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[ Events ] Event Cycle - 9th of August


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  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2018-08-10 18:34:48Show this Author Only
  • Broken Screen On 2018-08-10 08:10:44
  • @Mad_King

    You still don't see it that game is going to fast?

    If they slow it down. You would get FEATURE UPDATES. That's the point. But whatever you seemed to overlook it.

    No matter what people said you're not going to listen and THINK THROUGH anyway.

    That's ok. #Byefelicia.

Lets say their choices are not exactly the wisest possible and indeed they are fully centered on inducing people in spending directly and not in inducing people in spending indirectly by rising the level of competition f2p could reach by grinding and wisely behaving.

Look at this week.

What's the point of putting bells at 70 coupons each one in the baloon event when they are not even worth 10 coupons, overall considering they are giving away deluxe packs with 10 blues and 2 purples at 225/250 coupons? Is like if they made common threads unavailable or really expensive while giving out advanced threads for 3 coupons lol.

And about this week in general?

Unless they are a bunch of imbeciles they know f2p would enrage about such a week, so why not trying to prevent the riot by simply adding two welcomed skillbreaktroughs like lee or itachi ones? They know perfectly they are so behind on that side that makes no sense and they know perfectly they cannot hope to milk us with skill experiments if they do not add more of them in general, so why they didn't do it?

What better week than this one to add some new breaktroughs or some new experiments?

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2018-08-10 18:36:48.
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On 2018-08-10 23:18:06Show this Author Only
  • Aleksandrius On 2018-08-09 16:01:38
  • All right you say. Oasis does not care about the size of their profits. Most likely, a group of people was recruited to service game servers. Their task is not to think, but to do as the developers say. Logically, getting a salary for work they do not care about the needs of players.

Exept daiske..mods are just players with ltl of benefits from playing(and working on this forum and discord)...thou..they get a lot of rage from player base..i think thats kinda unfair..since game is controled by devs...and even their mesenger- daiske has not really a lot things will get done in future. Only problem i from what i heard....daiske is kinda loosing touch with game...maybe we just need another mesenger...someone who is still active in NO

  • Registered: 2018-08-10
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On 2018-08-11 02:49:52Show this Author Only

Just ask if there's any chance to get Shisui in Egg Breaking. Did anyone succeed?

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On 2018-08-11 10:14:58Show this Author Only
  • Broken Screen On 2018-08-10 08:10:44
  • @Mad_King

    You still don't see it that game is going to fast?

    If they slow it down. You would get FEATURE UPDATES. That's the point. But whatever you seemed to overlook it.

    No matter what people said you're not going to listen and THINK THROUGH anyway.

    That's ok. #Byefelicia.

U clearly dont understand dude. Our game is too late, its way too left behind.

  • Registered: 2017-09-28
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On 2018-08-11 11:49:04Show this Author Only
  • Broken Screen On 2018-08-10 08:10:44
  • @Mad_King

    You still don't see it that game is going to fast?

    If they slow it down. You would get FEATURE UPDATES. That's the point. But whatever you seemed to overlook it.

    No matter what people said you're not going to listen and THINK THROUGH anyway.

    That's ok. #Byefelicia.

My GOD man, how thick can one be? I shouldn't even bother at this clearly are having trouble staying on track. I'll try and simplify it for you:

When you consider the GAME FEATURES (shops, 3.0 content, 4.0 content, books, breakthroughs, etc, etc, etc) that are essentially MISSING, we are way way WAY behind.

ANYTHING that requires MONEY to advance play (such as Shisui got pushed MONTHS early, Deidara got pushed MONTHS early, Ability scrolls with no way to gain for free, Myoboku scroll/oils, bells, etc) we are far far FAR that kind of shows you where we are at.

