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[ Suggestions ] A variety of Suggestions


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  • Registered: 2018-08-25
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On 2018-09-06 06:16:47Show All PostsDescending Order
1# Go To

*I've quit the game. Too many systems, schedules, chores and busywork.*

1. Explain to the player how World Chat works (that community interaction happens in Groups) as soon as possible. The silence of World chat might give new players the wrong impression of the community.

2. Implement a UI space for a short message about my account/character that Friends/Group members can see easily. As a Water player with an in-character name, i'd like to be able to clarify that i'm actually a male player or that i might be away from the game for X number of days.

3. The Tutorial teaches about enemy targeting too early- the player has no abilities available at that time that would make use of it so nothing happens in reaction to targeting an enemy- no lesson is learned. Also, the Tutorial forces the use of Naruto's ability too many times in a row- it's just a bother.

4. A more in-depth explanation should be given of Chasing and Order of Placement (1st, 2nd, etc). How they work and what limits they might have.

5. In the Instance Menu it should be easier to choose between entering the Instance and seeing what the Obtainable Items are (and not accidentally entering the Instance). Or point out to the player that the Information *on on a given Item lists the content that it can be acquired in.

6. When Story text is presented on a black screen, the player should still have control over when it disappears.

7. In the post-combat log there should be detailed info on what combinations/interactions the enemy had. Otherwise at times it might just seem as if the game is bugged if certain things aren't happening as i expect them to. This should include the symbols that appear on screen (above the casters head) during combat so that over time the player learns the meaning of these.

8. Change the Forum foul language settings such that i don't have to misspell buton? (let's see if it works) in order for it to show properly.

9. The UI for Seal Treasure is confusing at first since it has 10-Draw disabled due to the Newcomer Exclusive Recruitment but it still has the notice for "Draw Ten Guaranteed 3 Star Ninja".

10. The Wishing Lanterns makes for too much busy-work. It should be visually clear when my group of Lanterns has a new person on it that i can Support and Support requests should be far less frequent.

11. In the Home screen add a UI marker to the Ninjas Total Bond Level to indicate that there's useful information there to be seen if moused over it.

12. Daily Practice should count the Daily Sign-In if the player unlocks Daily Practice on their first day.

13. Why doesn't Ninja Exam have a Reset available on the first day ?

14. I don't think that Daily Practice should require Wins from Arena. This is not something that is necessarily under my control but i need the Experience from Daily Practice. At the same time when it comes to Ninja Exam, i can just retreat out of it and reap the rewards.

15. There's no time to type in Arena but it'd be nice to have the opportunity to be courteous to my opponent so perhaps allow for Battle messages during the Result screen ?

16. I don't know whether or not in Instances Chests and Coin bags have to be manually gathered or whether they'll get auto-gathered at the end but do make sure that on every map they're actually placed such that the player can get to them before engaging with the final group of enemies- this is not always the case.

17. The game speed and auto/manual triggers should be available before the match has started.

18. Add a toggle for enabling a confirmation box every time that a Trumpet is about to be used.

19. I would suggest doing all the math and replenishing all resources at the same time for all systems. Having the "new day" start at different times for different systems feels sloppy and raises unnecessary questions about correct understanding of the game systems.

20. During Single Player content there should be access to a Pause function so that i can freely take a step away from the computer if i have to without losing progress or resources.

21. In Team content my characters life bars should be color coded differently from everyone else's for clarity at a glance and easier timing of healing abilities due to that content often being played at 2x speed.

22. Targeting enemies is often *bersome if the unit is behind another one. This, of course, messes with optimal use of targeted abilities, especially in Team content.

23. If the characters used are the same and their placement is the same then across all game modes the skill bar should also work the same and not move around the order of the skills in it.

24. The Chat function should always be available when Team related content menus are open.

This post was last edited by Shatterhand on 2018-09-06 06:16:47.
  • Registered: 2018-08-25
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On 2018-08-29 04:02:09Show All Posts
  • Khalixxa On 2018-08-29 00:45:48
  • These are some very good suggestions.

    Very few people take the time to go back and look at how the experience for new players could be improved, and it's probably the most important kind of criticism for the developers to receive.

