Does anyone else who is truthful and honest, think that these mysteries shouldn't have ever been buffed? Shark Bomb with Neurotoxin for Water Main, and sealing mystery for Fire Main. The same old story with Naruto Online...out of balance and gamebreaking skills.
Shark Bomb with Neurotoxin is now cancer and basically makes it one man army user for the rest of the game if you use any immunity buffs that are temporary, since you c*e it every turn without cooldown, and it just buffs critical every time, meaning you chaos whole team every * turn...that's out of balance, you need a super * team to survive beating of your own team while single water main just stands there and chaos whole team, just ridiculous.
It's like developers do not test it, nor have any pro players to test for them in a test server before released publicly.
Fire Main buffed up sealing mystery has similar story...unnecessary buff to already pretty good mystery that simply isn't used a lot because of the mirror mystery being op as it is with the current me
This whole buffing up on already annoyingly good ninjas was unnecessary with the current me
Earth had a nice buff and a nerf, it's decent, doesn't break the balance of the game. But lightning...will he ever get anything decent regarding new update buff? Because mostly others get quite OP and ridiculous buffs to their already existing good skills...why not throw another effect or property to Lightning main, or maybe Earth? His fourth skill set is still almost useless since its introduction, except for standard attack, it's decent, but rarely, and works only on very very specific set of lineups who needs chakra boost, meaning it's rarely used. At least in 5.0 the 4th mystery is reversed back to how it was before, that it costed 0 chakra if reached specific amount of chakra, so that one simply is now at the level at what we started when 4th set was introduced, would be great if it removed some immunity as well or some bs. Everything else besides 4th chase skill is pointless/useless, every other skill beats the 4th ones for lightning main.
So what do You (main water and fire users) think of these buffs, and are these the reasons you picked them and stayed with them? I know that a lot of shisui users will stay with the mirror mystery, but what do you think about the sealing mystery buff? I mean, if you are a bias player, obviously that's something you shouldn't complain, but that's why I asked for a honest opinion from a view of those users alone. Same with Water main, it gamebreaking and basically beats everyone or most of the time different me
fire main is okay. He was a weak main before so he is getting a buff is very good since he deserved it. As for water main i think atleast oasis remove the absorp chakra feature since it too op. As for critical chaos from water main, just build ur crititical attribute, or use team who has immune ninjas, or use atleast 2 healers or just use that water main if u want. Or u need to increase ur initative to have a good chance to defeat ur opponents XD
So prior to 5.0, the only mystery that Fire Main used was the Shield One that gives immunity, that is it. The Sealing one was never used. Least not that I seen.
My take on Water, I am a Water Main (Have been since 2.0) and the way Shark Bomb works is ridiculous, you can't even queue up a mystery to avoid the chakra drain without it still absorbing chakra. That is also implying that you're not chaos'd making mysteries nearly impossible unless you have more initiative and have a form of immobile. You can't do much against it if they have Madara 5 Kage or Han (Or anything similar) especially if you run temporary immunity buffs like RoW.
I personally don't use that cancerous set up (even though I can) I rather have my poison and healing since I still run Han/Roshi/Sailor Sakura line up.
Shark bomb + neurotoxin already existed but only a few players could be using that type of team but mainly they used it a few time (youtubers doing it to showcase random teams in sage). Prior to 5.0, water main was mainly used as a healer support and probably will continue. However, with the buff in shark bomb, I just see it as a shift for people to use water main as a nuker especially with the addition of madara kage summit.
As goes for Fire main, the sealing justu will be still be limited to certain few teams that can benefit from the mystery and the shield mystery will still be the go-to mystery to have as a fire main.
Since stacking pos 1 is a thing in this game, shark bomb teams are simply great. And if you think it's broken now, just wait for the release of skillbreaks and ninjas that can remove immunity with chase... like SB Hanzo.
But... water main is reknowed in CN to be the only main who can't provide immunity with his skillset, which is a great malus in modes where you can't run sharkbomb (arena, matsuri).
Fire main won't change much. His immunity mystery is just too good to run something else. Seal might be fun to run against a few teams (fire main pos 1 and edo hiruzen pos 2 is awesome if you outspeed the enemy pos 1 hiruzen), but is nowhere as strong as a full team cleanse + immunity.
