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[ Help ] the rare you get after your kage super


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-05 17:07:47Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-08-29 08:31:42
  • It makes sense doesn't it? Jiburiru just said if you get one SR from Kage treasure, you are most likely to get another one. Based on this information, you can think of the treasure as a box with 1 red ball and 1 blue ball. If you manage to get one red ball from the box, that means the next draw would be a blue ball. If you manage to get a red ball outside from that box, you have a 50% chance of getting the blue ball since the red ball is still in the box.

    You need more people confirm this since if you get Ay for your first SR, you are just going to assume this is false since it's just a 50% chance at the moment.

Any ninja obtained outside of the specific treasure makes no different in your chances, and getting an SR doesn't affect your chances when getting a rare you didn't have. Example: If you frag collect Ay 4th raikage outside of the Kage Treasures, through events, and haven't pulled any SR from that treasure, you still have chance of getting him or SSasuke for your first SR. (A group mate on mine got him from events and his first SR was Ay. I got Ay from events and got SSasuke as my first SR.) Another friend has an SR from Kage, and still hasn't pulled Mei. Even the rare after was a dupe. I pulled my missing Gaara, 2 rares after getting SSasuke.

This post was last edited by takosabi on 2018-09-05 17:11:57.
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