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[ Bugs ] Account Security


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-26 10:10:39Show All PostsDescending Order
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Can it be explained why users security emails are blank and not tied to their emails that they created their accounts with? Why is their nothing in place to remind users that they may want to add more security to their accounts? There has been a surge of players who are having their accounts compromised because of your lack of security and customer support. When a whale has no hope of getting their accounts back because someone managed to add their own email to the security email feature on your site, what hope do free to play users have?

How hard is it to enable security email to be tied to your signed up account and have the option to add another should it be compromised? The moment someone figures out your email, with time it can be brut'd in this day and age. The second someone gets into your account, they can add a email to forever gain control of your account.

Your security is yet again flawed and putting users in risk, can you invest a bit more into customer support unlike your typical browser games or maybe you just want keep giving whales and players a reason to chargeback?

Quicky Post

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