Meh.. So I'm a Fire Main. I disagree with you quite strongly but not because of what you said- I believe your view on certain things is actually not at all accurate to how the game is played.
So look at it from this perspective, lets refer to the Fire Mains Sealing Jutsu, it got a buff that actually made it a useful mystery as using before, it was a flat out useless mystery, this isn't a bias & I'll explain why, because everyone generally uses immunity & in that me
Lets explain this further, every Fire Main will always run Mirror Vision, every Lightning Main will run Root of the Warrior, every Wind Main- Flower Guard, there's no alternative to this, that's what creates a "me
Now this is where I think the developers are kinda miff when it comes to actually trying to make things useful while not understanding why the current me
This is where the key problem area lies, to win, you will always select the "best" possible mystery & in every instance that will be Mirror Vision, unless you can somehow provide a ninja that does what Mirror Vision does as a replacement.
This brings me to my next point, the more people that start building teams around clearing buffs with Kage Summit Tobi- if it gets to a point where everyone is using this Ninja or another Ninja appears that's easier to get that works just as well, that is the only way for a me
It's why also everything is played so much besides Water main, because it's the only class that doesn't provide some sort of "Defensive" mechanism but provides a lot of de-buffs. This is also why, even though Water Main got buffed- it wont be used, because it's bull* is still countered by Immunity & CC.That said, if you c*e Shark Bomb with Kage Summit Tobi & have higher Initiative, you potentially have chaos every round, nature of the game.
Also a note, the developers of course most likely have some people testing- but this is a game that we get ported, things are a lot different in China & also "Pro Players"?
That's not a thing on this game, there's a reason why I'll always refer to "Space-Time" as "The Battle of the Whales", it's not a skill ba
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