Don't forget that fire main's ability acts like Kushina's mystery and only disables their buffs for one round, after that they regain their previous buffs. So it's actually not as overpowered as it seems (unfortunately :(, would have been fun if he had a mystery like Masked Man)
Fire main was weak before. Still not the greatest after that ' buff' , water main is good but lm main is op if you are using a heavily ninjutsu ba
Meh.. So I'm a Fire Main. I disagree with you quite strongly but not because of what you said- I believe your view on certain things is actually not at all accurate to how the game is played.
So look at it from this perspective, lets refer to the Fire Mains Sealing Jutsu, it got a buff that actually made it a useful mystery as using before, it was a flat out useless mystery, this isn't a bias & I'll explain why, because everyone generally uses immunity & in that me
Lets explain this further, every Fire Main will always run Mirror Vision, every Lightning Main will run Root of the Warrior, every Wind Main- Flower Guard, there's no alternative to this, that's what creates a "me
Now this is where I think the developers are kinda miff when it comes to actually trying to make things useful while not understanding why the current me
This is where the key problem area lies, to win, you will always select the "best" possible mystery & in every instance that will be Mirror Vision, unless you can somehow provide a ninja that does what Mirror Vision does as a replacement.
This brings me to my next point, the more people that start building teams around clearing buffs with Kage Summit Tobi- if it gets to a point where everyone is using this Ninja or another Ninja appears that's easier to get that works just as well, that is the only way for a me
It's why also everything is played so much besides Water main, because it's the only class that doesn't provide some sort of "Defensive" mechanism but provides a lot of de-buffs. This is also why, even though Water Main got buffed- it wont be used, because it's bull* is still countered by Immunity & CC.That said, if you c*e Shark Bomb with Kage Summit Tobi & have higher Initiative, you potentially have chaos every round, nature of the game.
Also a note, the developers of course most likely have some people testing- but this is a game that we get ported, things are a lot different in China & also "Pro Players"?
That's not a thing on this game, there's a reason why I'll always refer to "Space-Time" as "The Battle of the Whales", it's not a skill ba
Since stacking pos 1 is a thing in this game, shark bomb teams are simply great. And if you think it's broken now, just wait for the release of skillbreaks and ninjas that can remove immunity with chase... like SB Hanzo.
But... water main is reknowed in CN to be the only main who can't provide immunity with his skillset, which is a great malus in modes where you can't run sharkbomb (arena, matsuri).
Fire main won't change much. His immunity mystery is just too good to run something else. Seal might be fun to run against a few teams (fire main pos 1 and edo hiruzen pos 2 is awesome if you outspeed the enemy pos 1 hiruzen), but is nowhere as strong as a full team cleanse + immunity.
Explain why you think shark bomb can't be run in matsuri as you've said.
Personally I've come across pos1 water shark bombs in matsuri on several ocassions, only once or twice being paired with Madara 5 kage.
Explain why you think shark bomb can't be run in matsuri as you've said.
Personally I've come across pos1 water shark bombs in matsuri on several ocassions, only once or twice being paired with Madara 5 kage.
It's simply just high risk, high reward play.
Confident with your speed, mostly likely anyone would run it.
There are too many counters, especially against Wind, Earth, Lightning. They can just build up their own chakra from their mystery/passive, even though it's got drained out. Even fire has Bani Chakra, but that's rarely picked, since clone is better overall.
In range of my matsuri is from 110-220k. You'd rather pick all-round, safest and most secured mystery and passives to win. I'm basically in the middle 150k. Anyone above 180k+, I'd just retreat.
It's simply just high risk, high reward play.
Confident with your speed, mostly likely anyone would run it.
There are too many counters, especially against Wind, Earth, Lightning. They can just build up their own chakra from their mystery/passive, even though it's got drained out. Even fire has Bani Chakra, but that's rarely picked, since clone is better overall.
In range of my matsuri is from 110-220k. You'd rather pick all-round, safest and most secured mystery and passives to win. I'm basically in the middle 150k. Anyone above 180k+, I'd just retreat.
They can't generate chakra if they are Chaos though
Water had a buff because had become with 4.0 simply the worst main available. All the new ninjas added simply worked better with other mains, even water attribute ones like edo tobirama and shark kisame, ignition was too common, making so her healer role less useful and the easiness to get evading ninjas denied all the good sides of her damage dealing role, so she, indeed, needed a big boost and she got it with the double evasion in the place of the useless reserve seal (that any ignition was able to negate fully) and with the chakra stealing of shark bomb (that made actually useful the mystery also against evading ninjas, differently from before).
