been playing since Sept 2016 LOL I started saving seal scrolls when I found out Itachi Susanoo can be received by collecting frags from treasures and events and he is my favorite ninja
Once you have been called a p2w-noob, for about a hundred times, by your f2p buddies, you might just as well start cashing xD.
Welcome to the world of the hated.
I am so used to it by my friends and my group for being called a p2w-noob so nah I will just stay F2P but thank you lol xD
Congratz bro
F2p won another round against selfish p2w.
From now on many players will call u p2w it's very annoying. It happened to me when I got kurama naruto but I always ignore them
I'm aiming for Edo hashi but I'm far away. I didn't spent a single scroll in kage treasure but I have more susanoo itachi than Edo hadhi from free draws
That's cuz itachi is in many treasures unlike Edo hashi in a single 1
Thank you! And yeah it can be very annoying for being called p2w but thankfully I am used to it thanks to my friends and my group xD yeah you are right, edo hashi tend to give out in just GNW treasure, not just more treasures like Itachi Susanoo frags. Although you are far away from getting edo hashi, it will take some time to get him cuz it take me almost two years to get SS itachi lol if I can get SS itachi then surely you can get Edo Hashi but stay patience and it will happen to you :) Good luck to you~
how many scrolls was it to take him? And what did u sacrifice?
I would say about 2.1k scrolls to get him (got Sasuke Susanoo and Ay 4th) and I sacrificed by not drawing on GNW treasure since it came out, so I did struggled many times trying to beat LM me
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