I'm still new to the game. Dabbled on one server until the high teens. Then another one until 41 and then i again felt that i'd learned some lessons to take with me for a more optimal experience. I also decided that it'd be a good opportunity for pointing everything out in real-time as i'm encountering the issues, small and large (doesn't hurt anyone even if some of the things i've mentioned border on the trivial- they'd still be an improvement). I always do it with any game that i feel that i might * with. This is a remarkably good game for it's kind and i think that it could be even better. My better half is accepting of games and mildly interested in them and when She saw it She immediately complimented the general aesthetic and art style but later on when discussing things that She likes and dislikes about games She mentioned Naruto Online again as one having a garishly bloated UI with way too many symbols and effects. I happen to agree. It makes the game seem cheap. I'll Edit it in soon as i unlock more things and think of a more specific wording for it any preference i might think of.

  • Registered: 2018-08-25
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On 2018-09-03 18:42:20Show All Posts
  • SSirus On 2018-09-02 12:11:39
  • By no mean am I trying to insult you or anything, just giving my opinions on the suggestions

    1. Explain to the player how World chat works (that community interaction happens in Groups) as soon as possible. The silence of World chat might give new players the wrong impression of the community.

    Not entirely sure what you mean by explain how the world chat works, seems pretty self-explanatory I think. They are also explained that they can't use world chat until a certain level (forgot which level exactly, think 12) and that it consumes trumpets, so chatting in World Chat should be made pretty clear that it isn't for general chatter

    2. Implement a UI space for a short message about my character that Friends/Group members can see easily. As a Water player with an in-character name, i'd like to be able to clarify that i'm actually a male player.

    +1, think that this is a pretty great idea, though I could see that this would have to be done in a way that prevents abuse

    3. The Tutorial teaches about enemy targeting too early- the player has no abilities available at that time that would make use of it so nothing happens in reaction to targeting an enemy- no lesson is learned. Also, the Tutorial forces the use of Naruto's ability too many times in a row- it's just a bother.

    Actually targeting is taught a couple times and it should be noted that first off its pretty easy to learn and second off some mains have different mysteries so they have different abilities, though I believe most have targeting properties. I agree with the Naruto one though nothing will be done to it though as its super minor

    4. A more in-depth explanation should be given of Chasing and Order of Placement (1st, 2nd, etc). How they work and what limits they might have.

    Definitely needs a better explanation on these things but it is a bit fun to figure out on your own.

    5. In the Instance Menu it should be easier to choose between entering the Instance and seeing what the Obtainable Items are (and not accidentally entering the Instance). Or point out to the player that the Information *on on a given Item lists the content that it can be acquired in.

    I think the current system is pretty good right now, you have to remember that the devs are working with a limited space to display the items. There's also a handy feature that allows you to directly sweep the instance for an item if you don't have it from other menus so yeah

    6. When Story text is presented on a black screen, the player should still have control over when it disappears.

    ...? Wdym

    7. In the post-combat log there should be detailed info on what combinations/interactions the enemy had. Otherwise at times it might just seem as if the game is bugged if certain things aren't happening as i expect them to. This should include the symbols that appear on screen (above the casters head) during combat so that over time the player learns the meaning of these.

    8. Change the Forum foul language settings such that i don't have to misspell buton? (let's see if it works) in order for it to show properly.

    While their chat filtering does need some optimizing, it is better than before and you have to remember that its a program that's censoring them and not a human. It's unimaginably hard to program auto censoring scripts that can differ between someone trying to bypass and someone who's typing normally.

    9. The UI for Seal Treasure is confusing at first since it has 10-Draw disabled due to the Newcomer Exclusive Recruitment but it still has the notice for "Draw Ten Guaranteed 3 Star Ninja".

    Though I think it's fine, I can see where you're coming from

    10. The Wishing Lanterns makes for too much busy-work. It should be visually clear when my group of Lanterns has a new person on it that i can Support and Support requests should be far less frequent.

    I mean it's not that difficult checking each one but I agree it would be nice to have a visual difference between them.

    11. In the Home screen add a UI marker to the Ninjas Total Bond Level to indicate that there's useful information there to be seen if moused over it.

