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Bug hunting contest - Version 5.0


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-20 20:54:34Show All PostsDescending Order
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With the new version 5.0 of Naruto Online coming up this Thursday, it's time for a contest!

Naruto Online is requesting everyone's help to find and defeat as many Bugs as possible. The new version has been tested thoroughly, but we are aware that Bugs are always waiting to show up when we less expect it!


1. The first 100 players to report us DIFFERENT Bugs will be the winners of this contest!


1.Mount Myoboku’s Gift*10

2.Experimental Protection Vial*3

Please report bugs by using following form:



Character Name:

Location of Bug: (where bug was met)

Bug Description: (what kind of bug was it? How did you trigger it?)

Bug Print Screen (most important):


Naruto Online Operation Team

HOT FIX - 16.08.2018

1. Lee Breakthrough display fixed

2. New Clothing attributes fixed: gives Attack +165, Ninjutsu +165

3. Five Natures Chakra System fixed, temporarily removed from the game until official release

4. Tactics fixed, once again open at level 60 and not 53. Should not give system error messages anymore

5. Fragments Refinement Entrance has been fixed, it is back. Don't worry.

6. Tsunade NPC fixed, temporarily removed from the game until official release

HOT FIX - 17.08.2018

1. Tactics but.ton fixed, players can access this feature from Ninja tab once again

2. Magatama lv.2 Pack text fixed, it no longer shows Red text

HOT FIX - 20.08.2018

1. Nine-tails Invasion now gives proper amount of Sun Scrolls.

This post was last edited by Daiske on 2018-08-20 20:54:34.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 164
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On 2018-08-16 21:32:19Show All Posts

Hello everyone. Thanks to you we were able to hot fix few bugs. Please keep your reports coming. Next batch of fixes should come tomorrow as well.

HOT FIX - 16.08.2018

1. Lee Breakthrough display fixed

2. New Clothing attributes fixed: gives Attack +165, Ninjutsu +165

3. Five Natures Chakra System fixed, temporarily removed from the game until official release

4. Tactics fixed, once again open at level 60 and not 53. Should not give system error messages anymore

5. Fragments Refinement Entrance has been fixed, it is back. Don't worry.

6. Tsunade NPC fixed temporarily removed from the game until official release

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 164
  • Posts: 3533
On 2018-08-27 02:24:16Show All Posts

Hello everyone.

I would like to thank everyone once again for reporting all of the issues to us. We will be starting investigation and reviewing all of your reports in next few days/weeks.

There was a lot of re-posted reports, some things that are not bugs and some bugs that are fixed already. As for reward distribution. It can take up to 3 weeks to deliver rewards to your accounts. Please be patient. If you met requirements, we will make sure to deliver your well earned rewards to your accounts.

Quicky Post

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