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Views: 50326 | Replies: 28
[ Player Guide ] Sun/Moon Scrolls


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-25 06:43:52Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys!

So many people have been asking on exactly where to get sun / moon scrolls and the strange stones etc so this thread will be about where and how much you can get of those currencies

Hopefully you guys find this helpful !

Sun Scrolls:


Sage World Battlefield - Streaks = 100 to 2000 (based on the amount of points, let's say if you are in top 3 it will most likely be 800-1100)

Sage World Battlefield - Winning Side = 200 sun scrolls

9-Tails - Rank 1 = 750, Rank 2 = 600, Rank 3 = 450 , Rank 4-20 = 350, Rank 21 - ? = 250, Killer = 300 extra

Rescue the Jinchuriki = 400 sun scrolls

Cat Quiz - 20-40 points = 200 sun scrolls, 50-170 points = 300 sun scrolls, 180-200 points = 400 sun scrolls

Matsuri = Up to 1100 sun scrolls

Decisive Bonds = minimum 30-50 sun scroll per pack depending on rank

Cap should normally be 5800 = easy to reach if you are active in timed events

Moon Scrolls:


Team Instance = 900-1100 per 1 run (random drop, you can sometime get tools)

Strong Approaching - Normal Difficulty = 1800 per 1 run, Expert Difficulty = 2600-3000 per 1 run

Ninja Test - 6-9 right answer = 800-1200 , 10 right answers = 1200-1800

Arena - Mission = 400 per 1 , First Win = 400 per ninja

Decisive Bonds - 600 moon scrolls per kill treasure (600x4 = 2400 max) (That is six paths rank, each rank less gets 25 less moon scrolls) and random chance to get more in the victory treasure (six paths rank = green treasure 600 moon scroll, blue treasure 1200 moon scroll, red treasure 1800 moon scroll)

Daily Practice - 60 activity points pack = 100k exp + 350 moon scrolls

Ranked Battle = 300-560 (depends on ranking)

Space Time = 300-560 (depends on ranking)

Cap increases daily by 4k, should be around 68k on Sundays usually = not easy to reach, gotta be very active

Strange Stones:

You get them when you can't get anymore sun or moon scrolls for the day (when you reached the max/cap)

Conversion rates for strange stones:

100 moon coins = 1 strange stone

25 sun coins = 1 strange stone

Stats gain:



From capping Sun scroll for the day you get +150 life, +75 attack, +75 ninjutsu

From capping Moon scroll for the day you get +50 defense, +50 resistance

Those stats usually remain for 7 days, so by capping the currencies each week they will basically become permanent stats

This post was last edited by ICExx on 2018-08-25 06:43:52.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-18 19:13:31Show All Posts
  • Zathroth On 2018-08-17 21:51:22
  • Do i need to physically have that 80k moon currency to reach cap in order to get bonus stats or I can spend it freely as long as I reach total required ammount throughout the week?

You can spend it freely , the amount you have currently in your backpack doesn't matter, the amount that's written in your daily practice matters

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-18 19:14:19Show All Posts
  • sahiku On 2018-08-18 16:38:26
  • i didn't got from ninja test any scrolls and the 9 tails gave me only 25 sun !!!

I did ninja test and it gave me 1000 points for 8 correct answers and 1500 points for 10 correct answers , it's a bit luck based but I believe it should always give moon coins

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On 2018-08-18 19:14:38Show All Posts
  • Sammyjay On 2018-08-18 08:34:44
  • Kyuubi amounts are currently bug, giving amount of coins equal to old coupon amounts.

Yap it's been reported

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-19 16:53:31Show All Posts

As the person above me said , you won't lose them if you don't spend

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-20 17:27:00Show All Posts
  • Maxx "C" On 2018-08-20 04:12:03
  • Arena - Mission = 400 per 1 , First Win = 400 per ninja

    Not working. I didnt get moon coins for 5kage madara & summer Hinata first wins.

    EDIT: NVM, it works, but gives 200.

You sure ? I am pretty sure it gave me 400 when I did some first wins

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-25 06:40:49Show All Posts
  • Luminai On 2018-08-24 06:36:48
  • It only gives 200. I was spamming it today to get some extra keys for the cave key rebate. It shows that you get 400 when you are in the Arena menu, but when you go to Grocery and look, you only get 200.

    Also, for Sun Scrolls, it shows in game that we can get them from Shinobi Conquest and Rogue Ninja Outburst. What are those? They can't be Matsuri, Sage, 9 tails or Rescue - since those are also listed as places to get Sun Scrolls. Are they events that we never got? Future events?

Yeah those events aren't in-game yet, maybe sometime in future

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-25 06:41:08Show All Posts
  • AnraiHamaya On 2018-08-24 21:42:09
  • Decisive bonds is 600 moon scrolls only if you are six path rank, a bit less if you are lower (25 less per rank).

Yes that is correct !

I should edit my post

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-09-12 01:31:07Show All Posts
  • Izuki Kudo On 2018-09-11 21:46:56
  • would it be wise if I save my earned sun scrolls on mail when I reach the 5800 limit then claim it when its monday, ICE*?

    let's say I reach the amount of sun scrolls which is 5800 on friday.. (skip saturday except bonds).. and in sunday there's SWB, ninetails, and rescue jinchuriki that gives sun scrolls (that automatically change to strange stones when claimed)

It kinda doesn't matter at all , but I do that also just for the sake of having a lot of sun coins on Monday :D

Or well it's a good idea if you can't do many events for that week then you will cap it out earlier/easier if you save mails

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