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[ Suggestions ] matsuri matching system modification


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-11 02:47:26Show All PostsDescending Order
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At this point, after the n-esim time where the 180k-210k meet me but i don't meet the 120k-150k even if their number is 10 times higher than the 180-210k i have to take for granted the system is deliberately rigged in favor of top32 spacetime people and that the simple fact of being in the 150-160k range means you are simply a cute punching ball for them and you have no ways to enjoy this feature (the situation for me is actually WORSE than when i was 100 or even 70k).

Can i ask that for those people the minimum required waiting time for getting matched with a random player in matsuri gets increased to 5 minutes or that if you meet 3 people with 30k+ power than you then the system simply removes you from the available targets for them so that at least you can hope to get 1 fair match?

Honestly speaking it's ok that i meet whales since my power is high, but is not ok that i meet ONLY THEM when their number is that low and the number of fair or good matches for me is, on paper, 20/30 times higher.

My endurance about this feature is reaching the limit.

I want to be able to enjoy it too since i'm paying too.

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-08-11 02:47:26.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-14 04:21:25Show All Posts

just wanted to say that happened again even if i changed the moment of the day in which i did them.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-14 22:11:30Show All Posts
  • Kaz S590 On 2018-08-14 05:35:15
  • maybe that will change when 5.0 comes... This system is indeed unfair at times... Sometimes i search, it doesn't even pass 20 seconds and it puts me vs someone with 90k while i'm 150k but i'm not sure if it's because stronger folks aren't searching at that time so i can't tell why this happens... What i'm thinking is that it's somehow connected to what level you are, only explanation i can come up with xD

the problem, on my side at least, is the fact that what's happening to me makes no sense.

i'll try to explain by beginning with the matters of fact.

fact 1: i am 157k power, level 100 right now.

fact 2: The number of people in my bracket with higher power than me is around 60.

fact 3: the number of people with higher than 180k power against whom i have no chance to win regardless what i do is around 30. I can and usually beat the other 30 higher power than me that are not 180k+.

fact 4: The number of people between 120k and 157k power is over 150.

Those are the numbers.

What happens to me every single time i take part in this feature (and doesn't matter the moment of the day i do it, that is 19:00, 19:30, 20:00, 20:30 or 21:00 is the same) is that regardless the fact i lost or won my previous battle, with an 80% chance i meet somebody with higher power than me.

While this makes sense when i win (and what's fun is that i actually get better matches when i win...), this doesn't make sense at all when i lose, given the numbers i said before.

I want to understand how is that i lose a match and i get matched with a 180-200k power when, at the same time, 3 of my group mates at 100-120k power get matched with 110-140ks. And what's fun is the fact that their match, usually, begins after mine so means i'm in queue since before them.

How is that always is me that is matched with the 200k? Why i do not match my group mate or the enemy of my group mate even if i'm in queue since before them but i get matched with the 180-200k that evidently wasn't in queue or didn't hit the 60th second until he matches me?

This post was last edited by Garv on 2018-08-14 22:19:56.
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