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[ Lineup ] Hanzo Strong Approaching full auto lineup


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-10 21:23:06Show All PostsDescending Order
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Hey guys !

A quick thread about a full auto lineup that worked for me in both solo and in group extreme difficulty, did it with other groupmates helping them do the 1 group SA on full auto with all 3 of us using the same team.

The team is pretty f2p friendly, I guess only Sage Naruto could be a less accessible ninja but if you are in older server you could have easily free pulled him long time ago.

Note: if you happen to have 10k+ initiative on pos2 you might want to keep it below 10k due to the fact that you don't want for pos2 to go before NPC pos1



So just wanted to share that with you guys, if you have some other FULL AUTO teams for this Hanzo SA feel free to comment and share them

This post was last edited by ICExx on 2018-08-10 21:23:06.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 822
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On 2018-08-11 03:10:06Show All Posts

Ah Chikamatsu haha :D

I see how it can work definitely

Quicky Post

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