    This one really isn't much of an issue, if you progress a little farther in the game, you'll find that you visit that tab often with One-Click Ask. Also there's pretty much no reason to check that tab anyways, the power u get from it is laughable.

    12. Daily Practice should count the Daily Sign-In if the player unlocks Daily Practice on their first day.

    It's a known bug but it really doesn't affect you in the long run. If you want to avoid this for future reference, don't click sign-in until after you unlock Daily Practice

    13. Why doesn't Ninja Exam have a Reset available on the first day ?

    You only gain a Reset at 05:00 so that's why there's no reset on the first day

    14. I don't think that Daily Practice should require Wins from Arena. This is not something that is necessarily under my control but i need the Experience from Daily Practice. At the same time when it comes to Ninja Exam, i can just retreat out of it and reap the rewards.

    Or you can just do the Arena missions, which don't even take that long and actually add one of the main enjoyments in the game. Just don't be lazy and do the Arenas. This is especially true for new servers as the arena is super easy

    15. There's no time to type in Arena but it'd be nice to have the opportunity to be courteous to my opponent so perhaps allow for Battle messages during the Result screen

    I guess you're just killing the opponents too quickly lol, all jokes aside I can see what you mean but battle chat can only be used in battle chat because the other player could have easily left by then.

    16. I don't know whether or not in Instances Chests and Coin bags have to be manually gathered or whether they'll get auto-gathered at the end but do make sure that on every map they're actually placed such that the player can get to them before engaging with the final group of enemies- this is not always the case.

    First off, no you don't get them if you didn't pick them up but it is actually it is possible to get every one of these chests without engaging with the final group, it just takes some maneuvering sometimes.

    17. The game speed and auto/manual triggers should be available before the match has started.

    The game will remember your last used settings provided that you didn't log off from the last time. Also you get a few seconds beforehand so I see no problem here

    18. Add a toggle for enabling a confirmation box every time that a Trumpet is about to be used.

    Interesting idea, would be pretty nice actually

    19. I would suggest doing all the math and replenishing all resources at the same time for all systems. Having the "new day" start at different times for different systems feels sloppy and raises unnecessary questions about correct understanding of the game systems.

    This is made pretty clear on when thing's refresh. a "new day" technically starts at 00:00, but events refresh at 05:00. and as far as I know, they are replenishing all "resources at the sate time for all systems" already so not sure what you're trying to say.

    20. During Single Player content there should be access to a Pause function so that i can freely take a step away from the computer if i have to without losing progress or resources.

    This will probably never be added because players could then use this ability to pause the game before an opponent uses their mystery so that they can counter it (talking about AI)

    21. In Team content my characters life bars should be color coded differently from everyone else's for clarity at a glance and easier timing of healing abilities due to that content often being played at 2x speed.

    It's pretty clear where people are, if you forget you c*ways just check their names and the lineup they correspond to.

    22. Targeting enemies is often cunbersome if the unit is behind another one. This, of course, messes with optimal use of targeted abilities, especially in Team content.

    Not much can be done this but it really isn't an issue while playing, I've maybe misclicked once of twice but it almost never happens.

    23. If the characters used are the same and their placement is the same then across all game modes the skill bar should also work the same and not move around the order of the skills in it.

    Current system actually makes much more sense than you think, it's ordered by the order you place down your units assuming you have a clean field, otherwise it'll just place it in the empty slots in order

    24. The Chat function should always be available when Team related content menus are open.

    Not sure what you mean here, its open for all "team related content" for me so don't know what you have a problem with

In response to

1. World Chat unlocks at 15 but i'm not sure that before that point it is explained that it will require a special resource to use and that instead the majority of communicating in the game will be conducted via PM and Group. I myself wondered and i've seen others do so too whether or not the server was dead or for some reason the community really quiet.

3. I hadn't considered that perhaps other Elements do have Mysteries that have a targeted portion to them but Water does not and i haven't ever noticed the game explain the concept after that one mention during one of the very first battles.

6. What does "wdym" stand for :P ?

I fully understand that many of the things that i've brought up are trivial issues but it doesn't really hurt anyone if i mention what i've noticed and even if the effect is not consciously noticeable then a polished product is still nice to interact with.

Quicky Post

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