About fire main the only reason why the immobile mystery was boosted to overcome immunity was simply because before 5.0 for fire main existed 1 mystery only for higher tiers fights while all the other mains had two options commonly used (sand dust/dance of impetus, regenerative healing jutsu/shark bomb, lightning armor/acupuncture seal, boulder jutsu/chakra wall), so they needed to make another mystery appealing enough to induce a player in selecting it in the place of 4th mystery.
They can't generate chakra if they are Chaos though
In matsuri the stats are spreaded, you basically do not crit against a comparable power or higher power enemy even if you own an overstacked move 1 outside it, and if you face an expendable team with two permanently immune ninjas and a chakra generator that does it even if chaosed (like kurama naruto + kushina habanero + kabuto snake cloak/kisame samehada) you get simply owned even with 10k more power (because in matsuri could be you face teams you never face outside it) . So if you run the shark bomb team with neurotoxin you risk too much (unless you are in a situation like shyrke)
I've been running the shark bomb team since Water main got the experimental ninjutsu passive, and the new crit rate buff makes the team really op, especially since I run Han with the water main. Dodge ninjas c*so be baited with pakkun's mystery, and after 2 rounds, it's basically over. The fire main buff is nice, but the mystery is still situationally useful at best, as the immune mystery is just too valuable. I would argue that these 2 mains really needed the buffs, they were the least used mains before 5.0 and this makes them relevant again. (Water main, at least). The shark bomb team fails miserably if you don't own an initiative advantage or if the enemy has a Susano Itachi. Remember the earth cancer teams? Where are they now? Every team has a counter, with the right team, even cancer can be cured.
Water main after 5.0 is really imbalance when your initiative is higher your enemy cant even use mystery till the end of the match. For fire main its okay on whats new to him since he isnt strong lately
That's because you do not use cc wisely. Ninjas with 0 chakra mysteries (like masked man or normal kushina) still counter her fully even without initiative if she runs neurotoxin.
The problem is that you are compelled to use main talents you do not normally use or to be smart in using the mystries.
As a Water main, I had been stuck as nothing but a support for my other ninjas, pretty much a Water Boost + a healer. With Shark Bomb consuming opp. chakra and Experimental Nin. reducing Shark Bomb's cooldown by a turn , I finally have a chance at actually dealing regular damage to other teams and speeding up battles.
Lightning has always been a problem for me. It does mass Paralysis, massively boosts sword peeps, decimates the opponent's team with multiple Standard attacks, and builds up his own chakra every turn. Lightning is perfectly fine as it is from where I'm standing.
In matsuri the stats are spreaded, you basically do not crit against a comparable power or higher power enemy even if you own an overstacked move 1 outside it, and if you face an expendable team with two permanently immune ninjas and a chakra generator that does it even if chaosed (like kurama naruto + kushina habanero + kabuto snake cloak/kisame samehada) you get simply owned even with 10k more power (because in matsuri could be you face teams you never face outside it) . So if you run the shark bomb team with neurotoxin you risk too much (unless you are in a situation like shyrke)
"...because in matsuri could be you face teams you never face outside it..."
I feel you. I've lost to many unexpected teams,
i'm honestly think water main with chaos and shark bomb is an old school thingies,but the fact he steal remaining cakras does not buffed that much. as for fire main sealing mystery its still under buff, hit only 1 target. unlike other immunity wind main that give to 2 female or LM up to 3 ninjas? and don't forget those immunity are a passive ability while fire sealing is a mystery, so that's mean if fire main choose this mystery he can't give shields and immunity... so its still under buffed in my humble opinion.
but to be fair. i think how shark bomb and Neurotoxin is kinda a bit unfair same as like LM chidory. the problem with those are the game mechanic its self. i think its over buffed to effected unselected targets. while earth main,wind,fire only deal dmg to their AOE mystery. while water and lighting having those cc to unselected.
to be noted this is only from the main only perspective, apple to apple, main to main not the whole team compositions. and i think this is more reasonable than 3.0 or 4.0 that too favor on LM and WM.
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