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[ Help ] Spending cps


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On 2018-08-23 14:35:34Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I am a new player, I've been playing for only 1 month. Can you tell me how should I spent my cps? I barely have 4k cps for now.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-23 14:37:24Show this Author Only

Get iruka for sure, he is 860 in sage treasures. Other than that look for power. Like clothes,refines,cave keys, etc.

Or you could gather 16-20K and get an event ninja.

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On 2018-08-23 16:09:47Show this Author Only

noo. don't get iruka. save your coupon until 15k. you can get s rank ninja on event. you can get iruka free. so don't use your coupon for iruka

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On 2018-08-23 17:08:48Show this Author Only

Never buy clothes.

You can save your coupons early for one of 2 things, either getting a decent ninja- in which case you want to continue to save up till you have about 20k Coupons, this will take a few months depending on wither you purchase monthly card or not.
If you decide you have the patience for this option, you're looking for a Ninja that is strong & will remain strong for the rest of your journey, that means something like Angel Konan- though the decision is honestly up to you. You want to wait till there is a coupon rebate "Fukurokumaru deals" usually, that will give you a ninja just for spending 20k coupons, on top of the ninja you will also buy.

The 2nd option is purchasing power, which means saving up for certain events you can spend in that give points for you to exchange for rewards while also giving you power items as you spend, the best event for this is Lucky Board which is available roughly at the start of every new month.

Never buy anything out of the "Shop", the Groceries Storage Room is best & that requires you to do your daily events to get sun & moon..

This post was last edited by DigitalRelease on 2018-08-23 17:10:44.
  • Registered: 2018-08-02
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On 2018-08-23 17:55:17Show this Author Only

Okay,. thanks a lot guys

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On 2018-08-23 23:53:12Show this Author Only

1 month in, you should be spending on refine/charm mostly. Spend most on ninja board, exchange for refine most of the time, buy med refine with your group coins and daily points. Use your refines/threads/keys on rebate only. Also, spend your first 200 seal scrolls on land of lightning treasure, it gives you a decent complete team that does pretty well for any f2p players.

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On 2018-08-24 00:00:22Show this Author Only
  • DigitalRelease On 2018-08-23 17:08:48
  • Never buy clothes.

    You can save your coupons early for one of 2 things, either getting a decent ninja- in which case you want to continue to save up till you have about 20k Coupons, this will take a few months depending on wither you purchase monthly card or not.
    If you decide you have the patience for this option, you're looking for a Ninja that is strong & will remain strong for the rest of your journey, that means something like Angel Konan- though the decision is honestly up to you. You want to wait till there is a coupon rebate "Fukurokumaru deals" usually, that will give you a ninja just for spending 20k coupons, on top of the ninja you will also buy.

    The 2nd option is purchasing power, which means saving up for certain events you can spend in that give points for you to exchange for rewards while also giving you power items as you spend, the best event for this is Lucky Board which is available roughly at the start of every new month.

    Never buy anything out of the "Shop", the Groceries Storage Room is best & that requires you to do your daily events to get sun & moon..

Why would you never buy clothes? They give PERMANENT stats, also ini which is important. I disagree with you.

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On 2018-08-24 02:31:17Show this Author Only
  • DigitalRelease On 2018-08-23 17:08:48
  • Never buy clothes.

    You can save your coupons early for one of 2 things, either getting a decent ninja- in which case you want to continue to save up till you have about 20k Coupons, this will take a few months depending on wither you purchase monthly card or not.
    If you decide you have the patience for this option, you're looking for a Ninja that is strong & will remain strong for the rest of your journey, that means something like Angel Konan- though the decision is honestly up to you. You want to wait till there is a coupon rebate "Fukurokumaru deals" usually, that will give you a ninja just for spending 20k coupons, on top of the ninja you will also buy.

