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[ Events ] Event cycle - August 16th


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  • Registered: 2017-09-28
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On 2018-08-17 11:27:08Show All Posts
  • Broken Screen On 2018-08-16 08:56:07
  • LOL! True.

    Not going to lie, the louder they cried, my satisfaction bar raised.

    I have many friends who are true f2p, and they never complained once.

    Cos they know how to enjoy the game and where to stand.

And this is why I called you out on your BS behavior towards the people that are critical of this game (and Oasis' handling of it). Your comment is just asinine and comes off like a *. Its hilarious and sad at the same time when you tried to claim that you aren't like that. Your parents have access to the biggest joke.....and its you.

This post was last edited by Mad_King on 2018-08-17 11:27:38.
  • Registered: 2017-09-28
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On 2018-08-18 14:21:10Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-08-18 10:02:03
  • There's a difference between f2ps who want to work and try to learn the game and f2ps who expect a free ride and he's making fun of those who wants a free ride. I'm glad the coin system is implemented because you get rewarded based on how active you are.

    The original post that started this was this phrase: "Pls Free Madara (I don't have high hopes but pls be helpful to f2p)" Whether or not the OP was joking, there are actual people that think like this.

And you have to remember this one thing: There are many underage kids that play this game. It's only natural for them to have unrealistic expectations like that. There are probably many more kids that play this than adults.....and the "spenders" are most likely the adults with jobs (and without a wife/kids, lol).

Regardless of that, there is no excuse for the attitude. Yes, people will always gripe, and expectations will always be high, but dismissing ALL f2p concerns and lumping them all together as well as having a pis poor attitude like Polaroid. He even gloats about it (then tries to claim that he doesn't). That is just toxic behavior and there is no place for it in a community.

This post was last edited by Mad_King on 2018-08-18 14:23:43.
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