People argue, (like you) that we need to slow down because speeding up will kill the won't. Just look at this week as a prime example. Absolutely nothing to do unless you are spending money on this game. Balloons, activity bag? Done with dailies. Sakura Event? One and done per day...but psst.....its a spendy event beneath the surface. Everything ELSE? SPEND PLAY SPEND PLAY SPEND PLAY .

No one is suggesting what you are impling when the F2Ps are asking for features: "We want to be China right here and now!!"

In case you can't see it now, this decision to keep fast releasing pay content while holding free feature content back is what's creating the gap between F2P and spenders. I already see people with Minato bond mystery now. Guess which class those players are? And you REALLY think that releasing all content that we SHOULD HAVE NOW will kill the game? Bro.....just stop....before you embarrass yourself....nvm too late.

I'm not saying bring 5.0 here and now....but how about finishing up 3.0 AND 4.0 now before bringing 5.0? Who do you think would benefit? Here is a hint.......everyone. one is saying release the "Kraken" all at once.....tiding up once a week to catch up would be sufficient. There really is no argument against it at this point. Aside from technical issues and local decisions, everything else is just a road trip to Excuse City.

This post was last edited by Mad_King on 2018-08-11 11:53:20.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2018-08-11 14:33:52Show this Author Only
  • Mad_King On 2018-08-11 11:49:04
  • My GOD man, how thick can one be? I shouldn't even bother at this clearly are having trouble staying on track. I'll try and simplify it for you:

    When you consider the GAME FEATURES (shops, 3.0 content, 4.0 content, books, breakthroughs, etc, etc, etc) that are essentially MISSING, we are way way WAY behind.

    ANYTHING that requires MONEY to advance play (such as Shisui got pushed MONTHS early, Deidara got pushed MONTHS early, Ability scrolls with no way to gain for free, Myoboku scroll/oils, bells, etc) we are far far FAR that kind of shows you where we are at.

    People argue, (like you) that we need to slow down because speeding up will kill the won't. Just look at this week as a prime example. Absolutely nothing to do unless you are spending money on this game. Balloons, activity bag? Done with dailies. Sakura Event? One and done per day...but psst.....its a spendy event beneath the surface. Everything ELSE? SPEND PLAY SPEND PLAY SPEND PLAY .

    No one is suggesting what you are impling when the F2Ps are asking for features: "We want to be China right here and now!!"

    In case you can't see it now, this decision to keep fast releasing pay content while holding free feature content back is what's creating the gap between F2P and spenders. I already see people with Minato bond mystery now. Guess which class those players are? And you REALLY think that releasing all content that we SHOULD HAVE NOW will kill the game? Bro.....just stop....before you embarrass yourself....nvm too late.

    I'm not saying bring 5.0 here and now....but how about finishing up 3.0 AND 4.0 now before bringing 5.0? Who do you think would benefit? Here is a hint.......everyone. one is saying release the "Kraken" all at once.....tiding up once a week to catch up would be sufficient. There really is no argument against it at this point. Aside from technical issues and local decisions, everything else is just a road trip to Excuse City.

Give that man a MEDAL!

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On 2018-08-11 17:34:13Show this Author Only

Can somebody tell me why the trial points in survival mode were suddenly changed from 180 points to 190? There wasn't even an announcement about it or anything.

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On 2018-08-11 19:54:55Show this Author Only
  • Regn On 2018-08-11 17:34:13
  • Can somebody tell me why the trial points in survival mode were suddenly changed from 180 points to 190? There wasn't even an announcement about it or anything.


Congrats on being level 100. It says in the rules the amount of trial points increases as your level increases (if you paid attention, its every 10 levels).

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On 2018-08-11 21:42:20Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-08-11 19:54:55
  • Capture

    Congrats on being level 100. It says in the rules the amount of trial points increases as your level increases (if you paid attention, its every 10 levels).

Oh, well now i feel *. Thanks ^^

  • Registered: 2017-11-23
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On 2018-08-15 21:31:59Show this Author Only

5.0 pogchamp

Quicky Post

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