    The 2nd option is purchasing power, which means saving up for certain events you can spend in that give points for you to exchange for rewards while also giving you power items as you spend, the best event for this is Lucky Board which is available roughly at the start of every new month.

    Never buy anything out of the "Shop", the Groceries Storage Room is best & that requires you to do your daily events to get sun & moon..

clothing is one of the BEST ways to get power... and it is permanent stats for your 4 ninjas in team, definitely disagreed with you lol

edit; you wanna go for yes master, exquisite silk, summer break for initiative. anbu, speed of light, beach party for the attack/nin power

This post was last edited by orioke on 2018-08-24 02:32:55.
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On 2018-08-24 08:13:29Show this Author Only

You don't buy clothes because there's a max amount you can get & it's easy to reach that cap by doing your weekly SA, it's literally a complete waste of coupons to buy Clothes.

Outfits are completely different thing, which I'm not talking about.

This post was last edited by DigitalRelease on 2018-08-24 08:13:50.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-24 08:41:55Show this Author Only
  • DigitalRelease On 2018-08-24 08:13:29
  • You don't buy clothes because there's a max amount you can get & it's easy to reach that cap by doing your weekly SA, it's literally a complete waste of coupons to buy Clothes.

    Outfits are completely different thing, which I'm not talking about.

Since Clothes are generally never in events and most people spend coupons in events, people are going to talk about the Clothing Outfits and will assume you will as well.

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On 2018-08-24 09:17:27Show this Author Only

If 1 Month = 4k cps roughly.

Save 20k and wait for Fukuromaru deal.

You basically get many power boost and 2 ninjas, if they still put ninja on cat's deal like previous one.

Keep doing your daily and claim whatever free. You can still spend a little bit of cps then and there for power-ups but 20k is the goal.

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On 2018-08-24 09:30:10Show this Author Only

get iruka first then spend rest of your savings on lucky board which is probably the best event for power when it comes to coupons. trust me

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On 2018-08-24 10:31:05Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-08-24 08:41:55
  • Since Clothes are generally never in events and most people spend coupons in events, people are going to talk about the Clothing Outfits and will assume you will as well.

This isn't the case when you're new to the game, chances are when you're first starting the first thing you notice as Clothes are going to be Common/Medium & Advanced Clothes, when someone says "Buy clothes" someone new can very easily be confused by this & mistaking buy these. Until they're renamed to something otherwise, I will continue to call outfits, outfits & C/M/A clothes, clothes.

That said, saving for outfits early isn't always the best option either as you can get a lot of power from power items early on, Lucky board is a great example of this(Though I don't think it's that great, but it's just an easy way to dump coupons without really having to think)- once you get around 60-70k power is when I'd stop focusing on Lucky Board/power items & spend on outfits.
Though picking up a decent ninja early is also really beneficial if you can be patient for it & is what I'd do if I was starting again but I have the luxury of knowing what is useful & what isn't.

This post was last edited by DigitalRelease on 2018-08-24 10:32:19.
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On 2018-08-25 01:03:23Show this Author Only

If you are new,do what i did.Go straight for power (things like charms material,cave keys,refines) and once you get close to,in power, as most people on your server (like top 50 at least),you can go for event ninjas such as minato,edo tensei deidara,shark fusion kisame,earth grudge kakuzu,edo tensei tobirama,hokage tsunade,swimsuit temari,angry kushina,angel konan and other expensive ninjas that we dont yet.Or,you could not go for event ninjas and * with treasure ninjas like madara,susano'o sasuke,danzo,darui,3rd raikage,hashirama,etc..You would be at a higher power than if you choose to go for ninjas.There's 1 person on my server who has high power (200k power) and a couple of event ninjas like shark kisame,edo hiruzen,both minato's,etc. but still rocks with the treasure ninjas like all day and does fine.Basically,going for power is the best option to spend your coupons on,and definitely focusing on initiative.

This post was last edited by IndraOtsutsuki( on 2018-08-25 01:04:35.
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